-23.50, 11:30 pm Sep 13, 2019.
Ming Yu, 15. Xihan 11
Countdown: 7 years to go before turning 18. -Xihan
"Okay. That's enough." Zhang Xi Ze breathed out and quickly reached for the water bottle to soothe his throat. Rehearsing before the main event was always recommended to be done but straining one's vocals wasn't. The songs have been repeated enough, the band's harmony was good, spirits are good.
Uhh ...Ming Yu. There was still Ming Yu.
That kid. He really needs to stop. ( ̄ω ̄; )
Their rookie guitarist had been so eager lately. Too much that it started to worry him.
Unlike the other's who wished to go home straight afterwards, Ming Yu would stay late strumming the guitar and singing. Having enthusiasm was great but over doing was never good not only for him personally but also for the bad members.
So as the vocal and leader, he's been really curious these past few weeks.
Who is it? who is it? who is it?
Who was he composing a song too? Aye. (」°ロ°)」
This rookie suddenly barged their door open one day and asked him to teach his amateur ass how to play the guitar and sing out of the blue so of course he's been dying to know the reason why he was so driven about it.
Zhang Xi Ze opened the window and saw the same teenager standing outside, waiting for Ming Yu.
It's for you wasn't it? It really is right? (」°ロ°)」His inner monologue continues on~
When Zhang Xi Ze spotted the figure lurking outside for the first time, Ming Yu stepped in and assured him that it was no one shady and someone close to him.
Close. Like real close.
"He's my ... boyfriend." With his current age, how can he say husband?
"What?" Zhang Xi Ze rubbed his ears unable to believe what he just heard. "Aren't you too young for that? and outside, I'm pretty sure that it's a guy."
"It is a guy. Does it ... make you uncomfortable?" The leader was left stunned on his seat since he never met anyone so straightforward about their sexuality before, especially not from someone so young.
"Oh." He could only reply this way. The mind somewhere in space.
Sexuality or whatever, Zhang Xi Ze didn't mind as long as it didn't hinder their band practice. He even wanted to invite Xihan into the club room however Ming Yu only shook his head telling them that it was fine. If his boyfriend wished to come in then he will.
Today was stage night and they were warming up for it. There was roughly two hours left and it would be time to shine on the stage.
"Ming Yu, are you coming with us or staying?" Chris Han, the bassist didn't feel right leaving the slightly introverted member alone.
A question here. How did Ming Yu felt like when he met the past him yet isn't himself?
Weird. Awfully, weird that Ming Yu had no words for it. He used to wake up daily with the same face and now he's seeing it as he does in a mirror. A disobedient reflection that moves by itself. The first time he met him Ming Yu needed to be 5 centimeter away from Chris Han's face to convince himself that it wasn't his body anymore.
Chris Han reflexively slapped him from being too close and he woke up.
A reflection can't slap you. Period.
"Staying. I need ... more practice." The guitar was well supported by his legs and his fingertips were settled skillfully on the strings ready to strike a chord.
"The guitar won't be going anywhere. How about we walk outside and relax?" Wei Yan too was worried about the youngest and newcomer in the band.
It was irritating to watch how the rookie would neglect himself letting time pass by without a break. One time he found out that Ming Yu practiced for hours and only when he forced him out of the room did his stomach rumble making him realize that he was hungry all along.
Ming Yu needed supervision or he might just die from neglect.
"You guys go on. I'll stay." Zhang Xi Ze volunteered and after telling them to buy stuff for him did he dragged a chair to sit in front of Ming Yu.
The rest hesitantly left, nodding away now knowing that the youngest was left in good hands ... well probably. The leader had a few screw lose on his head too so they weren't sure.
"Nervous?" After a short pause, Ming Yu nodded in reply.
"The band performance or your solo?" This question, he didn't respond to it.
He started humming the lyrics of his song. Zhang Xi Ze listened in and was again reminded by how simple yet moving the song was. A simple earnest message that tells a person more about love and how much they meant to you. Romantically.
But the last few lines of the song was saddening that he himself cried after hearing it the first time.
"You ... t-that boyfriend of yours ... are you two okay?" Although the song hinted they weren't, it was better to ask.
"No." he didn't even hide it.
Ming Yu focused on practicing and when Zhang Xi Ze thought of how numb his fingers could already be, he snatch the guitar away sparing it from injury.
"I'll play. Just sing." Not interested in asking anymore, he'd rather focused on giving the pitiful fingers a break.
Satisfied after practice, soon it was their turn to perform on stage.
The first thing that Ming Yu did when they reached backstage was to look for Xihan within the crowd.
Too many. There were too many people gathering in the gym court that it was hard to find him.
"Ming Yu. It's our turn." Zhang Xi Ze gathered them around and they quickly took their places.
The crowd was bigger than he imagined.
Nervousness dawned on him and his eyes wandered everywhere searching but no luck. Wei Yan eyed each member and when the drums lightly struck, the music began to play with a playful melody and Zhang Xi Ze smilingly sang.
This is the most expensive solo concert in the world
I'm the singer and the audience is just you
Before the curtains are drawn
Just be careful of a few things
Change into the most comfortable clothes
Lay in your favorite spot
Careful that your battery doesn't drain
Always be on the call
Tell me any song you want to hear, everything
When you're hungry, get coffee, popcorn, anything
Don't give me too much pressure, just comfortably listen
Or else I'll be too nervous-?
Ming Yu missed a beat at this point but the experienced players quickly covered for him.
?- Even if I seem too serious, don't laugh
Anyone can see it's not a perfect song
I practiced this part a lot but I'm making mistakes cuz of you
Because I'm still so nervous-?
This line arched his lips as it as it amusingly spoke for himself.
?- A moving song only for you
A corner that will only make you laugh
I'm gonna make your heart flutter so much that you can't sleep
The time is now, tell me what song you want
Wanna hear it again?
Honestly, I want you
I don't know if your heart will flutter and not go to sleep
But this is the encore, shout out loud-?
Their song ended in cheers and they nodded their heads in thanks. The heated atmosphere crawled up to them and they smiled, happy. But the event wasn't limited to their band and other students who wished to perform and sing were welcome. The band dispersed and left the stage with one exception.
Ming Yu.
He stood alone in the limelight, observing crowd and frowned. He still couldn't find- ... oh.
The school gym court wasn't too big but has 2 floors. The only accessible seats were the seats on the main floor but for some reason Xihan was able sneak in and was sitting above the crowd below.
They gazed, fixated on each other. Xihan was sitting with his legs crossed and both hands folded together. Neither of the two smiled, their faces blank.
For Ming Yu it was because he had a message that he desperately wanted to tell him. So he could only nervously stare.
For Xihan, it was because he felt that his resolved was being threatened. His head was telling him to look away but his heart was thumping loudly, that he shouldn't. To prioritize Ming Yu's thoughts over his own selfishness to save whatever pride he had left.
The crowd exchanged quizzical looks when Ming Yu dragged a seat for himself then adjusted the microphone closer to his mouth before lightly strumming the guitar. Judging from the mellow and slow beat, he was likely to sing an acoustic ballad for his solo.
Often for solo performers the songs they would pick was a loud and upbeat song to attract the audience but the purpose of him singing wasn't to impress. It was for nothing but a song dedicated a person and that person alone.
He breathed out the nervous air in his system and gave Xihan a lasting look.
Listen well. He mimed with his lips.
Lightly, his fingers gently strummed the chords evoking the audience's attention, silencing their chatters.
With your lovely white hands
you used to tie my necktie
I'm vaguely reminded of that
Honey, do you remember those days?
On our eldest daughter's wedding day
we shed tears of mixed emotions
Now, they are all dried up
Honey, do you remember those tears?
The years flow like that
the more white hairs you have;
you said everyone else was leaving this world
and honey, I will just hold your hand tight.
The years flow like that and we have come this far;
Life flows like that
and we're at the sunset of our lives
How long will you go on that long journey?
-of no return ... all by yourself?
Leaving me all alone here ...
Honey, why aren't you saying anything?
Honey, take care; goodbye
Honey, take care; goodbye
Honey, let's be happy ... please.
The crowd ... they blankly stared at him. Lost in the simple yet meaningful song that the young 15 year old sang.
Why was it so ... so touching? Happy ... yet sad all the same that they were unknowingly dragged into tears.
By the end of the song, Ming Yu looked down to let his own tears freely fall into the ground but when he looked up, he couldn't see Xihan anymore.
The crowd finally cheered and woke up from their reverie however that was the least of his concern. He walked to the backstage and was welcomed with the member's tearful whimpers and a tight group hug.
"I need to go-"
"W-where are you going?! Let's go celebrate at-" Wei Yan pulled Chris Han's collar naturally dragging the noisy one away from Ming Yu.
"He should still be there, I didn't see him leave. Go." Zhang Xi Ze patted him in the back.
The next performers were now playing an upbeat song which was not in tune with the feelings in his heart. He searched for the way upstairs and when he did, he gripped the handle and twisted it open with searching eyes.
It was no wonder why he couldn't see Xihan earlier. The figure that seemed quite arrogant was now bent sharply forwards with his head dejectedly resting on his laced hands that was supported by his thigh.
No one spoke a word. It has always been like this recently ...
And it was the very reason why he needed to fix it.
Ming Yu hugged him, gently. Just making sure that Xihan knew ... that he was there.
Xihan trembled but didn't reach out to hug Ming Yu back. There was just too much, too many going on inside him in both at heart and mind. His silent sobs, drowned by the lively singing on stage.
Ming Yu knelt down, lovingly cupping his crying face and smiled. His husband's crying face wasn't as ugly as this from what he remembered. Not as expressive, a bit constrained but this ... this was good.
"Honey, let's be happy ... please? Xihan." He was willing to put down everything as long as Xihan could find peace. He knew that the more question he had, the more anxious his husband became.
He didn't want to spend the last years they have like this.
Ming Yu repeatedly wiped each tear although he knew that right now, they wouldn't stop. He didn't cry, there was nothing for him to cry for rather, he was smiling.
The one in too much pain wasn't him, but the one he's leaving behind.
"Let's do a lot in this life ... anything new. Let's try them all together? Mmn?" His words made Xihan's brows knit tighter and Ming Yu leaned to kiss it, hoping it'll do the trick and help him relax.
From his forehead to his cheek. The other cheek, the tip of Xihan's nose and finally ... his lips.
The kiss was chaste, innocent, salty and meaningful.
Xihan took this chance to hug Ming Yu's neck and draw him closer, repeating the act of love.
Their surroundings were grayed out and the two was in their own world. They broke away and Xihan rested his forehead on his letting the tears trail down and bridged it's way onto Ming Yu's skin.
Really, what a treasure he is. The man he loves so desperately.
Why was he so lucky? For what reasons did he deserve to have fallen for someone who loves him the same? Ah ... Ming Yu was probably that. The heavens took away a lot of things from him only to give back someone more precious than everyone and everything else.
He should've treasure him more.
Cared for him more.
Thought of him more than himself.
He was sorry. He was about to chant the same words when he realized that Ming Yu would wish to hear something else.
"L ...let's be happy." For sure it was these three.
They kissed, and kissed and kissed ... the ongoing performers finished their song that an old man's voice rang out sharing his ending speech to the crowd.
He finally got a taste after such a long time. Let him relish it.
"I thought no touching till i'm 18?"
"Today's special ... you needed it."
"Mmn." he pulled him close and dragged Ming Yu to sit on his thigh. He buried his face on the crook of Ming Yu's neck and hugged his waist tightly.
"I love you. You know that right?." Xihan wanted to make sure that nothing changed between them. He wasn't confident that he didn't f*cked up at some point.
"Don't do this again." Ming Yu shrugged.
"You're heavy." His legs were starting to feel numb. Ming Yu took the seat beside Xihan and leaned on his shoulder. When he looked down on Xihan's hand he noticed a a white cord making him frown. He painfully pinched Xihan's waist expressing his dislike.
"Did you even listen to me?" He pulled on the earphones and sighed.
"I only wore them because everyone else other than you was bad at singing."
"Even Xi Ze?"
"Especially him."
"Bully." Still, this made Ming Yu smile.
He raised a hand on his heart patting it gently. Xihan caught this hand and Ming Yu looked at him unable to resist the chuckle that came out of his mouth when he saw the swollen eyes that reminded him of his ugly crying face.
No more running away.
They've been married a couple of times, of they need to live up to their vows shouldn't they?
In times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity.
With this on Ming Yu's mind, he neared Xihan's lips and sealed it with a kiss.
Author-san..do you have new years extras? ThIs is already complete ..right? But who doesn't want extras ☺☺
hh autor admite que solo quieres secarnos a punta de lágrimas, demasiado dulce y triste y hermosos como es posible transmitir tanto ahhh , realmente siento que me derrito
Cuida tu salud. * te palmea la espalda *
[google translate]
I love them.
Thanks for the chapter!