In The Night (Chapter 2 Prelude)
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Last chapter was, hard to write, mainly because I believed I underestimated just how much dialogue was really in this game. Especially in it's opening hour or so. I know that's probably something to take into account, but I play games, and tend to read fast enough to where I press A before the character even finishes talking. So it's strange.

Which is why this chapter will be a bit different, it's much shorter, and a prelude. Just something not from the game, and a bit of him knowing what to do.

Akira was in his home, or at least, the home of Link. Ranch hand and swordsman in training, soon to be courier for an important gift to the royal family.  He wasn't tired at all. Chalk it up to most of this being simulated, and him being much too excited to sleep. Pain and tiredness could be simulated, but that was a bit, dangerous to do. At least without clear need. The last thing he needed was his brain becoming fried from conflicting messages. If he got cut, it made sense to hurt, but if he was wide awake and then suddenly felt tired. That may be more trouble than it's worth.

The night was blue, and bright with the moon overhead. What could he do? He stood up and looked around the home. It was well decorated, perhaps too much for his liking. He walked around, and headed into the cellar. He stumbled around for a bit, but eventually recovered 50 rupees from downstairs. His savings, a false memory tells him. It made sense, and grabbing it now was better than waiting to have a lantern to see it. 

He climbed back upstairs and after a few moments opened up his door and stepped outside. He jumped off the platform, rolling as he landed and hopping back up. He glanced to Epona, who was lightly asleep nearby, only stirring slightly as he made some noise. 

He walked off into town, where it was now silent besides the chirping of crickets. Not sure what he was doing, exploring mostly. Gathering money for tomorrow, and for later on. He knew what would come, but wasn't going to, and couldn't change the script. It was important he followed it, things could change, he could change, but the script could not. 

He grabbed money from the roof of a house and climbed the vines of a tree, after knocking down a beehive with a hawk. One he called using grass that echoed through the quiet town. No one came out or reacted to it though. With enough money that there was finally some weight to his pocket, he headed back home.

He walked past the tree house he had, and to the spring. He sat down by the sand, and closed his eyes. There was the rush of water, and of nature. As well as just himself, Akira, here in the world of Hyrule, as Link. Tommorow would bring some combat, and some excitement. He knew that. He knew what to do, it just required patience right now. Patience, and maybe sleep. 

Walking around town, climbing, and running, was quite tiring after awhile. Now that he slowed down he felt some tiredness, real tiredness on his body. Or at least it felt real just like everything else. He stood up, and left the spring, taking a drink of the fresh clean water first before heading home.

He laid down in a lumpy, but he supposed alright bed. Closing his eyes...and slowly rested, waiting for the morning to come.

Should I copy all dialogue, skip some, or keep it to a minimum?
  • Everything Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some things (world building or funny dialogue) Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Minimum (just stuff that is not skipped in game, so cutscene dialogue only) Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 2 · This poll was closed on Apr 28, 2021 11:11 PM.