Chapter 11: Turn of Events
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Out of nowhere, I start to perceive coldness, and I feel a chill breeze blew by my arms. Suddenly, I start to hear streaming water, like its right beside me. Its almost as if I'm laying down near a river, I start to feel calm and peaceful. Serenity start to fill my subconscious, I've found contentment, even its just temporary. Eventually, the stream of water began to rush and slowly gets louder and louder. The noise is a little bothering, but I didn't let it completely disrupt my tranquility.

Until the next minute, where I felt the water surged on me and drenched my body. I opened my eyes in an alarmed manner, waking me up from my tranquil dream. I looked around the basement and the situation agitated me. The water tank beside me started leaking, and the entire basement is flooded. The water level slowly rises, I immediately started clanking my handcuffs against the pipe as hard as I can to produce a louder sound. I kept moving my hand, even if the cuffs start to scrape my skin, but my hands are already submerged. The water minimized the noises I'm trying to make. There's nothing more I can do

("I guess this is the end for me, what a funny way.")

My clothes and pants are completely wet, I kept trying to lift my head up as long as I can, but the water level still increased. My body is completely submerged, I took a deep breath before laying my head down from fatigue. I didn't even bother to struggle, since it'll just waste my remaining oxygen. With the faint light from the hole in the vent, I kept myself from giving in. There has to be something I can do, I looked around again in case an object flowed towards me, but nothing came. I'm running out of air, my eyes are slowly closing. Just before I closed my eyes, I saw a light shine upon me.  "My time must be up, then", I said to myself as I eventually run out of air and pass out.



My eyes remained closed, but a strong light kept piercing my eyelids. I feel a burning sensation in my eyes, which kept me from opening them. Then, I heard a faint voice, slowly calling out to me.

*muffled* "Lo....el...L..or....uel...Wa....up.....ease..."

My eyes still burns, but I kept trying to open my eyes. Bright light blinded my eyes for a second, but I eventually opened my eyes completely. The place is much brighter than the basement, which made my eyes took a minute to adjust. I'm in a room, with bright daylight entering through the window. I tried moving my head to look around, I'm laying in a bed now, which is much more comfortable than the old couch. I saw my captor sitting down next to me, fixing something in the drawer beside the bed. She suddenly turned around and gasped in excitement, then immediately embraced me.

"Loruel! Oh my god, you're alive! I was worried earlier when you'd wake up. Well, I didn't doubt your survival, but you sure made me worried. You were unconscious for about an hour and a half now. I'm glad you're back to me."
"Hmm, so I'm not dead."
"Oh, no, no, no, my love. Such thing won't happen to you while in my care, I won't allow it."
"I see, I-"
"You see, my love, I'll always make sure you're alive and well. You're the very reason I made it this far in life, and I cannot go on without you. Like, if you die, I die as well."
"Oh, I see. I guess I should thank you for prolonging my life."
*blushing*  "Oh you, I'll do anything for you, remember? Anything." *touches face*

I stopped talking for a moment. I looked around me for a moment, and I noticed something different.

"Uh, why am I wearing different clothes?"
*turns red*  "Oh, I, uh, gave you a bath, since you were soaking wet earlier. I can't afford you catching a cold."
"I see.....WAIT WHAT?!"
"Don't worry, I made sure to clean you properly. I even used your soap and shampoo, which smells very pleasing." *blushing*
"But still, you could've woke me up earlier."
"Oh, I laid you down in the tub and waited for you to wake up. But you didn't, and your clothes are starting to dry. So I insisted on bathing you."
"While I'm still unconscious."
"Pretty much, yeah."
"..."  *stares*
"...Is there anything wrong?"
"..."  *stares seriously*
*turns red*  "O-of course I didn't take advantage of you or anything like that,  *whispers*  even though I wanted to."
"..."  *looks out the window*
*sighs*  "Very well, I'll leave you for now."

She stood up and walked out the door. I'm still trying to get over the facts on what happened.

("So, let's do a quick run down an all of these. First of all, I almost died from drowning. Almost, damn. I'm in a place between I'm happy I didn't die and I wished I just died. Second of all, she bathed me. SHE BATHED ME. She saw me, completely....")
("...Nah, no point in worrying or being anxious. BUT I ALMOST DIED, and somehow, that excited me a little bit. How did I even survive?")
("...How did I survive that....")
("Cause, when you run out of air underwater, you're supposed to get the water out of your lungs, right? Then, a CPR....")
("No, a CPR didn't happen. Cause if it did, I would've gained consciousness earlier. And she just laid me down the tub, she didn't even pump my chest or anything...")




("Wow, that's a pretty cool discovery about my body. I didn't know I'm capable of doing that.")


Its been an hour since she left. Its less quiet now, I can hear birds from the window and the gust of wind. I tried to raise my body a little to see more out the window, and the sight made me smile. Its an open field, with a view of a mountain; we must be by the countryside. Its so peaceful and quiet, and the view is amazing. I turned my attention around the room, I saw my wet suitcase by the door.

("That must be where she got these clothes. The other bags must've gotten completely wet. Good thing I bought a good quality suitcase.")

As I looked around the room again, the next sight turned my calm expression into a mildly grim one. I see my entire computer set up, and the sight of my broken case almost makes my blood boil. No one hurts my machine, nobody.