Letter 21 – 12/22/1977
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Dear Sam,

I’m not okay, honestly, but I don’t have the time to deal with it right now. Mike got ahold of his mom and she doesn’t want me to still be here when she gets in on the 26th. He says I shouldn’t go to leave til at least sun down on Sunday. Said that it would be safer, but I really think he doesn’t want either of us to be alone on Christmas morning. Can’t say I blame him, no one really wants to be alone during the holidays. I hope Mary likes the present I left her under the tree. She oughta with how much that damn thing cost. Nearly two hundred bucks for a fancy wood box. Wish I could see her play on it, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Mike’s been a great host. He cooks for both of us, at least twice a day. I tried cooking the day after I got here to try and be a good guest, but I damn near burnt down the house. Never knew sausage could cause flames that big. We both agreed that he should be the only one cooking after that. He’s good at it and he says he likes it and it's no trouble. I still feel like I’m leeching but I’m leaving soon anyway. Might as well enjoy home cooking while I can.

We’re gonna have to get my truck out of the woods we’ve hidden it in before I leave, but that shouldn’t have hurt it any. I hid it pretty deep in there, didn’t want anyone to find it and figure out I was staying with Mike. He gets enough shit from everyone without getting any aimed at me. We’ll probably do that after Christmas dinner. Hopefully, it’ll be easier to deal with the cold with a full stomach. I’m planning on heading into Covington when I leave. If I’m lucky all those Catholics will still be in a giving mood and I’ll be able to get to stay in a church for a little while. Might even be able to get a meal out of them too.

I don’t know when I’ll be able to get more letters to you or from you. Mike said that he’ll hold onto any he gets after I leave for me until I send him somewhere else to send them. Hopefully it won’t be too long, but I can’t be sure. Sam, I really can’t thank you enough for everything. I hope the small Christmas present I’m sending with this one is a good start. I know you’re gonna try to send it back, but don’t bother. I won’t get it to spend it. Enjoy the hundred bucks. Buy something nice for yourself. Tell Sarah I said merry Christmas the next time you see her for me please.

Merry Christmas,
