the system is fake, Hunting is dangerous Part 2
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Colony Creation


Welcome to The Ant Creation Menu Master (ᵔᴥᵔ)This Are The List Of Ant You Can Create.

Worker ant

Description: Worker ant Carry Food For You And Is also available to fight other insects



Physical & Magical Strength:5

Physical & Magical Defense:6

Core:Not Manifested

Needed Colony Points:5

Available To Edit Status of Ant.

Soldier ant

Description:Soldier Ant that will hunt food and always stick together with worker ants and is also available to carry food for the colony



Physical & Magical Strength:15

Physical & Magical Defense:20

Core:Not Manifested

Needed Colony Points:15

Available To Edit Status Of Ant.

King Soldier Ant

Description:Always Stay Together With The King And Will Defend Only the King(You cannot order them to attack)



Physical & Magical Strength:50

Physical & Magical Defense:80

Core:Manifested(50MP Capacity)

Needed colony points:50

Available To Edit Status Of Ant.


konoe:what is colony points? 

system: colony point master are what is needed to create ants and chamber for the colony in colony structure building menu(ᵔᴥᵔ)

konoe: then how many colony points do i have now?

System checking and confirming please Wait Master (。◕‿‿◕。)tin tin tin.. System Has Confirmed That Master Has 100 Colony Point(CP) That Was Given By Typhon..

konoe thinking on what ant to create and sunddenly think of an idea, system can you show me the menu to edit soldier ant..

A window pop up and showing the things that konoe can edit.

Name:Soldier Ant


Core:Not Manifested



Physical & Magical Strength:15

Physical & Magical Defense:20


-mandible bite lvl2


one of the most common skill of soldier ants


1.5 Damage Increase When Biting

Master Currently this is the Status of the soldier ant, do you wish to to proceed in editing Master(ᵔᴥᵔ)

Yes Said Konoe

Suddenly A Window Pop up

Soldier ant 1/5

Please Pick an affinity for the soldier ant and if you don't want to you can skip it

Affinity Available 

Fire-10Colony Point Increased 

Water-10 Colony Point Increased

Wind-10Colony Point Increased

Earth-10Colony Point Increased

Dark-10Colony Point Increased

Currently Soldier Ant Doesn't have a core so will you manifested it or not?

Core manifestation-30Colony Points

           Master Please Pick


Hmmm i don't need to Add affinity to The Soldier ant because they don't have their core yet, so ill chose  to skip said konoe

ok master then we will proceed to the next page of editing (•◡•) 

Soldier Ant 2/5

HP:70 +

MP:0+ (unupgradable)

Physical & Magical Strength:15 +

Physical & Magical Defense:20 +

Master 1 Colony Point is 2+ To HP And MP, while Physical And Magical Strength and defense Is 1+ per 2 colony point and master if you increase the ant HP,MP And Magical and physical strength and defense the needed colony point to create the ant won't increase (ᵔᴥᵔ)so as long you pick something that say no increased in colony point like affinity page before then you don't need to spend more Colony Point(CP) To Create the ant.

ok thanks for the explanation System said konoe

Your Welcome Master Ill do anything to help you (ᵔᴥᵔ)

ok then i have 100 colony point(CP)

Soo i guess ill spend 20 On the status of the soldier ant, system i would like to add 10 on HP and 6 On Strength And 4 on Defense said konoe

Ok Then Master Please Wait Ill add the Colony Point(CP) On The status.

                  5second later

Done Master Here Are the Current Status of the soldier ant (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Soldier Ant 2/5



Physical & Magical Strength:18

Physical & Magical Defense:22

i have 80Colony Point(CP) Left, Ok Then System i think am done editing the status next page Please Said Konoe 

Ok Master (ᵔᴥᵔ)Said System while Putting the window with a happy face. Here Is The Third(3) Page of the editing phase master.

Soldier ant 3/5


Current Skills

mandible bite lvl2


one of the most common skill of soldier ants


1.5 Damage Increase When Biting

That is the current skill master (•◡•) Will You Buy A Skill At The Colony Skill Shop Master?

Ok Then, Please Show me the available skill to add on the soldier ant Said Konoe

Ok Then Master (ᵔᴥᵔ) (3Second Later) Here Are  the Current Available Skills to add master

Soldier Ant 3/5


Mandible Pierce


Able To Pierce Tough Skin


O.5 Damage Increase When Bite Was Able to Go deep tough skin

Needed Colony Points(CP):30



Grow/Add A Stinger On Their abdomen


1.0 Damage Increase if sting the pray

Needed Colony Points(CP):20

Reminder To The Player: Please Pick an affinity for the ant for more skills to show up

hmmm if i pick all of available skills i would spend a total of 50Colony Points(CP) Which will leave me with 30 Left if i buy it said konoe

then konoe ask the system what is the next page of the editing phase

master i cannot say that to you sorry (。•́︿•̀。)

Ok i guess i must explore and experience the system then said konoe and to be honest konoe didn't want to spend more and more colony points because even if his done editing it would leave him with little CP And plus he doesn't know what and how much will he spend more on the fourth(4) Page of the editing Phase.

konoe sighed and said i will Add Mandible Pierce And Stinger To The Skills On the soldier Ant.

Adding Skills to the skill menu of the soldier skill Please Wait Master (ᵔᴥᵔ)... tut tut.. modifying Soldier Ant Because of the skill Stinger.

Modifying Complete..

Here Are The Skill That the Soldier Ant Have Now Master(ᵔᴥᵔ)


mandible bite lvl2


one of the most common skill of soldier ants


1.5 Damage Increase When Biting

Mandible Pierce lvl1


Able To Pierce Tough Skin


O.5 Damage Increase When Bite Was Able to Go deep tough skin

Stinger lvl1


Grow/Add A Stinger On Their abdomen


1.0 Damage Increase if sting the pray

ok then next page System Said Konoe


ok master (ᵔᴥᵔ)here is the fourth(4) Page of the edition phase Master.

tut tut fourth(4) page of the editing is not available because certain condition are not meet immediately turning to fifth(5) page... tuttt fifth(5) is not available do to certain condition are not meet..

huh ( ・◇・)?.. ummm Master i don't know what happening    「(゚ペ) but i think editing is complete 

konoe totally blank because he also didn't know what happened but he know for certain that he need to do something to meet the certain conditions to unlock the editing phase and also happy because he doesn't need to spend more Colony Points(CP). Ok Then System show me the Menu of colony creation.

Master here is the list of ants in the colony creation

Worker ant

Description: Worker ant Carry Food For You And Is also available to fight other insects



Physical & Magical Strength:7

Physical & Magical Defense:6

Core:Not Manifested

Needed Colony Points:5

Available To Edit Status of Ant.

Soldier ant

Description:Soldier Ant with Sharp And Hurtful Mandibles, just one look and you already know its gonna hurt with their extra weapon their stinger maximize the damage they can done.



Physical & Magical Strength:18

Physical & Magical Defense:22

Core:Not Manifested

Needed Colony Points:15

Available To Edit Status Of Ant.

King Soldier Ant

Description:Always Stay Together With The King And Will Defend Only the King(You cannot order them to attack)



Physical & Magical Strength:50

Physical & Magical Defense:80

Core:Manifested(50MP Capacity)

Needed colony points:50

Available To Edit Status Of Ant.

Current Colony Points(CP):30

Master it seem like you can only Make 2 Soldier Ants (。•́︿•̀。)hope you don't feel discouraged master

Konoe didn't think of anything not because the system was cheering him up but because he totally didn't use his brain when editing like he just spend The CP He had like a totally rich kid

konoe sighed and said Yeah don't worry system just create me 2 soldier ants, konoe saying this with a smile toward the system Screen.

Ok Master (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Creater 2 Soldier Ant as Player Command..

konoe suddenly feels like his mind was exploding and because of too much pain he fainted.


    after 10minute konoe wake up


Sorry Master (。•́︿•̀。) i didn't mean this to happen.

konoe didn't know why the system is apologizing to him so he ask and said why are you apologizing and why did i fainted?

(⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚ummm master because your Skill  pheromones Wavelength which automatically connect your brain to the other ants so that you can command them but your mind can't take it that much so it resulted feeling like your mind was about to explode and made you faint..... but don't worry master (ᵔᴥᵔ) i have modified your Ant brain And made a Screen With Orders, Please Say Command Menu.

Just like the system said to konoe he say Open Command Menu.

Command Menu


-Hunt food

-carry food to king

-Stick around the king

Soldier Ants


that is the  current Commands/Order you can do right now master (ᵔᴥᵔ), you can unlock more commands when you start to make your colony.

Suddenly A Window Pop Up Warning Warning Player Hunger Reach 80

Konoe Totally Didn't feel the hunger his human size ant body was having because his mind was completely focus on what orders to give because with the command menu he can totally ditch hunting and just wait for the soldier ant to bring him his food but reality strike him with the system quest suddenly coming out

Emergency Quest

Your Hungry

-hunt for food before you starve to death


konoe was strike with reality because it say hunt for food meaning he gotta hunt literally means him and not making other do his work.

konoe sighed and think of any other alternative he then suddenly came up with an idea...

system order the 2 soldier ant to hunt for food 

ok Master \ (•◡•) /, the system excited because they are finally going to hunt.

while looking for prey to be their food, konoe idea was to follow the soldier ant let them fight the monster and get the last kill so it can technically count as his own hunted food.

after finally searching for food they found a small lion cub 

a little kitten with white colored fur and you can technically guess by the color that this lion cub was a light elemental cub but to be sure konoe use the system skill "system inspect"

Inspection 0% 



Inspection Done

Lion Cub




Physical & Magical Strength:20

Physical & Magical Defense:25

huh that some huge status difference said konoe

master in my inspection i think we have 60% of winning and by the look of it the cub has MP which mean it has some skills that requires MP to activate Said the System.

Ok then Konoe feeling like he could win because its 3 vs 1, System Order Soldier ant to launch attack on the cub.

Ok Master Order 2 soldier Ant launch attack on the light lion cub.

The 2 Soldier Ant charge And jump At the Little Cub Which seem to  5month old.

the lion cub was catch off guard and feel the pain from the 2 soldier ant with their Mandible being so sharp because of the skill mandible pierce and with also the skill mandible bite the total damage done by the 2 soldier ant was supposed to be 50 but even if the cub was caught off guard with its 25 defense decrease the overall damage of the 2 soldier ant mandible strike making a total damage of 25, making the cub HP To 55.

now that the cub was standing and the soldier ants releasing their mandible and jumping back to where konoe their king is standing.

the cub prepare to attack with its claws and knowing that ants are little insects but caught off guard again because of a ant that literally has a body of a goblin but small... (btw no humans in this continent that why its called the Monster of continent afterall)... 

konoe attacks with his sharp antennae which was suppose to be used in communicating with other ants like in earth but in this world its still the same like earth but because his a king his antennae are weapons that he can use to fight. anyways konoe attack the cub with his antennae resulting in a damage of 35.

the cub yelping and groans because his in total bad shape with skin that are cut off by the soldier ants and blood coming out of the area where konoe antennae attack at, 

the cub try to run away because he doesn't want to die but knowing he can't run in his state the cub howls calling for help, calling for his/her parents but to no avail no responding howl came out.

konoe feeling sad and guilt because he was going to kill the little cub and was starting to hesitate but then the emergency quest came out once again

Emergency Quest

Your Hungry

-hunt for food  or else you will literally die of starvation reward:System points10

konoe seeing this already and knowing that he must kill the little poor cub but knowing how he was once playing this world but was a total game where he didn't need to care about Monster that will  used to level up his own monster avatar but seeing the cub laying down and licking his wound and still howling calling for his/her parents, he finally realized that all the Monster he killed were actually real.

the system seeing his master feel sad and guilt and said master don't feel sad(。•́︿•̀。) it is inevitable because in this world strength means everything, it is either kill or to be killed.

konoe seeing how the system is trying to cheer him up was move and finally realized that this world or earth is still the same as always nothing will change.

konoe finally decided to pull the finishing blow and deciding to kill the cub painlessly he ordered the 2 soldier ants to attack and he also prepare to attack to maximize the damage that can be done.

after the 2 soldier ant rush toward the cub and konoe charging with his sharp antennae the cub howl that feel like a loud scream if it was human but the howl suddenly stop after konoe release his antennae and ordered the soldier ant to stop to be in attack state.


Player Has reached level 2

Reward: 5Status Points

Emergency Quest Complete

Reward: 10System Points

Before konoe check his status to spend his 5 Status Points, He goes to the cub and take a bite and feels like throwing up because its totally raw meat

Hunger Decrease To 40

Takes another Bite

Hunger Decrease to 20

Takes another Bite

Hunger Decrease To 0

Player is No Longer feeling hungry 

After Making his hunger reach 0, konoe ask the system to order the soldier ants to carry the cub and you must already know that ants can carry things that are quite heavy..

after asking the system to order them konoe was about to say Open Status But suddenly A Huge Roar can be heard and shit it feel like deja vu.

konoe was starting to hope that this was not a lion but alas what he saw was a lion and looking at the little cub that was laying down literally dead with skin cut and a portion of the little cub meat was removed.

seeing this made the Lion angry and furious, the lion started to run towards the soldier ant that was carrying The little cub and lightning came out of its tail that seem to be directed at the soldier ants.

konoe seeing this made him panic because not only will he lose 2soldier ant but also the colony points he used to edit and create them.

konoe shouted at the system and said Order the ants to carry the food at this location, the location he was preparing where to build his colony at.

and this start konoe running like a rat and cursing which was on part 1. and instead of fighting the lion he didn't  he literally knows he can't kill the lion  and wanna know why he knew it was because of the system skill "System Inspect" and even with the soldier ants helping they still won't be able to kill it so yeah

Btw Here Are the status of the lion

Affinity:Light & Thunder



Physical & Magical Strength:200

Physical & Magical Defense:400