Hellbound [02] – Year 22 – The apprentice
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"In the beginning-" I start.

"God said let there be light," Rachael interrupts.

"No. Before I teach you, you should get an idea of the general beginning as magical beings know it,"

"You promised you would teach me magic when I became eighteen and then you made me wait another day, can't we get started?"

"This is important knowledge,"

"Can't you just give me the fast version so we can get started?"

"Fine... The realms are the heavens, the hells, and the mortal plains. Celestial beings are believed to have created them all and also crossed to our realm which is in the middle and even interbred leading to the creation of magic within us, the soul,"

"And that lets us use magic?"

"It gives you the ability to at least be able to grow our magic, you need enough magic in your soul to become a witch or whatever caster based title applies,"

"So let's start!"

"Take a knee,"


"Kneel down as I make you an apprentice," She goes onto a knee after a slight delay and I put my hands on her head, she uses way too many hair products ...

"This better not be some hazing," I block that out and focus.

"I, Alexandra Reid swear to take you as an apprentice as I stimulate your magic, I will teach you to grow your powers," I make her magic move and she shudders, the first time always feels strange.

"Ah, that's like jumping into a cold swimming pool,"

"Now repeat this line, 'I, Rachael Taylor swear my loyalty to Alexandra Reid the witch as her apprentice, to grow my magic in defense of this mortal realm',"

"I, Rachael Taylor swear my loyalty to Alexandra Reid the witch as her apprentice, to grow my magic in defense of this mortal realm," With that, I give her one last push of magic to force her soul slightly beyond the limits of her body, it only stretches a few millimeters but with that, it is done and I fall back landing on the floor breathing heavily.

"Wow, that felt- feels... I don't even know how to describe it..."

"That's your soul, your magic forming its first realm,"

"So I can do magic now?"

"You can develop it. You had enough I didn't have to grant you my own power however this is the first step,"

"Can we start now?"

"Give me a moment, just because I didn't give you my magic it doesn't mean it didn't take a lot out of me," She just seems to be looking over her hands in wonder feeling the fingertips with her thumbs.

"How long will it feel like this?"

"As long as you have your soul or life if you prefer the term... you get used to it," I finally feel the strength returning and stand up going to the fridge and pouring myself a glass of lemonade. I greedily drink and she is still in wonder at the feeling.

"Can I take an apprentice later?"

"Not till you are a full witch,"
"And how long will that take?"

"Around a decade, sometimes two,"

"You are kidding, right? You promised me magic!"

"Apprentices can still use magic, come over here," She closes the gap and I take her hand pouring another wave of magic towards her. She recoils seeing the effect.

"What did you do? My skin is all red and golden!"

"Red and gold? Anyway not important for now. I gave your magic a little push, that is an attunement spell, it shows what effects the realms have on you. Red for the hells, golden for heavens,"

"Can you let me use it on you?"

"NO!" I shout before calming down, I hurt her it seems, "Sorry, don't use it on others, it is very rude to see what other people are influences by but I am full red, only the hells have a claim on me,"

"That is why you are hellbound then?"

"Yes, can you copy the motion of magic to cast it yourself?"

"I don't know how to move this feeling,"

"It is magic and you need to focus on the flow as I do it okay?"

"Okay," She seems a little excited and I guide it through her again.

"It is going to be hard to go from feeling magic to using it. Try using words to focus your thoughts and the magic within you,"

"Which ones?"

"Any that feel comfortable and give it meaning. It is an attunement spell so maybe that,"

"Attunement!" She is almost shouting but nothing happens, the flow isn't there.

"Feel it again, I will do it longer okay?"

"I feel you are going to tell me that the first spell will take me years to cast and that you tricked me, or this is just a prank and I will never cast magic,"

"It generally takes hours to days or even maybe a week or two to cast your first spell but from there you will grow a lot faster,"

She groans, I guess she wasn't expecting it to be so much work, granted I never told her I started learning to use magic when I was five and it took me around thirteen years to finally be a full witch. Still, we are bonded as witch and apprentice now and I will make sure she can do what she must.


Even if she is a bit of a brat...