Awakened- Chapter 14: Defense of Price part 3: The Breeders
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Jason’s POV

“Do you see the main breeder in front of you?” I showed him that there is a gigantic version of the breeders they fought so far.


I had Jenny get me some vital intel on that breeder… I learned it is commanding the other breeders that we fought so far. Not only it can generate and respawn more of the dead, but it can also create more breeders. It also has 2 pairs of hearts and brains which the interior has been fortified.

“If it’s not stopped… It will surely bring death to the entire town of Price! It won’t stop there.” I turned to Jenny to fill in the rest of it.

“It will continue to move on to other settlements. But we need to discuss this at the base as in right now.” I saw Jenny returned to the barracks.

I am using booster to amplify the abilities of the others within the city, Brad can communicate with people using me as a conduit allowing him to keep with the events within and outside the city. I suggested we need to meet at city hall to discuss what to do at this point. Brad… I can’t-

“It’s okay, Jason. I can still keep with people inside my head.” He turned to me, I notice he is bleeding from the nose. He is overusing his abilities at this point.

“I guess boosting is causing a nosebleed.” I offer some tissue for his nose.

“Already took precautions should you stop boosting me at this point. I can still get my intel while i’m working. Now go!” I dashed toward City hall using my super speed.

An emergency meeting

“If I get this straight-” Burk speaks through the radio, I heard sounds of him gunning down a lot of zombies. “We need to take the main head honcho before it arrives at the city.”

“Also Burk, the dead are also at the city gates. We have lost 30% of our fighting men & women.” I stated the statistic while I was boosting Brad to maintain the communications. I’ve used my holographic ability to create an image of several of people dying, Sentients that fell before the horde, being mauled to death, torn apart by them or devoured by the breeder.

“God…” Jack is not taking this well. “A lot of our folks are getting killed by the horde. We won’t last long at this rate.”

“Sir, we should prepare a retreat.” I urged him to give the order to evacuate the folks within the city.

“No!” Jack jumped from the table and walked toward me. “I am not leaving my home to these monsters and even if we do, the dead are too many for us to fight off.”

“But…” Jack glares at me for a moment, it seem to me in a time of crisis, he is firm on this decision.

“Then I have a plan.” Changing the hologram to work out a strategy on how to stop the mega breeder. “Burk, Shandi, Jack & Brad. Brad! Can you hear me?”

“Uh, yeah, man I’m all right…” I notice the strain of handling so many minds is taking a toll on him. “Hey, don’t worry me, all right? What’s the plan?”

I discussed on how to stop the mega-breeder from arriving in the city.

The Plan

  • The mega breeder is on its way to the city, thankfully it is slow but we should not delay since the dead are near the gates of the city.
  • Going by land is out of the question since many of the dead will surround it and by air is extremely dangerous, but it is an only option that we must take.
  • A 4-unit Strikeforce must go in and destroy both the brains & hearts. A large group will attract unwanted attention and the lead breeder will not be defenseless even we get inside of it.
  • Then we need to connect it to a hive mind, which one brain must remain intact. This is crucial because if even take it down. The remaining dead will continue to destroy the town of Price, and even we’ll be no match for the endless dead that will run through the town.
  • Jenny has found an entry of point to the creature which part of its skull is exposed on upper left.
  • Once the hearts and the first brain is destroyed, I can link the second brain and change its frequency. Then I can prime it for its destruction, destroy all the dead in its range except for those are Sentients. Then we’ll need to find shelter to avoid getting caught in the blast.

“Even we get inside, Jason! No doubt it won’t be defenseless and not to mention…” I understood where Samantha’s concerns are at.

“I want you to stay here in Price. You will do more good than if you come with us into the breeder.” I reasoned she should stay here in the city.

“I’m going with you, Jason. You’ll need all the help you can get.” I shook my head.

“No, sista! You should solider here. Jason already found a way to end the threat, and you can do more good here than in there. I can take us there.” Shandi is volunteering.

“Shandi…” Jack is worried about losing Shandi again. He already saw her died and became infected. He doesn’t want to lose her again… he paused before he said anything else. “Bring back home safely, I’ll hold the fort here.” He picked up a rifle and began loading it.

“Jack, you can do a lot of good from here.” Brad speaks to us in our minds. “Morale will plummet if you go there and get yourself killed. Besides, we can hold the fort as well.”

I stood up and Assembled my team of Jenny, Jessica, Shandi and myself to infiltrate the mega-breeder and to stop it.

“This is your show, Shandi. What is your call?” I defer to her for leadership.

“Nah, this is your operation. Your strategy. I’ll provide the power…”

“I got electricity to zap them, too”

“And Jenny?”

“Do I have say again what I know what to do?” She pouts as I asked about her abilities.

“No, we are heading the mega breeder. Time to do some damage.” We made our way to the mega breeder. Shandi gravitates us from the ground to fly us to the breeder.

The Gigantic Spawner of the dead

As we flew over the gates of the city, I saw the dead… Mindless, hellbent on destroying the gates of the city. I don’t know how long they’ll hold the dead off, since ammunition is not unlimited and I know one guy who can make bullets using the iron in his blood. We need to end this quickly and fast; the thing is almost at the city.

“Shandi! We are almost there, we will encounter aerial enemies on our way here. Anything I need to know?”

“Yeah, keep them off of me, I can’t focus on keeping us afloat and fighting at the same time.” I nod, she is the only one that can carry us there, if she falls…

“Jason, if you can boost me. I can take out huge numbers of them.” I saw the dead flying us at high-speeds. Time to use the boost for a test.

Clapping my hands to together to enhance the powers of my fellow Sentients… Jessica drew her power from the clouds above, she fried dozen of them in front of us. Jenny wasted no time firing a green Lazer to thin the hordes in front of us. I keep my hands together so they stayed amplified until we get there.

“Here they come!” The dead are coming together into a size of a ball. I release my hands from my stance, I’ve made into 2 fingers pointing at Jessica. With a swift motion, I fired a powerful bolt of lightning at the ball of the dead… Fired twice for good measure for any I’ve that missed.

I’ve charged my energy using the tips of my fingers, I expect that would not be the last of the dead coming in the vicinity.

“They are more dead behind me! Jessica, can you charge up your thunder and fire at the enemy?” I asked while I paid attention to the reforming horde that moving toward us.

“Fire the energy at me!” She requested… I will grant it. I fired off a powerful bolt of energy toward Jessica.

Absorbing the energy I’ve given her, she condense it into a sphere of electrical energy. I said nothing as she charged up the energy… she letting the horde from the behind to gain speed. I follow Jessica’s lead and did the same.

“Guys, they are getting closer!” The horde is almost upon us, they are hellbent on stopping us from reaching the main breeder.

As soon as we collided with the horde, the dead grabbed us, forcing Shandi to repel them from us. However, with the surge of electrical that flows inside of our bodies. Me and Jessica quickly made our way to each other, we told the others to hold on to us.

We fired our most powerful laser, not only to repel… It is to boost us toward the mega breeder. Shandi use her gravitational force to make sure we enter through a hole in its skull. Upon landing down, I’ve narrowly had to redirect the lightning from the brain and we came to destroy.

“Team, split up! Jessica, you are with me. Jenny and Shandi, can you take out the hearts? We can’t destroy the breeder while they remain beating.”

“Yeah, you take care of her, you dig? Because i’ll wreck your punk ass, if anything happens to her or you.” Noted! We split up to take down the vital organs within this creature.


“So Jason… Why did you choose me to accompany you? You could have got Jenny or Shandi with you.” She wonders why I selected neither of them.

“I’ve selected you because the brain will generate bioelectricity, Selecting Jenny or Shandi will only put them in danger. I also know you can handle a vast amount of electricity.” I saw she is not sure of her abilities… I know she can manipulate electricity with little to no difficulty “Is it something I said?”

“The thing is, Jason. I’m not sure if you understand but yes, I can manipulate the flow of electricity but I cannot sense it or generate it on my own.”

“I can boost your abilities to help with that.” She puts her hand up.

“No, Jason. I’m fine, I can’t always rely on you all the time. They’ll be a point where we have to do things ourselves.” I nodded.

“Also, I had to redirect electricity from the brain of that thing.” I quipped, which it made Jessica smiled and joke on me being a conductor.

“How did you do it? You were firing off electricity using your fingertips. I saw you while we are fighting our way to the thing.” I motioned for her to continue.

“I had to test myself to learn how to do such a thing, Shandi noted that I may posses over one power set. But what is important, I need your help because I know you will be resistant to the bioelectricity here in the body.” I point to her on the brain ahead of us. “This is the first brain we need to deal with.” I transform my arm into a bio-blade, I’ve ‘learned,’ it from Samantha.

“So, you get to fight the brain while I absorb its energy.” I shook my head.

“No, I need you to conduct its energy from it. While I cut off it’s ‘stems’.” I gently put my hands on shoulders to emphasize her crucial role in this. “Plus, you are resistant to electricity. Jenny and Shandi cannot the handle the electricity while you…”

“Can do so. Right!” She runs off to electrocute the brain, I notice it absorb any electrical attacks that is thrown at it. When the brain fire up a beam of energy, Jessica stood her ground, absorbing the energy as the best she could.

I quickly ran to cut the stem while Jessica held the thing off, absorbing as much bio-energy as she can.

“Release it!” I urged her to release that energy, she cannot hold that energy for long periods of time.

“I got this!” She continue to absorb the energy from the beam that the brain threw at her until it ran out of juice… Of course!

She fired it back at the brain which without the brain stems to support it she was able to decimate it, making a hole in the body. With a thunderous roar from the breeder, upon realizing the damage from its body, we have little time before it’s notices…

“Soulless fucking corpses…” The dead are jumping off from the roof, one of them has a bone sticking out on its wrist. Then vanishes out of thin air… Closed my eyes to steady myself.

“The moment I lose my cool…” I sense the corpse trying to stab me from behind, I got behind it and stab it with my blade. “I lost the battle.” I took a bite from it… The blood is toxic, Good thing I chose not to continue further, it would have damaged my body.

“Jason! We took out the hearts! It’s look like it can sense our intent.” Jenny spoke to my mind.

“Then we must hurry and get control of the second brain! Every moment we waste will increase our likelihood of us getting killed.”

“That’s not all, I learned it is also speeding up.” What..? “My foresight is telling me, since we destroy its hearts and the first brain, it knows we are here to kill it and it is releasing a hormone to increase the empties aggression toward the city.”

“Jason!” Jessica is fighting off against a group of the dead who are swarming her. She needs my help.

Mad dash to gain control of the mega breeder

With no hesitation, I’ve grabbed Jessica and ran toward the second brain. The corpses will not make it easy to get there. Worse, the body is spawning tentacles from every corner to slow us down.

Jessica is sapping as many as she could but…

“Ah!” I felt a searing pain from my body… How..? The poison…! It’s …

“Jason…” I’m hearing voices… It must be from that monster with the bone spike… If it can’t bite me, it can poison its victims.

I can’t breathe... I can’t see… everything is blur… Yet… I need… Barely hear jessica speaking or yelling…

My legs… My arms… They are heavy… I can’t hardly concentrate….

“Sucka…” I hear a voice… “Hey!” I felt a punch to my face. Shandi… Ugh… “Hey! We need you now!” I quickly notice we are near the second brain… I feel too weak….

“Shandi…” I struggled to get up but…

“Solider! Don’t tell me you given up already?” I heard a voice… who are you? “What matters is that you finish the job! You came all of this way to do so. Have you given up already, Jason?! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHO YOU ARE?!”

“You…?!” I recognize that man’s voice, even though I cannot remember his name. But that saying is familiar to me somehow…

“Jason! GET THE FUCK UP AND LET’S FINISH THIS!” I suddenly roar with life, my undead body pulses with energy.

I force my way into the second brain, fighting through the dead who made their intent clear to stop me. One of them, a Pinner, stab me on my shoulder but yank the needle and jammed into its socket. My body… It is adapting to the toxins within my body… No time, I need to finish this.

As soon as I got near its stems, they moved to attack me, but with one swift movement I cut them off. I’ve touched the brain… I’ve connected it neural pathways to prime it, explode and destroy any that are not sentient within a huge radius.

“Do it!” Shandi is holding fast against a tie of the dead. “Already told Jessica and Jenny to get out of there! Now, HURRY!” I salute her before I detonated the brain.

Adios, you fucking corpses!