Evolution- Chapter 18: Someone is out there
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Jason’s POV

I couldn’t head to sleep just yet. I have been listening to Jenny since we came to Evanston. Her visions were warning us of the dangers if we stay here. I knew fully well staying here is risky and Jenny noticed people were looking at us strange lately.

Then i have been looking back every while, I would notice a black van following us, following us on each turn. I had considered alerting the others to the suspicious driver, however, knowing full well that they would not believe me even if I said it, I said nothing.

Also, knowing however is following us would have probably went and got their friends to hunt us down. Brad and Samantha are not aware of this and Brad did state he would go to a meeting…

I heard a loud bang throughout the whole place. Screams soon follow afterwards. My heart pounded faster when I heard those noises…

“Okay! Spread out!” I heard someone barking orders… I knew it! “Find those undead freaks! Shoot them in the head when you see one! Kill anyone that tries to help them!” God…

The next thing I knew, I’ve turned… Someone busted down the door as I reflected now on my current situation.

When the man moved throughout the room I’ve stayed in, he… he is not aware that I was there in front of him. He moved ahead and check for any traces of me. He must have assumed that I have escaped the place. I wrapped my arm around his throat, squeezing enough pressure just to put him to sleep. I’ve placed him on the bed I would sleep in. I can use him as a decoy.

I’ve cloaked myself as I quickly moved around, looking for Jenny. I saw a man flew out of the room as got near Jenny’s room. I saw Jenny used her large canine teeth to feast on one of her attackers. The man was screaming for his life as she bit into him.

“Jenny! What the hell are doing?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Now they are going to see a dead body!”

“And what did you do?” She avoids the subject.

“I had to knock him unconscious! YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL OR IN YOUR CASE, EAT HIM!”

“HE TRIED TO KILL ME FIRST, JASON-” I raised my hand to her. I don’t have time for us to argue.

“We need to get out of here, we’ll argue later!” As we turned toward the exit, we saw men being covered in gas mask and brown trench coats. They had a rifle pointed toward us.

“Undead freaks! Go back to your graves!” Damn…

Next thing I saw Samantha… She sliced a man clean in half as she entered. Then she spun around and flailing her blades, deflect the bullet back to the point of origins. For a meticulous woman who values being practical, she is leaving a pile of human corpses in her wake. Blood was flowing like water as she was killing the men with no mercy.

“Well?” it was the first thing she said once she was done.

“We need to get Brad! Jenny’s right we should have took heed of her warnings, long ago.” Jenny looked at me with surprise on her face. “I knew but we need to go now.” 

Samantha simply nods and pointed to her left. I draw out my Bioblade as well. These men apparently want us dead. Reasoning with these people is now out of the question but I suspect that is not the last of them…

Make a clean getaway

As we got down to the first floor, I saw… Corpses, people that who helped us get a place to stay, Sentients that stayed with them for a bit…

“Jason… You knew all along that they were someone who followed us, correct?” Now she asks, Samantha must not be letting details slip through her.

“No, but I have suspected that driver must cause it.” I moved forward.

“And you said nothing, Jason?” She will not let up on this.

“And what should i do, huh? Tell you a suspicious driver was following us?!” Samantha is clenching her teeth at me.

“Guys! Are you all right?!” Brad is speaking to us in our minds. “Argue later! We need to go now! I’ll explain more later!”

“You are lucky, Jason…” she bitterly muses before heading up ahead. Me and Jenny look at each other. We both knew more than what’s going on.

When we saw the van, I’ve teleported us to the van using my powers. We sat down and buckled our seat belts when I noticed, at the corner of my eyes, someone was watching me.

“Everyone ready?!” Brad is getting ready to drive. When I looked back, whoever who watching us was long gone. I had noticed a man wearing a black trench coat and a black bowler hat. He was just watching us.

As Brad hit the accelerator, we noticed 3-4 vehicles in pursuit of us. They are heavily armed and equipped to deal with any threats… which it is us! I remember what that man said to us before we left earlier…

“Oh guys, one more thing! The folks here in Evanston are armed to the teeth, and they had dealt with threats like the undead and anyone causing them trouble.” He was warning us now in advance. “Be careful, if you guys see a black van following ya. That is them.”

“Them who?” I was curious about what the man meant.

“Hunters that kill the dead. The dead like us. They will not bother reasoning with us, they seek to put us back in our graves the minute they see us.” Samantha knows how to state it bluntly.

“So, Brad? Why are they after us?” Jenny is looking back at them.

“Someone told them we would be coming.” Brad is trying to focus on the road.