Chapter 24 – Awakening
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Vanessa's POV

What?... Who?... Where am i? Last time I remember was i was dueling Rezan and... Oh right... I passed out. Did he catch me? I gotta thank him later. Now where am i?

You're in your mind. 

Huh? Who was that? I look around trying to find where that voice came from. I see a woman, her radiant skin seems to glow, her long golden hair puts my blonde hair to shame and that solemn face makes me think she's a goddess. 

You are correct, i am a goddess. 

You are? Then am i dead? Oh no.... I shouldn't have pushed that far... 

Don't worry, you're only in a coma and you'll soon wake up. 

Oh... Why am i talking to you? I don't think I've been very pious. Are you laughing? 

I suppose so. Let me introduce myself, i am Mia Vortigaunt. You may know my son the Seraphim or as he calls himself here, Rezan. 

Wait what!? Rezan is a Seraphim? One of those biblical angels? I don't think he has 6 wings or is a giant floating eyeball. 

My what vivid imagination, magic can do anything you know? His wings are hidden and the eye is closed. 

Magic? Magic is real? I mean photons do seem magical but it can be explained. 

Then explain why it suddenly appeared. 

I uhh.. That's one of the few things we haven't figured out yet... 

Don't worry i was just teasing you. Photons are indeed explainable by science, its just that it's often called mana. Oh dear we've gotten of track haven't we? Let's get back on track then. Please take care of my son will you? 

Uhh... Sure? I mean it's usually him taking care of me... 

Of course he has, he's his father's son after all... Just.. Take care of him okay? He's not as emotionally strong as he seems. 

Really? He seems so strong willed, so gallant. So far i haven't seen any cracks. 

So far... He's like his brothers, their minds aren't built to be alone. Even the strongest lions require kinship... Please, stay close to him. You're one of most compatible people to him. 

Compatible? I did feel in sync during our duel. And we've always had fun together. 

Yes that's what i mean, your mind and soul are sync with his. Think of it as the two of you being on the same resonance frequency. That girl Claire is too, though in her case i cheated a little. 

Wait what about Claire!? What do you mean cheated? 

Whoops! Seems like our time is up. Have fun alright! And please, stay with him. I'm not sure if he'll last any longer. Oh and keep this a secret 'kay! 

Wait i still have so many questions! 

The world suddenly appears around me and i wake up. I look around to see that I'm in the Academy infirmary. On the bedside table i see a vase with the most beautiful hibiscus I've ever seen and next to it is a small jewelry case. I open the case to see a pair of mismatched earrings, the ruby and sapphire gems strangely matched. Must be a gift from Rezan.. I think back to that dream... Did i really meet Rezan's mother? And she's a goddess? I have to sort my thoughts out first... One things for sure, I'll have to stay close to him. I close the jewelry box and press the nurse button, i glance at the clock to see it's 5 in the morning. Huh, probably no one here. 

Eventually though i stand corrected, my mother's maid, Francesca came in. 

-Princess! You're finally awake. We've been so worried about you, even your mother came to visit. 

-She did? What about Rezan? 

-Him... He did visit, he put his hand on your head as if he could check on your condition. Princess please let me order a hit on him. 

-Don't! No, just let him be, i owe him. 

-Very... Well princess... 

-Thank you, can you please get me a glass of water? 

-Of course. 

Francesca leaves the room leaving me alone yet again. Oh shoot! I forgot to ask her what happened to the tournament reward! I'll ask Rezan when i see i guess... I move to the edge of the bed and try to stand up, i wobble slightly but seems that my reflexes and instincts haven't dulled so that's good. I slowly walk to the window, making sure i don't fall and regain my sense of balance. I see the central courtyard and the rows of trees swaying in the wind. There's a grand oak tree staying in the middle of the courtyard. I think it was over a hundred years old, donated by my grandfather to the academy. Its old venerable branches sway quietly, its sturdy trunk standing firm regardless of the weather. It reminds of Rezan, the way he stood up to anyone who tried to drag him down. I've always had everything handed to me and I've met every expectation. But him, he clawed his way from rock bottom. Hmm... Maybe... Should i....? 

Before i could continue thinking Francesca came back and gave me a glass of water. I asked her about what I've missed and she told me that Rezan resolved the reward situation and gave it to mother, in exchange he got to move in to the most prestigious dorm on the academy, the top floor of the tower. After our chat Francesca told me to rest which i obliged, i lay back on the bed and rest my eyes. I may have been in a coma for a few days but I'm still tired as hell.