Side Chapter 6 – First Contact 2
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With the silver haired horned woman seated at the table and her escorts behind her the first contact meeting could officially begin. Reporters with cameras were staring intently at what the woman would say while the G20 were wondering if they should take the lead. The near deafening silence is broken the silver haired woman taking off her mask and gently placing it on the table, she then softly taps the microphone to check that its working before uttering the first words man has ever heard from an extraterrestrial lifeform as long as you don't count the Russian she spoke earlier. 

-Hello, on behalf of the Vortigaunt Empire i thank you for setting up this meeting on such short notice. 

Unsure of who should respond president Artold decided to take the lead. 

-N- No problem, this is after all a historic moment for us. First contact with an alien lifeform is nothing to shrug at.

-I suppose i should introduce myself, i am Klara Vortigaunt, I've been chosen to be the ambassador of the Empire to this world. 

The G20 then also introduced themselves by stating their name, position and nation. 

-I see, then shall i begin handing out the gifts? 


-Of course, what kind of guest would i be if i didn't have gifts for the hosts? Girls if you would please. 

The escorts then holster their weapons before taking out several tablets seemingly out of nowhere. They then walked towards the G20 table which cause some of them to flinch, the escorts began handing out these tablets to each world leader before returning to their original position behind Klara. 

-These tablets contain a brief history of the Empire, a few statistics on the empire, mainly its size and population and lastly a few technical packages that may be useful to your world. 

-Why are you giving use these? 

Asked the king of Saudi Arabia, he knows all too well that there's no such thing as a free meal. 

-So we can bring this world up to a more adequate level of technology. And to hopefully deter any notion of being hostile to us. 

The G20 paused, they wondered if the Empire thought they had a chance of losing so they handed out these tablets. But that didn't make sense, if they wanted to reduce their odds of losing a war why hand their possible enemy advance technology? Klara noticing their confusion and slight change in expression smiled innocently before speaking. 

-Don't get me wrong, the Empire can easily subjugate this entire planet in a weekend if it felt like it. We just prefer not to slaughter our future citizens. 

-"Future" citizens? 

Asked the president of China, he wondered if the Empire planned on removing the world's leaders to they can take control. 

-The Empire plans on bringing this planet into its fold, this galaxy is completely desolate except for this world. Earth will make an excellent galactic capital and her people can spread out among the stars to colonize other worlds and extract resources, and im fairly certain that you have a bit of an overpopulation issue. This will save the Empire the hassle of getting immigrants to here. 

Such a sudden and direct statement that the Empire planned on annexing Earth came as a shock to everyone in the room from the G20 to the news reporters who were recording the whole thing. The reporters gossiped amongst themselves while even the G20 were murmuring under their breaths about this rather sudden revelation. The president of Russia then spoke up. 

-If we may, can we ask a few questions? 

-Sure, I'll try my best to answer. 

-How many are you here on your ships? 

-In total? 45, unless you count the hundred thousand automated drones, robots, and mechs we currently have in storage. 

-I see. I assume if you plan on subjugating us you'll use your ships? 

-That depends on whether or not all of you turn against us, if so then we just crack this planet in half if you're stubborn enough. Of course this is our least preferred option. There's plenty of natural beauty in this world and it be a shame to see all of it destroyed. 

Then President Artold speaks. 

-How do you plan on integrating us into your Empire, I'm sure no nation is willing to give up sovereignty. 

-Usually we'd install a planetary governor but in this case you'll all have joint sovereignty, with each nation being regional entities with capitals here. What part of the galaxy each country controls depends entirely on what planets your people colonize first so i suggest not delaying on joining the Empire so you can quickly get to expanding. 

Murmurs spread among the G20 and they soon start asking questions from everything from how the Empire will over see each nation to how the Empire's legal framework will fit in each nations own laws. The president of the European Commission even asks about how trade will be conducted with the Empire. Soon enough the meeting comes to a close and Klara and her escorts are lead out of the meeting room and back to their shuttle. They board the shuttle and take off back to the large ship hovering over New York. 

In orbit of the Earth 

Klara and her escorts teleport from the ship that brought them to the UN building, the IVN Fortress to the main flagship of this fleet the IVN Pyxis. There her escorts take off their bio armor to reveal a pair of elves, one with light skin and long blonde hair and blue eyes and the other tanned with short silver hair and red eyes. They are Iana and Apple, with Iana an elf and Apple a dark elf. They meet up with Klara and discuss over hoe the meeting went, soon they reach a library and Iana and Apple part ways with Klara. She enters the library to see her husband the first prince reading another ancient tome. 

-Darling, I've finished the meeting with those earthlings. So far things have gone well. 

-Good job, i knew i could rely on you. 

-Apple and Iana helped, you should reward them later. 

-Of course, but first i should reward the star of show. 

The prince gets up and exchanges a deep passionate kiss with Klara.