Chapter 14: Parting
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After I entered my mansion, I remembered that I destroyed the armor of Alex. I should probably repair the one he had. Let’s see… Here it is. I destroyed the armor more than I thought… What can I do… Oh well, I will just make a complete new armor. I had already gathered materials long ago because of an experiment lucky me that I got more than I needed. I made the armor so that the size was similar to the old one. As compensation I also linked a spiritual object with it. After about 30 minutes I had finished his new armor. It was dark silver. With the spiritual object linked to it he should even survive attacks from spiritual things. Well at least a few…

<<Young lord, we will eat breakfast soon. The guests are already in the dining hall.>> (Severus)
<<Already!? Oh god I forgot the time!>> (K)
<<Do not worry my lord. We told the guest you were still a bit tired because you stayed awake so long this night.>> (Severus)
<<Thank you, Severus.>> (K)
<<No need, my lord. Anyways do you wish to eat now?>> (Severus)
<<Yes!>> (K)
We walked to the dining room. It was a big room with a big and long table in the middle. As I walked in, I took place on one of the ends. The adventurers that came yesterday were all already at the table.
<<Good morning everyone! I hope you slept well.>>(K)
His four teammates nodded to Alex and he stood up and started talking.
<<Yes, we did sleep well. We are sorry for the inconveniences. My name is Alex, I am the leader of this team and a B rank adventurer.>> (Alex)
While saying that he took out his bronze guild card. If I remember correctly S rank was golden, A rank was silver and B rank was bronze. If I remember correctly every rank had also a colour or a metal for the cards.
<<The rest of the party is re- I mean C rank. The dwarfs name is Teros, the Elf is Sina, the Beastgirl is Rio and this is Liana.>> (Alex)
It seems he wanted to say “red rank”. Adventurers normally call their ranks by the colour but if talking to nobles or high rank clients like rich merchants they have to use the official names.
<<So you are a C rank party? Proma said that it is hard for a C rank party of less than 6 members… then you must be really skilled for your rank to be in the Dasos forest!>> (K)
<<Yes, our party will probably be a B rank party soon.>> (Alex)
<<Oh that is great! And how strong are you guys? tell me about it! And where do you come from? Are your levels high? What monsters did you defeat? How is it outside the forest?>> (K)
<<That are a lot of questions. We can start to eat, and I will tell you while eating. How does that sound?>> (Alex)
<<Great!>> (K)
I don’t really care about all the stuff I asked just now but I have to act like a kid somehow. But I really want to know where they come from and how it’s outside the forest.
Well, we started eating and they talked about their time as a party. They are a party that is active in Thiro and Irethos. They all came from different places. The ones that lived near the Dasos Forest before becoming Adventurers are Alex and Rio. Alex is from Irethos and Rio is from Thiro. The others weren’t born near the Dasos forest. Teros is from the Dwarven Kingdom Naven and Sina from the elven kingdom Fysis. Liana doesn’t like to talk about her past, but it seems she comes from some human country and she left because of the corrupt nobles and the was non nobles were treated there. Their strength ranking would be Teros > Alex > Rio > Sina > Liana but in skill it’s different. In skill it would be Alex > Sina > Rio > Teros and Liana. Teros and Liana are pretty much the same from skill. They met while adventuring the forest. Alex and Rio were a party before they met and Teros Sina and Liana were also a party beforehand. They met in the in Irethos on the Search for new party members. Alex and Rio searched for new ones because the former either died in the Dasos forest or left the party. Teros, Sina and Liana never had any other permanent party members because they didn’t need them in the places they were before. They talked about some of the things that happened to them while I was acting really excited. The breakfast slowly came to an end…
<<Oh yeah where is my armor?>> (Alex)
<<Broken. It was already damaged pretty bad, and we had to destroy is to get you out and heal you>> (proma)
<<Then I have to get a new one… But no worries my life is worth more than some armor. As long as I am not dead, I can always get new stuff.>> (Alex)
<<I actually prepared a new one since we broke yours.>> (K)
<<You really did? That’s great!>> (Alex)
<<I have to say you are nicer than most nobles.>> (Liana)
<<Mhm? I am no noble. My parents were merchants no nobles.>> (K)
<<A merchant has such a big mansion and so many servants? Wow!>> (Sina)
<<Wait you said “were”. what happened to them?>> (Liana)
<<They died… probably…>> (K)
<<<What?>>> (Al, Li, Si, Te, Ri)
<<They died, and you still live here in the forest?!>> (Liana)
<<How did they die?>> (Sina)
<<Wait you said probably… What happened?>> (Alex)
<<They were merchant, so they normally were two weeks away and one at home. After they left last time, they didn’t come back. That was now over one year ago so I think they are dead.>> (K)
Well of course that didn’t really happen but that is the story I will go with.
<<Yes, they are probably dead if they didn’t come back after one year… So will you spend the rest of your live here?>>
<<Of course not! I will leave this place soon. But I will leave most of my Servants here to watch this place. I will only take Proma with me for the moment.>> (K)
<<It could be hard to leave with only the two of you. The forest is dangerous!>> (Sina)
<<Don’t worry. Proma is strong. He can bring me out of this forest and back in 10 times in a row.>> (K)
<<Wait really?!>> (Liana)
<<10 times may be a bit too much, but I have confidence that I can bring him out alone without leaving a scratch on his body.>> (Proma)
<<That’s some confidence>> (Teros)
<<Yes, I hold pride in my skills.>> (Proma)
<<So when do you want to go back?>> (K)
<<I think we can start I a few hours. Well, as long as you four are already okay and don’t have to rest anymore.>> (Alex)
<<<We are fine.>>> (Li, Te, Ri, Si)
<<That’s good. Then how about I give you your new armor, Alex?>>
<<That would be great!>> (Alex)
<<Okay then come with proma and me. Petria, Vivia bring the others to their room so they can prepare themselves.>> (K)
<<<Yes, my lord>>> (Petria, Vivia)
I went upstairs to a room where I stored the armor. Proma came along.
<<This is your new armor.>> (K)
<<Oh this is a beautiful armor! Are you sure you want to give it to me?>> (Alex)
<<Yes of course. It is a strong armor and I heard from my dad that it even protects from spiritual things. He bought it but could never verify it so don’t take my word on it.>> (K)
<<That’s quite rare! Is this really okay?>> (Alex)
<<Let’s just say you owe me a favour. I am sure you will be very strong in the future so just see it as a long-time investment.>> (K)
<<Yes. I don’t think I will ever bring it further than B rank, but I will return the favour.>> (Alex)
<<For the time being try it on.>> (K)
<<Yes.>> (Alex)
It fit perfectly! Just as I imagined!
<<It fits perfectly… That’s good!>> (Alex)
<<Yes it looks good. Well then, want to go to the others and show off with your new armor?>> (K)
<<Of course!>> (Alex)
So we went down to the others…
<<Wait is this the armor you were gifted?!>> (Liana)
<<Oh…! This is a good piece of craftsmanship!>> (Teros)
<<I don’t understand much of this stuff, but it seems it’s good when even Teros acknowledge it.>> (Sina)
<<Yeah…>> (Rio)
<<Yes, it is one of the last things my dad bought! He couldn’t confirm it yet, but he said there is a high probability that it even protects from spiritual things!>> (K)
<<That’s quite rare…>> (Teros)
<<Anyways are you all set?>> (K)
<<Yes!>> (Si, Ri, Te, Li)
<<Then let’s go!>> (Alex)
<<<Good by!>>> (Alex, Sina, Teros, Rio, Liana)
<<<Good by!>>> (Kreon, Proma, Severus, the maids)

So, the adventurers go, and Kreon is alone with his more servants again! When will he leave the mansion? Where will he go? See in the chapter!

So yes thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry It took me so long. Had some personal problems. Feel free to leave a comment! Hope I can see you in the next chapter!