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There were things I needed to make clear before we could proceed with what we’re doing.




Maddie was absolutely pissed with the crown prince because of his forceful decisions, and yes, I thought we’re getting to where we finally realized the true reason behind the nobility’s sentiments against him.  I guess we couldn’t continue with the negotiations once you pissed off one party at it.


That’s why it’s been quite ‘early’ when I asked the kitchen head maid, Jessica, to take me to his brother to iron out that matter about this engagement thing.




Of course, Jessica was quite annoyed to see my face when I disturbed her in her sleep.  Yep, she went with us—rather than stay at the royal castle, since she’s in charge of the Saint’s food, and she takes pride in it.  


On a side note, I also thought that it’s because of her ‘rebellious’ phase.  I mean, though their time-reckoning may be messed-up, these girls around me look like their teenagers.


“Well, I dropped by to ask for your help.”


“With what?”


“About your brother.  I guess I need to talk to him about his sudden decision before regarding your marriage to me.”


Oh, that?” the pissed expression had already vanished from her face.  But, I took great care not to offend Jessica further, or I might lose the chance to talk to the crown prince before Maddie woke up, “Right…I also think I need to drop by the royal castle to get some ingredients to cook for Her Holiness.”


“Well then, shall we go?”


Ah yes…just…” Jessica let out a yawn before me, “Oh, sorry about that.  It’s a bad habit of mine.”


Nah, no worries.”


“I’ll just change into my maid uniform, then we head out.”



Good thing Jessica knew how to ride a horse, and we sped off to the royal castle in haste.  She didn’t want Maddie to wake up without breakfast, nor do I want her to know what I was about to do, at least until after I’m done talking with the prince.  I needed to fix this myself so that it won’t affect the second round of talks later.


“Hey!  Watch where you put your hands!” the kitchen head maid protested.


“Sorry, I just don’t know how to ride a horse!”


“Figures.  Anyway, just put your arms around my waist and I’ll make our horse do a gallop.”


Well, compared to the time I got to know her, Princess Jessica was much more amiable now than she was before.  I mean, back then, she’s such a bitch that I always suspected everything that she did as a plan against me.


I guess she really learned her lesson after that bullying episode with Eris, eh?


“Okay, so let me just tell you…you’ve seen how my brother acts before.” I heard her tell me while we’re on the road, “But let me tell you, David is a good guy.  He’s not some monster as what daughter of the Braunhauer duke says.”


“Well, he is.  However, don’t you think his way of forcing his decisions on everyone around him is the problem?”


“Ah yes.  It’s one of David’s flaws…despite that, I can see his dedication in trying to improve the state of our kingdom’s finances.  You know, in line with Her Holiness’ policy of helping the common folk?”


Hmm…you really look up to your brother, huh?


“Of course!  He’s the smartest person I’ve known…well, aside from you, and that Braunhauer brat, that is.”


Nah, I’m nothing compared to him.  I simply offered solutions being done in my country.” I countered, “But hey, you’re still angry with Eris Braunhauer?”


“Well, she pisses me off.  That brat acts so carefree and naïve, as if the world is a kind and forgiving place.  It’s not!  And it annoys me!”


If she sees the world as what you’ve said, then what can you do about it?  To each his/her own opinion.  But alright, bitch, I’ll just keep silent about your sentiments.


“So, why do you want to talk about our engagement?” Jessica asked


“Don’t ask me that!  You don’t like me, right?  I mean, as a husband.”


Hah?  Did I say that?”


Well, your expressions do.


Hm…I think you’re the one who doesn’t like me.  I did something bad to you and the Braunhauer brat, after all.”


“Honestly, it’s not that.  I don’t keep grudges, but I remember what a person did to me so that I know how to deal with him or her in the future.”


“Well, if you say that, and still coming over to talk to David, then you don’t want to get married?”


Haha…I’m Maddie’s fiancée, you know that already.  I love her, and I swore to remain faithful to her, that’s why I’ll fix this.”


Oh…is…that so?”


Come on, Jessica, don’t make a sad expression.  We hate each other’s guts before, right?


“Well, I don’t hate you anymore…Kuro.” I heard her say, “But I guess, it’s also for the best.  I mean, though I don’t dislike the idea, my brother was also aiming to have you included in his court, for personal and economic reasons.”


I couldn’t say anything to that.  It’s what Maddie told me before.  However, I think they’ve been overestimating me.  I’m just some otherworlder, and Jessica’s got a lot of potential partners greater than myself.  I mean, look, her face was pretty, her figure was outstanding, and she had the ‘connections’ she needed to land herself a good person should she choose to do it.


That’s an honest opinion after putting aside our poor start…


Compared to the girls back in the Holy Palatial Gardens, I’m just a piece of trash.  In fact, I sometimes felt the same doubt about my relationships with Maddie and Lily.


This world is not devoid of men, and sometime later, they’ll meet someone better than me.  It’s just that I’ve been very visible to them, that they think I’m the best.


“Come on, Your Highness!  Cheer up, at least, you’ve got another chance to search for a better guy.”


Nah.  My family’s always been like that.” Jessica discreetly laughed, “My father the king, and my mothers think I’m not that intelligent like my brother, and so I’m the ‘deal-sealer’.  The one that they could send away to marry some other guy to cement an alliance, or gain favors.”


Whoa.  That’s…pretty heavy stuff.


“Hey, mind you.  It’s not that I hate it; I mean, I wanted to be of use to my father, so even if I’m an idiot, at least I could help in the affairs of our kingdom.  At least the Braunhauer brat got some use to her family compared to me; her mind’s exceptional.”


I was silent the whole time, trying to listen and thinking of words to comfort this person before me.  Hey, it’s not a good feeling, knowing that you’re a spare tire and the only thing that you could be useful was to throw away yourself…


Honestly, I’ve encountered stories like this from my own students as well.  Parents would often shower favors and praises to the ‘intelligent’ child, all the while neglecting the others.  As a result, those who were treated less would bore resentment towards the favored one, as well as their parents.


Jessica’s been kind to her family, actually.  Children of less-importance are prone to rebel after all.


Not only that, those who were neglected would think of themselves as someone of less value their entire lives, even in the adult stage.  What’s worse is that they’d also pass this to their own kids, continuing the ugly cycle.


For Jessica, I didn’t believe she’s an idiot the way she said she was.  It’s more like she’d been treated like an ‘idiot’, so she believed she was one.  This girl even concocted a complex plot to oust me from the Holy Palatial Gardens before!  So, in what part was she an idiot?


Well, the kitchen head maid is indeed an idiot, but in another aspect, that is.


Haa…I guess I’m doomed to be passed on to someone else who’d accept me, huh?” Jessica sighed, “I envy the Braunhauer brat; at least, she’s got people who’d protect her.  She had it easy, actually.”


Hmm…I’m understanding the circumstances what led her to bully Eris.  I mean, bullying was a despicable deed, but the one who’s doing it was also a victim of circumstances and people around him/her.


The kitchen princess sighed once again.


“Don’t say that.”  Aside from pity—which I inevitably felt, what I just thought about was an honest opinion of mine.  Jessica wasn’t just an ordinary princess, she worked as the Saint’s kitchen maid.  And Maddie’s got a delicate taste for everything around her, including the food.  That was a statement of how talented this girl was, “I’m sure you’ll find the man of your dreams, eventually.”


“I found him already.  But he acts like an elf, and would only take one wife.”


Pssh…come on!  It’s not that I’m the only guy here!”


“Well, you’re the man Her Holiness trusts.”


“Really.  Just because someone else has a high opinion of me doesn’t mean I’m a good person.”


“But you are.  Not only Her Holiness loves you, it is not a secret among the servants that the Head Maid is also longing for you.  She keeps on telling others how reliable and responsible you are…”


Of course, I bet those stories were embellished.  I’m just doing what I believe I should do as a decent friend and human being; there’s nothing else to it.


“I know what you’re thinking.” Jessica told me, “You’re thinking that those stories are made up.”


Right on the spot, huh?  Can she also reads minds?


“Don’t worry, I also did some observations about you.” she admitted, “You know how important Her Holiness is for us.  And so, we just couldn’t entrust her to some stupid-looking commoner who turned up at her room.”


Hey, she’s the one who summoned me!  And isn’t that ‘observation’ stalking?”


“You’re a good person, Kuro.  Though with some weird sides too…”


“That’s…one way to put it.  But thanks.”


“Haaa…” I heard another sigh from the kitchen princess.


I understand her anxiety, though.  Not only does this reeked of failure in the Crown Prince’s plan (which may diminish the kitchen princess’ ‘usefulness’ in the eyes of the royal court), Jessica was also worried about her future, I guess.  Based on her words, she would only trust the person whom the Saint and the Head Maid recommended.


And that person is me.


Damn…now I’m at a loss for what to do.  I wanted to stand by my words, though I couldn’t help but take pity on her plight.  Well, I had a solution in mind…but I guess I shouldn’t use that ‘till it was absolutely necessary.