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Once the talk (or sermon) with the Imperial envoy ended and their delegation left, Maddie then discussed the future actions she was going to take, along with the rest of the rulers of Chersea.


“Your Holiness!” the king of Colveente raised a point, “By ‘sanction’, what do you intend to deny access to the Empire?”


“Everything.” Maddie answered, “I request we deny them every trade opportunity until they submit to my authority as the Saint.”


“B-But Your Holiness…” the king of Calabria stood up, “The Empire is our biggest trading partner.  If Your Holiness would demand that we cease trading with them, then my people would go hungry.”


With that, I could tell that Maddie was surprised being confronted by such a fact.   This was the downside of applying sanctions.  Those countries that had their economies closely linked to one another would surely suffer should one be subjected to blockades.


If Maddie would want to force the Empire to bow to her will, she had to stand her ground, even if it meant that others would have to go hungry.


“Your Majesty, the King of Calabria, please be assured that I’m going to take this matter into consideration.  But for now, my request stands.  We need to force the emperor not to show contempt to this Holy Congress, or everything that we have worked out so far would be thrown into the mud.”


“I…I understand, Your Holiness.” the King of Calabria backed down.  However, I could tell that he did that reluctantly.  If this king would not be willing to sever his ties with the empire, then he’ll be a problem in the future.


I better tell Maddie that she should exclude the Calabrian king from her plans regarding the events in Amaranth.


“Your Majesties, for now, I know you have been tired from the long journey from your lands to this humble place.”  Maddie announced, “For now, we have prepared accommodations for you, so please take a rest for the Congress after one long sleep.  Your dinner would be served shortly.”


With that, the human rulers adjourned their meeting and their delegations left the room one by one, led by the other paladins and servants.



***The city of Amaranth, in the siege’s aftermath…***


The empty hallways of the royal fortress in Amaranth were suddenly brought to life by the sounds of people screaming and soldiers bellowing orders.  And then noises from the chains being dragged across the stone floor followed.


“Have the prince brought before our commander.” an Imperial officer told his men, “He gave me specific orders for that.”


At once, his soldiers obeyed.  From the long line of captured royalty and their supporters, they singled-out the crown prince, David, and pulled him aside.


“…”  The crown prince, though he was not used to rough treatment, maintained his dignified silence.  The members of the rebellious nobility were watching from the distance and kept on jeering and leering at the defeated party.


“Bastard!”  Someone threw an insult to him, “Looks like the high and mighty Prince David has fallen so low he forgot to speak!”


“He’s only powerful when his allies are with him!  Otherwise, he’s just wee lad with curly hair!” another noble mocked and laughed.


The others also jeered at the prince, the object of their disdain for the royal family of Amaranth.  Even though the nobles hurled insults at him, Prince David remained quiet.


“With all due respect, Your Excellencies, may I ask you to be silent?” the Imperial officer tasked to fetch the crown prince told them.  His contempt for the rebellious nobles was obvious; he did not even hide his irritation from the loud-mouths.


“What did you—” a noble was about to pull his sword.


But his companions were quick to stop him, “That’s enough, Heere!  It’s an Imperial officer, you cannot just touch him without grave consequences!”


“Hmph!”  The officer triumphantly bragged, “If you rebels think you could take on our armies, attack me at this very moment!”


The nobles were aware of the contempt the Imperial officer was giving them.  But they knew they were powerless to confront him while the Imperial legions walked around the kingdom virtually unopposed and intermingled with their own armies.  They had no other choice but to back down from his challenge.


Hah!  Spineless cowards!” the officer scoffed at them.  Walking in chains, the Crown Prince David silently approved of the Imperial’s treatment towards the rebels.



The legionnaires dragged the prince away from the noisy crowd and took him to a room within the royal castle where the expeditionary army commander, General Umberto Benicci, set-up as his headquarters.  The general was waiting for them, all the while watching the legions reorganize themselves outside.


“Your Excellency, we brought the man as you requested.” the Imperial officer told him.


The general, after a few moments of silence, then turned to face the prince, “Well!  Look at what we have here!  The son of a baron is playing the role of a prince.  Such a huge development of character, is it?”  He gestured for the Imperial soldiers to leave them, which they did.


“Prince Umberto!” Prince David uttered when he recognized him, “I thought you’re already dead!”


“It’s General Umberto Benicci now, crown prince!” the general replied, “Well, I thought I’m dead as well.  However, here I am, in the flesh.  Ready to bring forth your Baronial House’s destruction by my hands!”


“You wouldn’t dare!”


“Oh, I would!” General Umberto countered, “And not only to your house, but to that accursed Saint as well!”


“Her Holiness’ got nothing to do with this, Umberto!”


“Was she?  If my memory serves me right, wasn’t Lady Madelaine the one who plotted the downfall of my royal house and replaced it with your pathetic father?  She may be the saint now, but the blood of the people she killed to attain her goals remains in her hands, naïve fool!”


“She did that because the people were clamoring for reform!  You know that as well, Umberto!”


“She also did that to further her own selfish ambitions!  Tell me, David, wasn’t the Rubinforths possessed the largest trade fleet in Nerfes that your ally, the Duke of Braunhauer, would often raid before the so-called ‘Saint’s Peace’?  She knew she had to stop us, for it would cripple their arrogant house!”




“And, lest you forget, Lady Madelaine is a friend to that ‘Iron Princess’ of Nerfes, who wanted to destroy our lands and subordinate it to their own kingdom!”


Prince David had no counter for that.  He knew very well that those accusations were true, for his father had told him about it before.  But David also knew that Her Holiness had long since renounced her ties to the kingdom of Nerfes and was working only for the welfare of the people of Chersea.


Jessica had told him so and is supported by Her Holiness’ actions in trying to mediate the peace in Amaranth…


But he doubts whether this man before him would understand that.  Thus, David remained silent before the Imperial general.


“Of course, you wouldn’t know of that, you’re just a son of a baron, after all.” Umberto snickered.


“What do you want from me?”


“Are you daft?  Did you hear what I said before?  I wanted revenge for my family, you and that Saint killed!”


“Then have it your way!  Kill me now!”


Oooh…I won’t do what you wish, you know.  See, I plan to give you the full price of what you did to me.  As of now, your parents were being tortured until they die.  And soon, I’ll have you watch them as they cry to you for help!”


“You murderer!”


“Oh?  Am I the only one?  May I remind you that your father killed my family with his own sword?  I narrowly escaped death, you know?  And now you dare call me a murderer?  Where’s the justice in that?”


With his hands and feet shackled, Prince David had no way to avenge his family, no matter how hard he tried to free himself.  But, in his desperation to get equal with his enemy, he spat on his face, much to the general’s surprise.


At that point, the general snapped.  He drew his sword and was about to strike the crown prince when suddenly…






General Benicci had to let go of his sword, for its handle became too hot it seared his hand.


“Stop with the revenge games, you dolts!


“Who are you?” Prince David was surprised to see a woman suddenly appear in the room that he almost tripped when he backed out.


Oh, hello there, Prince David!  I’m the Saint of the Flame, Seirna.” she reached out her hands to him, and the shackles fell from his arms and legs at once, “I’m glad I came just in time before you were diced and minced by this old Amaranthine prince.  Shall we have a little chat, alone?”




Though he wanted to strike the crown prince right at that moment, General Umberto Benicci had no other choice but to follow the cue given to him by Seirna.  She wanted to talk to David, and with no one listening.  He went out of the Imperial headquarters without a moment’s delay.



Why didn’t you allow him to kill me?” David asked Seirna when everything calmed down, “Aren’t you two allies?”


“Nope.  I was never an ally of anyone.” Seirna laughed, “If there’s anything about alliances, it’s more like, they had to ally themselves with me, so I have no choice but to oblige.  Besides, I’m a Saint, not a murderer.  And, you’re not someone who’s trying to keep me from achieving my goals, so why should I kill you?  Oh, and I also stopped the torture of your parents, see?”


David had just finished putting back the royal robes that Seirna herself brought to her.  Though he was confused on what and who was this person in front of him, he just went with her flow.


Hmm…the princely clothes fit you after all.”


“Aren’t you afraid that I would turn against you at this moment?” the prince asked, “I’m an ally of the Human Saint, you know?”


“Really?” Seirna countered, “Have you not heard that I’m a saint, so I could see into your heart, including the confusion you’re having over Madelaine’s goals?




“And, I doubt if you could kill me right now.  Technically, I’m more powerful than you.  In one snap of these fingers of mine, I could take your life…yet, I refrained from doing so…”


“What’s your goal, Your Holiness Lady Seirna?” David asked her, “You would not free me on a whim.”


“Nice.  I like straightforward people.” Seirna then began floating, “First, let’s address your doubts over Madelaine’s goals for Chersea.  You see, Prince David, the Human Saint is leading this realm into its stagnation and ruin.”


“Wh-What do you mean by that?”


“The Saint’s Peace.  I know that you’re thinking that the peace was beneficial for your people in trade and economy.  Of course, it’s good, this stability you’re experiencing.  However, without conflict, humanity would remain as is for seasons to come.  And the next thing you know, the demons could once again come knocking at your doors for another invasion, complete with newly developed weapons to kill you and your people.”


“What are you saying?”


“That man with the black-hair that Madelaine brought with her before.”


“Sir Kuro?”


“Yes.  Do you even know how he became famous as the Fist of the North Lands?”


“Isn’t he the one who saved Her Holiness’ honor against the Imperials by punching the Imperial prince’s face?”


“Exactly.  And that man, not only did he display incredible intelligence, he also knew about the demons’ new weapons.  In fact, it was a demon weapon that he used to reach the second round of the tourney in Fen before.”


“So, I heard, Your Holiness Lady Seirna…”


“And this ‘Kuro’, he was aware of the devastating effects of this weapon on the battlefield.  He used it to defeat a knight in one shot!  Now, Prince David, imagine if those kinds of weapons were in the hands of the multitudes of demons marching to attack your land.  Do you think your knights would stand a chance?”


Terror befell on David’s face, “Does it mean that Sir Kuro was conniving with the demons?”


“I wouldn’t know of that, prince.” Seirna smirked, “However, what I know is that the Human Saint kept on promoting the peace she had created, at the cost of humanity’s technological advancement.  Those plate armors you’re wearing now isn’t a product of peace; it was forged amidst the fires of war!”


“And she had a person with links to the demons!  Could it be that this was another prelude to the demon invasion of Chersea?”


“Now you see why I kept you alive, Your Highness, Prince David!”


“This can’t be!” the prince was shaking in anger, “I’ve been tricked!  Humanity has been fooled!  Lady Madelaine could be in danger, and this clown named Kuro should be eliminated!”


“That’s great!” Seirna clapped, “Coincidentally, you and I have the same goals in mind.  We’re both on a mission to save humans.  The Saint’s Peace was hindering your race to achieve its greatest potential:  to rule this world.  So, Prince David, may I count on your cooperation in this matter?”


At that moment, the doubts on Prince David’s mind vanished, and he had his answers.  Without a second thought, he reached out for Seirna’s hand for a shake.