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We went around Arles to look for some property for rent or for sale.  Maddie preferred it was a property for sale since she reasoned it was something I could truly call my own.


She’s got a point there, I admit.


A few distances from the main thoroughfare of the town, we found our first target.  It was a manor-type house that was put up for sale by its owner after they immigrated to the kingdom of Amarth to the west.


“That’ll be 100 gold Sir Kuro.” the real estate agent told me, “However, for you, I’d put it at 20 gold for sale!”


“Then I’ll tak—”


“Hold a minute there, sir!” Maddie suddenly entered the conversation.


“Y-Your Holiness?”


“Why did you suddenly lower the price for too low?”


“Huh?  Well, it’s for Sir Kuro’s contribution to the—”


“It’s pretty suspicious.” Maddie commented, “Are you hiding ghosts in there, or perhaps a monster’s den?”


“Impossible, Your Holiness!” the agent blurted out, “I-It’s a perfectly safe place!  Well, there were a few rats in the attic, and a mandragora plant that was planted in the garden by the previous owners…but yes, it’s really a good place, and a good bargain too.”


Well, for something that’s touted to be ‘safe’, I don’t think it’s really that safe.


“Nope.  I won’t allow anything bad to happen to Chersea’s greatest hero since Cassandra David!” Maddie demanded, “Take us to the next house, please!”


“R-Right this way, Your Holiness!”



The second house was a small, yet homely-type cabin in the woods near Arles.  Actually, it was in a posh area near the outskirts of the town, where most of the well-off citizens live.  That’s why its price tag was around 200 gold coins.


“But for you Sir Kuro, I’d give it at 100 gold.” The agent informed me.


“100 gold, huh?” I could feel that the real estate agent wanted to give me a lower price for the property, but Maddie seemed to interfere with him, so he decided to give it at 100 gold coins, “Okay it’s a deal—”


“There’s a crack on the wall, Kuro.” Maddie suddenly spoke up.


“A crack?” I went over to her side to see what she’s pointing at.  There was indeed a crack on the wall, but it was so little I could repair it even without magic.


“I don’t like you treating the Hero of Chersea to a house like this!” Maddie confronted the agent, “He deserves a better place to own!  Show us your other properties!”


The agent and I only exchanged stares.  Maddie, aren’t you enjoying browsing a bit too much?



The third house was a cottage, situated not too far off from the western side of Arles.  It was also in the posh neighborhoods of the town, and its price tag was around 300 gold coins.


“I bet Sir Kuro would like this place!” the agent was all smiles, but I could feel pressure coming out from him, “This one’s on 300 gold, but a nifty 200 gold coins would be my price for this property.”


Hmm…I like this one.” Maddie commented, “Not too big to make him feel lonely, and not too small to cause him to bump his head on the ceiling.”


Maddie, what do you even think of me?  Some naughty kid?


Ah, looks like my companion finally agreed on something.” I was being sarcastic, but yes, I’m glad that she finally decided to settle on this house being offered.


Maddie looked at me with a frown and a pout on her face.  


Yep, I know you’re cute, but I think I like this house too.


“Well, Sir Kuro, if you want this place, then here’s the paper you need to sign, and it’s all yours!” the agent handed me a paper and a pen which I quickly took to sign, lest Maddie changed her mind once again.


Fortunately, nothing else happened.  I paid the 200 gold in full, using the money I got from the royals eager to reward me.  


The agent handed me the keys, and said, “I hope you enjoy your new home!”



And with that, I finally got myself my very own property, bought from the money I earned.  Though I may have other properties scattered around Chersea (thanks to those human kings), I feel like this one would be my main house.


“So I’m off to buy some furniture!” I told Maddie, “Would you like to come?”


“Yes…” there was a tone of sadness in her voice, “I’ll choose the furniture for you, Kuro.”


“Come on, Maddie!  Don’t be sad.” I consoled her, “It’s not that I’m going far from you!”


“Well, I’m just going to miss those times where I would surprise you by suddenly appearing inside your room.” Maddie was nostalgic, “Or when I would sneak inside to draw you while you sleep…or switch your used clothes with new ones for my collect—”


“I-I’ll let you choose the furniture!” I deliberately interrupted her, “L-let’s go then!”




We haven’t got too far from the house when I noticed Maddie was muttering something to herself.  And then, with a finger snap…





The new house I just bought suddenly collapsed!




I was too dumbfounded to move.


“Oh my, Kuro!” it was Maddie, who was happily smiling, “Did your house just collapsed?  It’s a pretty dangerous house then!  Come, stay with us for a while more in the Holy Palatial Gardens!”