01 3 years later…
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“C’mon Lucas, we gotta go now!” my dad said. I didn’t know why we had to go, after all I was having a pretty good life where I was before. But, you can’t exactly stand up to your parents when you are 16, so we had to go. We moved to a new place, “Arthondium”. This was the biggest city still standing, or as a matter of speaking; still sinking. The city was underground. Since earthbending is now available to everyone (as are the other bending arts), we all travelled to work and house by earthbending. All we had to do was make a small cavern to move ourselves down. After we moved not a whole lot happened, however there are still aliens everywhere. 3 years. It’s already been 3 years since then. It feels however, like a lifetime has passed. I could only do airbending, and no earthbending. There was no way for me to get to my friends, so one day as I had had a lesson in earthbending at school, I ran away. I made my way to the surface, because it was said my brother was here. A little backstory of my brother, he went to school 7 years ago, to never come back. However it is still unknown if he died, where he died and where he went. My parents think he is dead because there are aliens on the surface, hence why they feared the worst. I’ve finally learned how to transport myself by using earthbending, so this feels like the perfect opportunity to finally run away. “I’m going to find him, I’m going to find him.”  When I got out on the surface, the first thing I did was go back to the old house as fast as I could in order to find a clue as to where he could be. I knew however, that this would be risky, as we left to flee an alien attack on our village. As we left the house I saw my brother still in there; so surely there should be at least “something”. I didn’t see any aliens on the way there (luckily) and I got to my brothers room as fast as I could. “I’m surprised its still standing” I said. The building was broken, and my brothers room especially. There was clear evidence of a fight. I then started looking. Drawer, closet, under his bed, in his lamp, on the floor, in his bag. But alas, nothing was found. Until I gave up and left the house. When I saw a paper sheet, barely readable on the ground. Now this wasn’t a problem as recently in class, I had learned how to make a sheet of paper readable. All I needed was a little firebending. After that I could clearly see it was my brothers. This is what it said.

“to anyone who sees this. Please get this paper to my family in Arthondium immediately.

Hi. I’m guessing its you guys. whether it is you: Lucas or my parents, if you are reading this. I have studied the aliens and they work in a clear pattern. Most likely you are reading this because I could not get all of the research with me in time. If that is the case, I will be executed within 5 months, or made a prisoner. If I am a prisoner I highly doubt ill last more then 3 years, so please hurry towards the volcano where Roku died, and save me if it has not been 3 years at the time of reading this.


Peace, Peter.”