12 A beacon of hope emerges.
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“What is the damage? Is everyone mostly okay?” I had to ask at some point, as we were currently “safe” enough for us to worry about something that trivial. Some guy walked up to us, and was moderately angry, but still happy to see us return. They saluted us, and introduced themselves. “Decided to turn back after all? Well, I can’t be too mad, after all you did turn back to save us.” “I’m Tonitru. Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand. He was average height, I would guess between 5’11 and 6’2, had curly brown hair, and glasses. He looked very athletic, and trustworthy too. “I’m Lucas. Nice to meet you.” He portrayed us as heroes to his followers, who had all come together as a united army to fight off the aliens in the city. Most of them had the same intentions. Or so it seemed. Until Chiyu said something that I don’t think any of us will ever forget. “So, would you mind telling me why you are here?” Chiyu had always been so polite and kind, so these words were very surprising to all of us.  The girl in question replied “that’s none of your business kid. Besides, you couldn’t handle the truth anyway.” “Well, I’m going to give you two options. 1: you tell us what the fuck you intend to do here. 2: we kill you.” Tonitru did not seem like he was kidding whatsoever. The Girl then said in the most coldblooded voice imaginable: “I choose option 2.” There was a general boo going through the crowd of benders at the site, and Tonitru was clearly upset by this. Tonitru then attacked at a speed faster than any I had ever seen before, and the girl was flung through the air like a ragdoll. It was all earthbending. He seemed like a really fast earthbender. Light on his feet, and fast as lightning. The girl seemed to stand no chance. That is until she started fighting back. At first we were all confused as to what was happening, but then Tonitru went rogue on us. Now, we gave the term going rogue to a mental state in which one can not think, caused by a darkness attack from an alien. As you might understand, this was not a girl at all. It was an alien. It seemed an alien had infiltrated us. But, that was none of our worry at the time. “let’s see what this one can do.” Peter seemed a little off while saying that however, we had to worry about Tonitru and did not have time to worry about the alien itself. Then out of the blue, I started having a feeling. A feeling I could do something here. I grabbed the earth, and shook it as hard as I could. The entire city started shaking. I was causing an earthquake, and not a small one either. This caused Tonitru to make an elevated platform for himself to stand on while he was attacking us. This however, was a mistake. As he could not move, I could encase his platform in a big layer of dirt, but I did manage to make a pocket of air inside of it so he would not die. “I’ll handle this, you guys take care of the alien.” Leona and Chiyu nodded, and went on to help Peter. Suddenly, I passed out. But in a different way then before. It was like I became a passenger in my own body. I was not in control any longer. I heard a voice: it told me that there was an easy way to prevent people from going rogue, and he would let me experience what it felt like, so that I may reproduce it whenever necessary. What happened next was I felt energy coming from every tip of my body, all together in my heart, then through my blood into my hands. My hands started becoming a bright white light. The dirt was shoved aside in seconds due to Tonitru breaking out. He came right at me, or whatever was controlling my body. The light hit him, and he suddenly began shining a bright white light as well. I could see the pieces of darkness being obliterated, and then there was an explosion. Small problem that was. The explosion negated our light shield. Whatever took control of my body seemed to have switched roles with me, and I was wondering if I could purify the aliens in the same way my body had just purified Tonitru. I took a leap of faith, and blasted the alien from before with the white light. They were vaporized in seconds. Upon seeing that, all of the other aliens fled the battlefield, and we had officially won our first battle, and our first land. Tonitru seemed back to normal, although he was very confused. I felt the presence that had been in my body leave, and I was fully in control again. “that was weird” “you bet it was, fucking killstealer.” Peter was a special kind of salty, one that I had never seen before.  But, we were safe for now. Safe to assess the situation and see what we have and don’t have.