Chapter 4 – Dementors
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I woke the next morning with Harry looking worriedly at me.

"What are you giving me that look for?" I asked.

"You were - you looked like you were having a nightmare." 

I turned away from him, checking that everything was in my suitcase.

I was. About the guy who assaulted me. I dreamed that he assaulted me again, but this time he morphed into Sirius Black and he tried to kill Harry and I (who had appeared from nowhere).

"Daze." Harry set his hand on my shoulder, turning me around to him. He looked me in the eye. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine -" I began. But I changed my mind, looking into his green eyes - my mother's eyes - my eyes - that were concerned, had brotherly worry, and I realised that he only ever wanted the best for me.

"No." I said quietly.

Harry sighed and hugged me like any big brother would. I felt safe here. The two of us could protect each other out there.

"It's all going to be alright. In the end, it's all going to be okay. If it's not okay, then it's not the end." Harry whispered.

Ron suddenly banged his way into the room like he owned the place, pulling a sweatshirt over his head and looking irritable.

"Oh, sorry, having a touching brother and sister moment, are we..." He backed away.

"No, no, it's fine." Harry said.



"The sooner we get on the train, the better." Ron said, who seemed to have accepted the 'Potter twins' inside jokes'. "At least I can get away from Percy at Hogwarts. Now he's accusing me of dripping tea on his photo of Penelope Clearwater. You know," Ron grimaced, "his GIRLFRIEND. She's hidden her face under the frame because her nose has gone all blotchy..."

Fred and George looked in to congratulate Ron on infuriating Percy again.

We headed down to breakfast, where Mr Weasley was reading the front page of the Daily Prophet with a furrowed brow and Mrs Weasley was telling Hermione and Ginny about a Love Potion she'd made as a young girl. All three of them were rather giggly.

I handed Lee and all the Weasley's mobile phones and instructed them how to use them. Mr Weasley was fascinated. We all became friends on Facebook.

When we got to King's Cross, Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters, Percy saw Penelope.

"Ah, there's Penelope!" He said, smoothing his hair and going pink. Ginny caught my eye and we both turned away to hide our laughter.

When we got on the Hogwarts Express (after Mr Weasley took Harry and I to the side to tell us about Black, only for us to tell him we already knew, and for him to tell us not to go looking for him) Harry and I told the Insurgents, Ron, and Hermione that we needed to talk to them in private.

"Go away, Ginny." Ron said.

"Oh, that's nice." Ginny said huffily, and she stalked off.

We came across Draco and I snatched him to come along with us.

We got a compartment with some sleeping new teacher called 'Professor R J Lupin'. Harry and I told everyone what we had overheard Mr and Mrs Weasley talking about.

They were all horrified, to say the least. Terry hugged me closer to him, Draco looking pointedly in the other direction, the twins looking amused at Terry's protectiveness.

We bantered in that compartment for most of the train ride, us eight. We discussed pranks to pull (at which Hermione shook her head disapprovingly at (but there was a twinkle in her eye), Ron actually pissed himself laughing at us Insurgent's hilarousity (at which we all nearly did the same), Draco actually coming up with some great ideas, and Harry using experience from when we pranked in the Muggle world) and we made a list. '101 Ways to Piss off the New Professor'.

1. Pretend to have a seizure

2. Ask out to the bathroom every five minutes

3. Imitate him

4. Sit in different seats

5. When there is a class silence, smack your head and say, "Shut up, all of you!"

6. When he asks you a question, zone out then say, "Sorry sir, the voices inside my head were at it again."

7. Answer every question with "Banter."

8. Ask him if his problem is that he needs to get laid

9. Answer everything he says with "I know you are but what am I" even if it's not an insult

10. Answer everything he says with "That's what she said."

11. Reference your fandom every time he asks you something 

12. Act completely moronic and say that you're trying to follow his example

13. Correct him and say that he should stick to the textbook/lesson plan

14. Ask him if he trusts Dumbledore's judgement

15. Release bugs into the classroom 

16. Tell him to shut up

17. Tell him he's speaking the wrong language 

18. Speak in a different language 

19. Stick Hello Kitty stickers all over his desk

20. Leave fake dog shit in his classroom/on his desk/on student's desk

21. Make really bad puns really loudly

22. Hide My Little Pony's all over his room

23. Sing parodies

24. Sing

25. Act like a brat (eg throw things at people (eg a rubber egg))

26. Ask him if he knows Mr Vandertramp

27. Ask him if he is Mr Vandertramp

28. Ask him if he likes breathing

29. Ask him for sweets

30. Ask him out

31. Break quills and repair them with 'Repairo'. Repeat as many times as possible 

32. Throw a paper airplane at him

33. Tell him that you are the voice of the class and the class says "Fuck off."

34. If you sit beside the wall, tell him that you have to hold the wall up (insist on this) if he asks you to move

35. Make motorbike noises

36. Ask him if negative numbers are depressed

37. Ask him if he thinks Nintendo are developing a nuclear bomb

*Ask if he is

38. Hide a crumbly muffin in his bag

39. Ask him if he's part of the government conspiracy

40. Ask if velociraptors throw bananas at him while he's studying 

41. Ask if Merlin rides dinosaurs in his house

42. Ask about his childhood

43. Get detention and don't show up

44. Send first years to his room with fake notes from non-existent teachers

45. Tape his door shut

46. Ask him about his relationship with Professor McGonagall

47. Stuff a crumbly cake in his bag

48. Eat food in his class

49. Play the recorder in class 

50. Act like a moron and say that it's a result of Lupinitis

51. Fall out of your chair

52. Pretend to be depressed and cry in the middle of class 

53. Commentate on everything

54. Put turnips on his desk

55. Throw his books out of the window 

56. Pretend to be a Muggle

57. Pretend to be a Squib

58. Make a crime scene in his classroom

59. Release balloons around the school and put a sign on his door saying 'Wild balloon rescue centre - put balloons in here'

*blow up balloons in class but don't tie them - release them and they'll fly into the air making strange sounds

60. Every time he asks you to tell him the answer say "Why don't you make me?"

61. Pretend to be an old man

62. Pretend to be a baby 

63. Pretend to be Lewis (he was this really annoying immature kid in our class at Muggle school)

64. Every time he asks you a question, say "I don't know you tell me"

65. Put Justin Bieber posters all over his room

*Miley Cyrus's 'Free the Nipple' campaign ones too

66. Set up a Satanic ritual for him

67. Ask if he's going to sacrifice Draco

68. Pretend to ward him off with a clove of garlic

69. Write a fake love note to him from Professor McGonagall

70. Tell him that everyone knows that they fancy each other

71. Ask him how to say 'Banter' in German

72. Say it to him all the time 

73. Play football with the yellow pages in his classroom

74. Bring an Arabic dictionary to class and speak in Arabic

75. When he asks you something, pretend to snap out of your thoughts and say "I have it on good authority that you have no evidence"

76. Ask him continuously what words are in French

77. Put your textbook up on the desk

78. Swing really obviously on your chair

79. Yell 'BAMF' every time you walk into a room and if he asks why, say "Because I'm a bad ass mother fucker"

80. Swear in Parseltongue

81. Act like you are the Prime Minister 

82. Shine a watch/mirror in the sun at him

83. Make moronic noises

84. Pretend to be a zombie 

85. Over exaggerate everything you do

86. Pretend to be Snape

87. Pretend to be Floppy

88. Fling a rubber band at him

89. Quote the bible at him and pretend to be seriously religious - pretend to worship in the middle of class

90. Say "that's racist" every time he says something (even if it's not) 

91. Pretend to be animals

92. Pretend to be sick

93. Make Parvati and Lavender jump/scream

94. Drop quill and every time say "Oh for fucks sake"

95. Knock textbook off the desk like 100 times

96. Pretend to be deaf in one ear

97. Get everybody to do everything simultaneously 

98. Pretend to be Hermione

99. Tell him to "calm his ham"

100. Call him a moron 

101. Find out where he lives and plant a cabbage patch in his garden

I looked up from the list.

"This is going to be bloody awesome!" I high-fived everyone.

The rain thickened as the train sped yet further north; the windows were now a solid, shimmering grey, which gradually darkened until lanterns flickered to life all along the corridors and over the luggage racks. The train rattled, the rain hammered, the wind roared, but still, Professor Lupin slept.

"We must be nearly there." Ron said.

The words had hardly left him when the train began to slow down.

"Brilliant." Ron said. "I'm starving. I want to get to the feast..."

"We can't be there yet." Hermione said, checking her watch.

"So why're we stopping?" Terry asked.

I got up to look into the corridor. All along the carriage, heads were sticking curiously out of their compartments.

The train stopped. Then without warning, all the lamps went out, and we were plunged into total darkness. There were screams followed by giggles all along the corridor.

"What's going on?" Ron's voice said behind me.

"Ouch!" Hermione gasped. "Ron, that was my foot!"

I felt my way back to my seat.

"D'you think we've broken down?" Fred asked.

"Dunno..." George replied.

There was a squeaking sound, and I saw the dim black outline of Harry, wiping a patch clean on the window and peering out.

"There's something moving out there." Harry said.

"I think people are coming aboard..." Draco said, leaning over to look.

The compartment door suddenly opened and someone fell painfully over my legs.

"Sorry! D'you know what's going on? Ouch! Sorry -" 

"Hello, Neville." Harry said as I saw him feeling around in the dark and pulling him up by his cloak.

"Harry? Is that you? What's happening?" 

"No idea! Sit down -" 

There was a loud hissing and a yelp of pain; Neville had tried to sit on Crookshanks.

"I'm going to go ask the driver what's going on." Hermione's voice came. I felt her pass me, heard the door slide open again, and then a thud and two loud squeals of pain.

"Who's that?" 

"Who's THAT?" 



"What are you doing?" 

"I was looking for Ron and the twins -"

"Come in and sit down -"

"Not here, bitches!" I said hurriedly. "I'm here!"

"Ouch!" Neville said.

"Quiet!" A hoarse voice said suddenly.

Professor Lupin appeared to have woken up at last. He also appeared to suddenly be holding a handful of flames. 

"Stay where you are." He said. 

But the door slid open. A black-cloaked-and-hooded figure was illuminated there, it's face completely covered by the hood.

And then it drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it was trying to suck something more than air from its surroundings.

An intense cold swept over me. I felt my breath catch in my chest. The cold went deeper than my skin. It was inside my chest, it was inside my very heart...

My eyes fluttered closed. I was drowning in cold. There was a rushing in my ears as though of water. I was being dragged downwards, the roaring growing louder...

And then I heard screams, terrible, terrified, pleading screams...then voices..."Hello, Daisy Potter. I am Tom Riddle...You really are something...I want your powers...Kill the others...Cooperate, girly...I'm going to sit here and watch you die, Daisy Potter..."

"Daisy! Daisy!"


"Yo, wake up!"

"Oh, WOW, you sound SO gangster..."

"Shut up."

"No one likes you."

"Oi! Both of you brats shut up."

"C'mon, Daisy..."

I slowly opened my eyes. "S'up...?" I said weakly.

I felt very sick; I tried to sit up, but Terry pulled me back down to his lap. Harry was rubbing his eyes, looking faintly green. He was on the floor, too.

Terry, Fred, George, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ginny looked down at us with pale faces.

"Are you alright, Daisy?" Draco asked weakly. It looked like that thing affected all of us. 

"Y-yeah..." I said. "Harry?"

"Yeah..." Harry said quietly. "Who was screaming?"

That reminded me...I had heard screaming, and I heard my Muggle attacker, and Tom Riddle...

"Yeah, we need to help them! My Muggle attacker and Tom Riddle are here!" I said urgently.

Everyone looked at us worriedly.

"Nobody was screaming, and those two weren't here." Hermione said.

Professor Lupin broke up a chocolate bar and handed some to each of us. "That was a Dementor." He said. "Are you alright, Daisy, Harry?" 

We both nodded, not questioning how he knew our names. I looked around nervously. I had heard Tom Riddle and the Muggle so clearly...they had to be here.

Lupin left, and I took a bite of the chocolate, because who doesn't love chocolate?

Terry drew me closer to him, whispering comforting things in my ear, kissing me every now and then. Perfect diversion tactics.

When we got into the carriages then out to Hogwarts, Floppy spotted me.

"You FAINTED, Potter? Is Longbottom actually telling the truth? You actually FAINTED?" A drawling, delighted voice sounded.

Floppy elbowed past Hermione to block my way up the stone steps to the castle, his face gleeful and his dark eyes glinting maliciously.

"Shove off, Felix." Draco said, (at the same time my fellow clan members swore at Floppy) whose jaw was clenched.

"Did you faint as well, Draco?" Floppy said loudly to his cousin. "Did the scary old Dementor frighten you too, Draco?" 

"Is there a problem?" A mild voice said. Professor Lupin had just got out of the next carriage.

Floppy gave Professor Lupin an insolent stare. With a tiny hint of sarcasm in his voice, he said, "Oh, no - er - PROFESSOR." 

He then left. Professor McGonagall called for Harry, Hermione, and I to go up to her office. She checked Harry and I, but we told her that we were feeling fine.

She sent Harry off, then presented Hermione and I with time-twisters called Time Turners for our classes. I couldn't help but choose them all, they all sounded so interesting.

Dumbledore also came in and told me that I should try to conceal my powers this year, incase the wrong people found out about them.

When I got down to the feast, everyone was pointing at me and whispering. Had the word really got around that fast that I'd fainted? 

We found out that Hagrid was the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

And apparently those Dementor things would be guarding the school.

Floppy imitated fainting every time I looked anywhere near him. I was ready to kill dead things.

But when I got up to the now fifth-and-third year boy's and girl dorm, I felt like I'd arrived home at last.


That list was originally made by me to annoy another teacher in my school, and our class fulfilled it (non magic ones)!