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Welcome to the afterword.


It's been a ride and the volume has ended, but now it's time to go a little more into depth.

You may have noticed that this volume was pretty short and yes it is, because it serves as a introducion. There countless things that did not get explained, but of course will be in volume 2. (if people even desire a volume 2 XD) 

Volume 2 will at least be 2 or 3x the size of this one and will add a lot more characters, with that said here is the character list for this volume.

Character list:

Reka Thorn

Braud Jenet 

Kate Freight

Ross Thorn (whereabouts unknown)

Marc Jenet (whereabouts unknown)

Emilia Freight (whereabouts unknown)

Miss Clara (whereabouts unknown)


Carlie (deceased)

Dally (deceased)

Edina (deceased)

Alphabet Symbol 

Soldier (deceased)

Felicia Vox 

Monty Noon

Major (Reka's linked Grimm)

Quite a few characters just for 6 chapters huh? If you want a more in depth version tell me.

Next up, since we are talking about characters I want to talk a bit about our MC Reka.

Reka is basically a male younger version of Ruby, but they have many differences. As Reka will actually develop over the course of the series and get personality, plus he does not hold the power of Silver Eyes nor aura, so he is pretty much an underdog.

The only thing they share is that both of their moms are dead.

Reka's biggest challenge is to overcome his inferiority complex which came with being auraless and of course, having no semblance.


Now a little bit about the success of this volume.

This isn't the only place I posted, but I noticed that my fanfic is pretty much doing bad everywhere XD. Maybe people do not like Original fanfiction and I should have just written smut instead lmao. Jokes aside, let's go over the revision.

A guaranteed thing in the revised version are:

Grammatical improvement 

Silver Eyes plot hole fix

I realised that how they came to know Silver Eyes didn't really make sense, so I decided to move that knowledge into Vol.2.

To clarify something (if you didn't know) "that woman" is indeed Salem. Alpha knows about her existence and that will be explained in vol.2 how he got to know of course.

Things that "may" be added in revision:

Extra/less dialogue (mainly for a more natural conversation flow I seem to suck at it XD)

More detailed descriptions only a few characters got a good description when introduced. I want to give a proper description of every important character in this volume.

Minor Layout changes as the bold texts for Major in chapter 5 and 6 which are still not changed in chapter 4 etc.

Now before we end off, I got one final thing to show.

The cover of Vol.2!


I hope you liked it!

Anyways I'll be adding a poll if you want me to continue with vol.2.

With that said, thanks for reading and until the next volume! (If desired)

Want RWBY: Side Story to continue with Vol.2?
  • yes Votes: 1 100.0%
  • maybe Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 1