Chapter 25: Calm before the Storm
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Days went by and everything has subside. Takanashi didn't come to bother us intensively after the rooftop. Kurisu was merrily hugging her studies and enjoying lunch break with me as per usual. She no longer looks at me with cold stares nor shows suspicion over Takanashi. Definitely a stride of victory for Kurisu, Takanashi laid low, nobody in this school seems to know her past and that was sleek.
"Isn't your plate a overflowing Kurisu?"
I inquired, noticing her plate seeming different than her usual.
"ah-?!" She jolted from her seat.
Why are you so surprised?
"Um.. erm... I just feel like eating a bit more. Do- don't worry im keeping an eye of my diet." She exclaimed.
"I know right. Well enjoy your food."
She frowned after casting sidelong glances.
She seems displeased by her acts which she couldn't help.
Lunch went smoothly. Some still giving us curious stares, but not as much as before rather, they don't seem to care now as this becomes a daily occurence.
After lunch I headed to the teachers'facility to fetch some printouts for my class. Strangely, a cluster of teachers were gathered near Tachibana-sensei's desk. Emitting brooded face, they seem to worry about sensei's absences for three straight days now. Taking sidelong glances at Tachibana-sensei's desk causes me concerns as well.
I recieved a messaged for her that she wasn't feeling well but I never thought it will lead to her repeated absenses. I'm getting bad vibes from this.
Approaching a math teacher Mira-sensei, she seems to have noticed me. Her brooded expression abruptly switched to a mellow smile that was very soothing to see. Her own charms which put you at ease just being around her completely paralleled to Tachibana-sensei.
Adults has such charms which identical to their personalities, as well as an adult you would be able to develop a personality that you see fits and comfortable.
"Asamura-kun, right?" She's not my teacher but she knows me?
"Ah yes, You know me sensei?"
"Rei mentioned you. You were kind enough to assist her with some tasks. Heh- no way right?"
Her wide emerald green eyes pierced me, assessing and probing the depths of my personality. Why do i feel like I'm being labeled as a strange creature.
"Sensei? Eh?-"
"It's nothing. I'm just curious what type of guy who had Rei's attention. Tee-hee"
Suddenly confusion engulfed me. Tachibana-sensei was giving off that kind of impression of me? I was flabbergasted.
Mira-sensei averted her gaze, walked few steps closer to Tachibana-sensei's desk where she took some printouts.
"Distribute this to your class Asamura-kun."
"Thank you. Um... where's Sensei?"
"Concerning that... She hasn't said anything yet so I don't have idea myself."
"I see. Mira-sensei, may I ask a favor?"
"Oh what that would be?
Well If I can why not?"
"Can you tell me if ever sensei gives her reasons for being absence?"
"Ah... I'm not sure about that alright. But don't get your hopes though."
"Thank you sensei, I'm going now."
"Aye! Take care."
Despite being worried bout Tachibana-sensei, she maintains carefree demeanor which is quiet commendable.
The next few days ain't as good as I had hoped. Unbeknownst to me, something unthinkable was taking place which would incite an emotional conflict to us.