#004 first kill
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After enjoying the sun for a few more minutes he returned to the cave. Since Material manipulation reached a new level he decided to train and experiment with it hoping to achieve a more comfortable body shape. 

Hours later when the sun reached his highest point he managed to shape his body from his ball form to a more cylindrical form. Since Leo wants to walk on two legs he needed to shape his body so his centre of mass was close to the ground so he tried to shift the dirt in his body his bottom half so that he later had an easier time balancing himself.

Material manipulation reached Level 3

After nightfall in a dark cave there was nothing but silence and a very proud Leo standing on two feet.

It took me the whole day and more than one unwanted belly flop but I did it. I never thought just walking could bring such happiness. So now that I can move normally I can think about exploring. Lets see what I can find in this cave.

With high spirits Leo started to move further into the cave. During his walk training he never left the vicinity around the cave entrance so not being able to see the entrance felt strange at first but he soon noticed that even though it should be pitch black in the cave he could see fairly well.

Do I have inbuilt night vision as a Golem? How do I see in the first place? Whatever it works and how it works I figure out later.

As he was walking his movements kept getting faster and more fluent and he steadily increased his pace. Soon he came upon something white on the ground and walls so he stopped walking and took a closer look.

What is this? It looks like spider webs ... I am not really scared of spiders so I think I could hunt and kill them if they aren't to big or too strong ... lets try finding one and then decide.

So Leo continued his way into the cave while paying attention to his surroundings to see if he could find one of the spiders that laid those webs. For a while he found nothing but then after around 30 metres after the webs started he spotted what seemed to be legs. Thin black legs that had some shining claws at their tip. It was a strange sight but he found it calming that the spider seemed to be only around 20 centimetre big so it was quite a bit smaller than himself.

Now how do I do this? My body is technically just a lump of dirt. I don't have any weapons to attack it. My body is quite heavy so I could do something like dropping myself on top of it ... but how do I get above it?

After he looked around he soon had a plan. He found a small boulder near the wall on the opposite side of the spider and climbed on top of it. On the ground close to the boulder were some webs. Spiders use their webs to locate their prey so he could just throw some pebbles onto the webs to bait the spider to where he could jump on top of it.

After resolving himself he threw the pebbles and just as planned the spider took the bait and walked towards him. That was the first time Leo saw the whole spider and he found it wasn't so bad that such a creature would soon be dead. Between it's legs there was an incarnation of arachnophobia itself. A big black abdomen with gray hair and in front a little head with eight red eyes that stared right into your soul. 

Leo felt a quick shudder over his body but soon steadied himself and got in position as the spider crept closer.

When it was about to reach the pebbles Leo jumped with all the might his still poor body control could muster. As he started to fall he put forth his arm tentacle and aimed it at the spiders abdomen.

There was just a moment between jump and impact but it seemed strangely long. And then he felt the pressure on his tentacle arm increasing as he desperately tried his utmost to keep it from bursting with Material manipulation. The moment the tentacle arm pierced the spiders abdomen a screeching sound came from the spider. It sounded terrible as it echoed in the cave but it became quite again as the spider stopped moving.

Leo took a moment to collect himself and processes the situation. As he stood up to move away from the dead spider a notification popped into view.

Abyss spiderling Level 3 was killed.

Golem Leo reached Level 2