Chapter 15: Heart Surgery is Hard
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"These stupid ghosts are driving me insane... I WILL EXTERMINATE YOUR ENTIRE SPECIES! YOU HEAR ME YOU STUPID GHOSTS!?"

I've tried 12 times and those damn things keep distracting me, this WILL be my last attempt, I WILL get it right this time...


That's it, where are those alcoholic plants again I have a DIRE need to get smashed right now! Found them, come ere and give me your JUICE!


"God that shit's good, so sweet and smooth but damn does it have some kick to it."

I think it's easier to build a mana core when you have more mana, and I need a painkiller so let's make some Lost in Translation, that's what I'm calling that pink drug I made from all the weird shit I found in the tutorial, fill one of these random pots with mana water, and dilute the stuff in it so it's actually usable as a painkiller... I hope.

"I think that worked, that worked right!? What if I punch myself!?"


"Yesh, it WORKED, and everything is so colorful, It's mana, I can SEEEEE it, HAHAHAHAHAHA."

I feel soooooooooo goooooooooooood, now is the best time to make my core, HAHAHAHAHAHA, it's so funny.

Now I just sit down and grab the water stuff and then grab the mana and then I bring it to my heart and... what was I supposed to do again... oh right, right, I remember, I had to ignore some hands, I think I'm doing a great job, and then I made my heart into the core by wrapping mana here and water stuff there, NO WAIT I TAKE IT BACK! Undo all of that like this aaaaand that, I had to attach my mana to the anmima, no it was anima I think, first liiiike this? No wait I didn't get all the colors... can I grab the hands too? Yes, now I wrap my anmim... anima like this around it and then... YES! I did it... now I gotta do the heart right? So I do it liiiiike this aaaaaand this... DONE!

"Why do I feel all woozy?"


"The hell happened? I remember drinking that diluted LIT, hah, and then... fuck how was that shit so strong, I diluted it to like one part in a thousand!? Did I fuck up and die or something? [Notifications]."

You Have Made Progress,


      • Acquired: [Mana Core{Error Mana Core not Found}]
      • Acquired: [Formed Soul{Error Formed Soul not Found}]
      • Acquired: [Artifact Core{Artifact Heart}]
      • [Artifact Core{Artifact Heart}] replaces [Mana Core] and [Formed Soul]
      • [Artifact Core{Artifact Heart}] Mutating:
        • [Warped Artifact Core{Bloodcrystal Heart}]
      • [Attribute {LCK}]: +2

"Fuck I used way too much mana and it crystalized... I didn't even know that could happen, shit, there are literally blood red crystals jutting out of my heart, that does not look healthy!"

[Warped Artifact Core{Bloodcrystal Heart}]

      • [Recovery Speed{Health}] acts as [Regeneration]
      • All [Recovery Speed{Base}]: +200%
      • [Mana Efficiency{External}]: -50%
      • [Mana Efficiency{Internal}]: +20%
      • Negative [Abnormal Condition Resistance]: +30%
      • Positive [Abnormal Condition Resistance]: -15%
      • [Innate Skill {Mana Manipulation}]

"WOAH... so apparently I was wrong, this is VERY healthy, does recovery speed acting as regeneration mean I can grow back an arm by just waiting!? Sucks that I seemingly can't use external magic like fireballs and stuff anymore but internal magic got a lot better, and does having negative positive abnormal condition resistance mean that any buffs I receive get buffed!?"

I can't believe I got all this from building my core while high out of my mind and at least a little drunk, I've officially used all the luck I could ever have in my entire life, seriously how did this even happen!? I also seem to have gotten all the achievements for this floor... HOW!? I definitely failed to make my core a bunch of times, is it because I didn't die? Whatever, it doesn't matter, now I guess I'll just go back to the last challenge, get the last achievement, and get out of the first floor.

Welp, that's pretty much it for the introductory part of the story, between the next chapter and the one after new characters start showing up and we get to the FUN part.

Thanks to everyone who's read the story so far.