Chapter 18: And a Total Bloodbath
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- Ele POV -

"Ele are you seriously resorting to beating up random nobodies now?"

Is that Jay? Well took him long enough.

*whispers* "Hey Nor... NOR!"

Where is she? There... what the hell is she doing over there, she's supposed to be collecting bet money, I didn't set this whole thing up just to have her walk off on me! A rock to the head should get her attention!


Good she finally got the message.

*whispers* "Sis that hurt... shit, what?"

*whispers* "Nor I'll make it look like I'm throwing the fight, people are gonna start getting pissed so tell the announcer to let people change their bets when they do, then I'm winning the fight and making some easy money."

*whispers* "Can you even beat Jay?"

*whispers* "Pfft, easy!"

*whispers* "...Sure."

What, does she think I'm gonna loose or something, hah sure, I'd like to see the day. Jay could tie me at best before the path showed up and that was purely because he'd learned to counter my fighting style... but now I have magic, he won't beat me now!

"AND THE WARDANCER STEPS UP TO THE CHALLENGE. Two beautiful young ladies are facing each other in the arena today folks, so PLACE... YOUR... BETS!!!"

Hah, ladies, Jay does look absolutely adorable in that blouse, I can't believe he actually CHOSE to wear something like that... why does he never do it when ask, the asshole!?

"Ha, you hear that Jay, two beautiful young LADIES, I gotta say that blouse looks stunning on you, when did you finally start embracing your femininity?"

"Oh fuck you ELAINE!"

...Aaaand I'm gonna cave his skull in.



Ele instantly empowers her stone armor to let it cover her entire body, finishing just as the duel timer hits 0. Without missing a beat Jay dashes in pulling out a hidden dagger and slashing at Ele's throat with blinding speed.


But Ele reacts in time, lifting up her arm's to block, adopting a boxing stance, and delivering a devastating straight right which Jay barely manages to avoid by stepping to the left and kicking Ele away.

"Come on Jay, that the best you got!?" Taunts Ele as she recovers having barely taken a single step back.


Jay steps back in, this time moving low and throwing simultaneous kicks at her leg and head. But Ele was more than fast enough to react and manages to catch Jay's high kick with ease while stepping back to avoid his low. Which was just what he had been expecting, Jay quickly reacts by pushing himself off the ground with his arms and using his right leg, now in Ele's grip, as leverage to pull himself up onto her shoulders, twist around, and toss her a good three meters across the arena.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WHAT AN INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCE FROM THE NEWCOMER!!!" Shouts the announcer as the crowd roars in excitement, but the stands grow quiet as Ele stands up completely unharmed.

"Come on Jay you can't hurt me like that, can't you even use your mana!?" Again Ele taunts her opponent as her rock armored fist is engulfed in flames and she punches at Jay launching a fist of flames across the arena.

Jay jumps to the side but isn't fast enough to avoid the entirety of the attack and come out with a number of burns across his left side.

"Hah, use my mana huh, FINE, who needs time to practice anyway, lets do THAT!"

So he's never used his mana before huh, just came out of the tutorial then, too bad for him I've had half week to prac... After practicing for days Ele's ability to perceive and use mana had grown substantially so looking at Jay now, she could see as the mana in his body started flowing quickly and in enough capacity to allow it to be seen even inside his body, all of it glowing in the distinctive dark green of force mana. Shit I think he's gonna do that stupid trick of his, I didn't even think that was possible in real life, SHIT SHIT SHIT!

"First step!" Saying that Jay's entire body flashed and he appeared in front of Ele before she could even react, but she had managed to get her guard up preemptively so when Jay's dagger flashed forward she was rea..

"Second step!"


The attack came from behind, Jay's dagger bit into the back of her neck from the right managing to go deep enough to score a serious cut, but not fatal, and his dagger couldn't withstand the force as it shattered sending bits of metal scattering over her body. She new that was it for Jay's attack, the move cost too much mana, he didn't have enough left.

"TOO SLOW JAY, AND TOO WEAK!" She started to turn around intent on delivering a finishing blow as the crowd was more than hyped up enough to have blown quite a few hub points on Jay, but then...

"Third step!"



Once again moving at blinding speed Jay spins moving to her left and hits Ele with a roundhouse kick strong enough to shatter her armor and her ribs beneath, but the force didn't stop there, the kick caused enough damage to rip open a previously unnoticed wound on her right side which Jay caused during his second attack. Now Ele was forced back, massive amounts her blood covering the arena floor and her ribs poking out of the right side of her chest, but Jay wasn't in much better condition. Ele had been right, he didn't have enough mana for that last attack and using the Wardance of Rel'Leala without that enhancement had shattered Jay's leg, his leg was now so mangled that shards bone were visibly jutting out.


"*PANT, PANT, PANT* I... could *COUGH, COUGH* ask you the same."

Refusing to back down Jay starts sprinting towards Ele again, but unbeknownst to him Ele's pain resistance skill had capped at level 93, if she chose to she could easily ignore nearly all the pain this caused her. But Jay was undeterred as he reached into his broken leg and ripped out a particularly large and sharp shard of broken bone without Ele noticing as he approached, he then leaped at her... and was unceremoniously caught by the throat.

Ele lifted Jay up with her left hand as her right fist burst into flames but just as she was about to land the finishing blow Jay once again surprised her by jabbing the shard of broken bone into the back of her neck, right where the wound he had created earlier was. With all his remaining strength, Jay forced the shard through but was too slow to kill her before her punch landed and an explosion of flame consumed them both.

[DUEL] Completed