Chapter 3
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      [Definitely not the best chapter but I want to try and get something up everyday Mon-Fri. I am also going for at least 1.5k words per chapter.]

  Kyron turned to where the voice came from, seeing a gun sitting on top of his desk. It is mostly black with some purple accents to it. It is the result of one of his latest attempts at creating artificial life. While the gun, to any other, seems to have a mind of its own and its own will, to Kyron it is just an advanced artificial intelligence resulting from the lack of proper materials. But that is not why Kyron deems it to be such a failure. The reason for that would be it’s not so great personality.

“Oi, are you ignoring me? Me? Just because ya have two legs and a pair of arms ya think yer so much better than me. Well I’ll tell ya. I’m-”

“Shut it. I’m a little busy right now. And I don’t have time for your crap.” Kyron snaps at the gun while throwing his arms around wildly.

“Ya know what. I’m a nice gun. I give you one hour to get used to that new body of yours talkin’ free. But right after that? We gonna have a nice long chat about how yer treatin’ me. Got it? Got it.” As the gun starts talking it's quiet voice starts slowly rising in volume until it’s basically yelling at Kyron in anger and frustration.

“I..Uh..I, fine! Just give me a bit. I need to figure out what went wrong. There is no way this should've happened.” Kyron relented to the gun, knowing that eventually he would have to talk with it. 

    Looking through his status one last time Kyron decides to try something he should have long ago. He would always put it off for later saying it was not important. Well. Now it's important.

“Use Scan on Android.” Kyron said. Although not needed to be spoken aloud he has gotten into the habit of talking to himself over the last few years, and opening up his status is not an exception.

Android- A newly created race of artificial humanoids. While many have tried, and failed to create one. There was one who was successful, although some problems arose in the process. (Congratulations. You are the first of a new race and it’s sole creator. You’ve unlocked the “Android Progenitor”  Hidden Title.)

“Oh. Well… that's something. I’m gonna have to check out that title soon, but first the other changes. How about this new Gift.” Kyron starts to mumble to himself.

Unageing Body- Your body cannot age through normal means 

“Well, I coulda figured that. What else could that mean in the first place.” Kyron says with a sigh before heading over to his desk chair and sitting down.

“I’m gonna just do the rest now. I don’t have time for this.”

Kyron says ight before opening the status of the rest of his newest additions.

Dimensional Tear- Use your claws to rip a hole through dimensions for fast travel and storage. The tear becomes more stable the higher the level. (You are responsible for lost items and body parts)(Small chance of releasing dimension rippers when failed.)

“That's… kinda ominous.. Also. What claws? I don’t have any claws”

Space Magic- (You can warp the very fabric of space,  bend it to your will.)

“Could you give me a little more than that? That does not help very much.

Waypoint- Guess what you can… uh… set a waypoint! Oh… Yeah… obvious…

“...Really… who is making these descriptions…?”

Overload- Take in all the mana in the surrounding area and then use it up at a very fast rate to boost your power exponentially.. (After use your body will be in a pseudo-stasis until enough mana has returned for normal operations. Too much power can damage your body.)

“That could be a real lifesaver. But when am I gonna use it? I’m a craftsman not an adventurer, or soldier.Well only a few left lets see.”

Core Absorption-  Take in the cores of those you defeat for a small chance to get a stat boost or an ability from the defeated creatures. (Obtained skills are reset to level one. The first core of a creature guarantees one skill.)

“What is this broken skill!! Even with the limitations this could be used for so much. If I take a Razor Falcon’s flight skill do I gain wings? Oh.. Oh.. if I get a dragon Dragon Breath do I have to shoot it out of my mouth or could I use my hands. I need to go test this! If I ca-” Kyron started rambling on and on about how he was going to use the skill until a little gun that was nearby finally had enough.

“SHUT UP! Can you be anymore annoying. How is it that a kid like you created a masterpiece such as myself. How is that. Huh, explain it to me?” The gun yells at Kyron while nearly shaking itself off the desk.

“Calling yourself a masterpiece is a bit of a stretch. Your more of a-”  Kyron starts to say before being interrupted once again.

“Enough! We need to have a talk, and yer’ going to listen! I can not stand yer’ treatment of me! Since the day I was born, the day I was created. By you! I have been looked down upon. Bein’ called failure day after day. Shoved in a drawer to rust away! All this done by my creator,the one who could in some fashion be called my father! How do you think this makes me feel! How do ya!” the gun starts shouting, rising in volume until it is practically screaming at the top of its nonexistent lungs, shaking all the while until it falls off the desk.

“Ow! Son of a bi-”

“Alright I get it.” Kyron says with a solemn face as he walks over and picks the gun up off the floor.

“Unhand me!” shouts the gun.

“I get it.” Kyron walks over and sets the gun down on the desk.

“What? What do you-”

“I mean I get it. I have been treating you horribly. I was getting upset over my repeated failure and took it out on you. So… I’m sorry.” Kyron then walks over to his previous body and moves it over to where he keeps the scraps before continuing. 

“I know this cannot make up for the way I have been treating you, but how about I give you a name. You okay with that?” he says looking toward the gun.

“I..I don’t need a name from you! Bu-but it's not like I don't want a name.. Or anything..” 

“So do you want one or not? I guess I’m fine without giv-”  Kyron starts soon to be interrupted once again.

“Yes! Dang it all just give me a name already!” says audibly getting exasperated.

“Hmmm… okay.. How about…. Gu-”


“But you don’t even know-”

“I said no”

“O-okay.then… no that won't work…. How about…. Ah! I've got it! From now on you shall be known as the talking gun.. Janus. How about that? You like it.” Kyron looks to the gun once again awaiting a response.




“Are you..”


“Fine what?”

“I’ll take the name dam-” Janus replies after a few moments

“Now, let's check your status.” Kyron says before looking over to the gun and using Scan on it.

Janus The Sentient Gun- A weapon created by the magi-technician Kyron. It is capable of its own thoughts and can fire at will. It has great room for improvement. (And its personality is kinda wack)

Grade- C

“Great! Now onto the next order of business”

“Wait, but.. Ah whatever”

Kyron goes over to his storage area of the room and finds a big metal box that's kept with his other magi-tech creations. Picking it up he takes it over to the corner of his workshop with the scraps and his human body and then activates it. The moment it’s activated he can feel some mana being drawn from inside of him to power the device. It took a full 80 points of mana, which before becoming an android would have left him completely wiped. No though it is just a minor inconvenience. Opening up the box he is greeted with a wave of cold air, with the ends of his hair even freezing when it comes into contact with it. Confirming that the device was functional Kyron grabs his human body and then starts to lower it into the box. But right before he can get the lid closed he is interrupted by Janus.

“Kyron.. I think maybe you should hurry up. I heard a noise coming from the-” before Janus could finish warning him the door to Kyron’s worksop opened up. Standing in the middle of the doorway is none other than Kyron’s mother looking at the scene before her with a face of concussion and shock. She then looks into the eyes of Kyron and back to his previous body. She then looks to android Kyron once again and yells.

“What have you done to my son!” Before charging at Kyron leaving him no time to think about what to do.

Right before he is hit he shouts

“Wait mom I can explain!”