Chapter 12: Co-operation
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"So there's an Evil God threatening to destroy our Goddess' creations?"

"That's the bottom line, yes. As of now we barely have any divinity. I used up almost everything on your..."guards" earlier. Our first step is to regain divinity, something I hope you can help us with."

"How may I help?"

I look at my sister, and she continues to explain.

"As things are, we have no way to regain our divinity without revealing who we are. We hope you can spread the word that our mother decreed her daughters to be implemented into her church. Our mother has given us roles as enforcers to uphold her divine laws over her creations. We can't directly spread our names or divine titles, as it would make the Evil God too suspicious and all but confirm that we are in this realm. You can say that we are [Goddesses of Divine Law and Order]. Seeing as no such goddesses exist, all prayers directed towards those titles will give us divinity, and as of this moment a portion of all prayers to "goddess" will also be sent towards us."

Elem contemplates this and looks at us, giving us a brief nod before going to her desk and get writing materials.

"Em, how do you remember how to adjust the system, I felt the change but I do not remember how to do it."

"I'm not sure, it was more of an instinct rather than memory, it felt right to say those two titles, so I let my instincts guide me and that was the result. I'm fairly certain mother may have helped us. We do have to be careful with where and how we use our divinity until we are ready to deal with the Evil God, or his minions, which I assume he has."

Elem made her way back to us as she was writing down what she has to do.

"Anything else I can do to help?"

My sister looks towards me, asking me to take charge again as she's bad with these responsibilities.

"I think we'll start there and see how it goes. If you can covertly gather any and all information on any mention of the Evil God. Just let your most trusted people do it. No piece of information is useless, as we need everything we can get. How sure are you regarding the stability and lawfulness of mother's church?"

Elem's face takes on a solemn expression.

"I can not say with certainty that it's absolutely stable. The generation before mine had a deep-rooted problem with corruption, but there was a culling and I'm almost certain that corruption within the church is no longer a problem, atleast within this empire. I make tours and gather the leaders of the other churches every now and then, as I am the person with the most, ehm, authority. As I am the only one who can recieve revelations. I will inform the other leaders across the world with our new directives, and I'm fairly certain they should be implemented, but there may be dissent and distrust from certain priests. I know the church the in the Kingdom of Hope still has a problem with corruption and abuse of authority, but I'm currently focusing on gathering paladins who are truly loyal and faithful, but that is a project that may take some years and we don't have the manpower to do another purge in a large kingdom."

"Hm. Very well. We will not meddle in directive and affairs, as of now we have no reason to believe mother will not let you know if there's anything she wants. I know she likes to leave the mortals to their own devices, as she doesn't want to impose her will unless it's a cataclysmic event. We will remain with our status as Princesses towards the public, but will leak the word that we are co-operating with you and this countries clergy towards implementing it as a state religion. We have not spoken to the emperor about this, but that is a problem we will take care of. If you have any large issues you can not deal with yourself, you may let us know and we will help where we can, as long as it's something we deem as important towards our objective. This may seem ruthless, but at this point the threat is upon the whole world, eventhough the public has no idea, and only the three of us knows this to be real. If you need to urgently contact us, pray to the runes you have imprinted in your mind. It doesn't matter if you don't understand them, we will know and receive the contents of your message."

"Em, do you have anything you want to say?"

My sister leans back and taps her finger on her chin.

"Elem, what would happen to the church if the emperor dies?"

Her eyes go wide at the implication hidden in my sister's tone.

"I believe as of now that would be a detriment. There are nobles who thinks the church and our services are unneeded, especially when it comes to healing and relief aid. They want to monopolize and monetize healing, and the improved image they would get from delivering relief aid to disaster stricken villages will help them tremendously."

"Hm, okay. I believe it's for the best to leave the dealings of the church and implementing it as a state religion to me, as my sister needs to focus on her future duties and a few other problems. Due to our lack of information, I do not want us to go toe to toe with the Evil God with only the two of us. I have a few ideas for a tool Atla can give you to help with the recruiting of Paladins, and I will see what I can do about getting more instructors. As of now we need to get my sister on the throne, and form an armed coalition of multiple nations, aswell as the paladins of the church that we can command into battle, as I do not know how deep the roots of the Evil God goes."

"I'm sorry, I need to make sure I understood you correctly. Are you talking about deposing the emperor to have Princess Atlantica take the throne before he dies of age or abdicates?"

"Yes, that is the plan. We will reveal ourselves to the emperor, our "father", when the time is right, and ensure a proper succession towards Atla. We will most likely purge the corrupt nobility in the years leading up to this, but we will probably not have her take the throne until our time at the academy is over. That gives us five years to raise an army of paladins. How big is your current budget?"

"Around 100.000 mooncoins a year. 15% of this goes towards training, raising and housing the paladins."

"Hm, very well. I'll make sure you get an additional 500.000 a year specifically for the paladins and improving the image and faith of the church. As of now I've barely heard anything regarding the church when it comes to our national politics, and that is something Atla can work on implementing to gain more popularity with the citizens when the succession arrives. From what I understand there are absolutely no detriments to having the church in the Empire. We will split the paladins into different groups for infiltration, information gathering to uncover corruption, and have paladins stationed across the regular guard posts to make the citizens used to the paladins and gain their trust. We know there is dissent and corruption within the army and it's policing forces, but with how we're going to work forwards there should be no corruption or betrayal within the paladins, which will help the image of the church and it's services. I will send over a team, aswell as a few instructors to start an elite unit within the paladins who are versatile, aswell as training a division of information specialists. Do you have any problems with this?"

"No, normally I would disagree towards militarizing the paladins, but in this case I see no reason to do it, especially if things goes according to your plan, which I assume it will."

"Huh, Atla is it just me or is she quite calm and relaxed considering we're goddesses? I like her."

"I do too Em, and with her oath we can trust her, as she is unable to divulge information due to her oath, both willingly and coerced."

"Very well, I will deal with the emperor and help you with the forces. If there is nothing left we'd like to take our leave so we can go straight to the castle and deal with this."

"No there's nothing."

Elem again kneels before us. "It was a pleasure to meet you, my Goddesses."

We give her a nod and leave the premises of the church. 

"Well Em, you have to let me know about these tools later, I assume it's akin to an oath to get rid of disloyalty, but let me know, okay?"

"Mhm, sure thing Atla. Well, onwards to the castle?"