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Back at the wagons I find the bandages where I had left them. The thief had not appeared to have visited while I was gone. I wince as a new wave of pain surges through my arm as I unwrap the bandages. Applying the bandages was aggravating, just the slightest touch was enough to trigger new waves of agony. When I finished the pain returned to acceptable levels as long as I avoided moving my left arm. As for dinner I wrap its tail off the back of the caisson, and in the absence of a knife I use its own claw to cut open the chest cavity. I remove the gore and throw it away. 

When I finished the days events were finally able to catch up with me. I sit down on the caisson as weariness sets in. Only too late did I realize just how much trouble I was in.



The Black Forest named so because of how dark and quiet it is. Because of its dense canopy traditional methods of navigation with the sun and stars are impractical. And with the scale of the wilderness, a dedicated diviner or seer is an absolute must. This fact alone aggravated Baran. 

Diviners, like all spell casters powerful and seasoned enough to gain recognition in a specific magical lore, were demanding subordinates. Their status and market value put their services well out of reach of an orphan like himself. Well usually that is.

As a youth he had gotten himself on an expedition through this forest to catch new "merchandise" from the Earl of Pavlo. The trip started off poorly for his group, as heavy rains had destroyed much of their supplies. It was a slog but he endured. 

The nature of the business was known, but the reality was obscured by lustful dreams and talk of great wealth. The first raid was a brutal affair. Despite being outnumbered Baran and his group surrounded a village in the dead of night, and at the signal from the boss they attacked. The villagers were rounded up and the "most expensive" villagers were tied in a line (very young boys, and older pretty girls). Baran as an orphan growing up in the slums was no stranger to the brutality, and callous disregard of ordinary people and gangs alike. What shocked him was the efficiency of it all. Supplies were taken, tears were shed, and more than a little blood as well, but each bandit knew his job well. Simon, who knew how to read, took stock of the plundered supplies. One eye Eugien, a half giant, was responsible for "pacifying" the captured villagers. And Tai Liang, a sailor, bound the slaves with a practiced efficiency that would not be the shame of any crew. 

Baran's job was filler. "Stand around, look tough. Don't get in the way." were Eugien's words to him and the other "Newberries"

Baran smiled recalling his youth, that was almost 30 years ago. Every one else on that expedition was ether dead in some back ally corner, or retired. He however was still in the field. 

 "Hag, give the signal. And you boy. stand around, look tough. Don't get in the way." Baran walked toward his as of yet unaware victims.







-Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also I if you see any spelling or grammar errors please let me know so I can fix them and improve. Also plot holes, see any tell me.     ~Hatt