Ochako Uraraka
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Izuku still wondered, who is that figure he transformed into?

Also, wasn't Deku his nickname given to him by Bakugo? For being quirkless, and useless? (Deku means 'Useless Person')

"Ah there you are, Young Midoriya!"

Izuku turned around, and there stood All Might, in his hero form. Izuku smiled, seeing his idol in the right shape although he also didn't mind his real looks.

"A..!! All Might?! H... How can I help you again?!"

"It seems that you have a good heart. What you did is what most pro heroes do during their youth, helping in any way they could."

"R... Really? I'm glad!"

"I'm proud of you, Young Midoriya. Say, do you care to explain how did you manage to use a quirk that is similar to mine?"

"Similar to yours?"

Then Izuku remembered, the card reader on the belt did say "One For All."

"Indeed, and I'm also surprised seeing you come out of the attack, unharmed! The quirk can be self destructive to an incapable person."

Izuku gasped at the revelation. Do the cards somehow made him master the move that is performed? Also, he used those cards instinctively and suddenly knew how to fight despite the fact that he couldn't before.

Just what is going on?

"Say, Young Midoriya. Do you want to be my disciple?"

Izuku nodded quickly, and All Might chuckled.

And for the next 10 months, Izuku trained with All Might. After going through intense training, All Might gave him a strand of his hair and that he had to eat it.

Upon eating it, his card book opens by itself and several cards flew out to his hand.

"Detroit, Manchester, St Louis, Full Cowl..." And several more.

After finished flipping through the cards, he was taken to U.A High, the prestigious academy for heroes.

"So this is U.A High, it's bigger than I expected--"

All of a sudden he heard footsteps rapidly coming into his direction, and he felt a sudden force hitting his back. Izuku nearly fell to the ground, and he looked behind to see...

"I... I'm sorry! I... I was in a hurry!"

A nervous brown haired girl, wearing a hoodie and a blue skirt. She had fallen onto her rear after the crash.

"Ah, it's... It's fine, really! I was just going to go in as well."

"Ah, I... I see. Ah, right! Where are my manners!? I... I am Ochako Uraraka! Nice to be of acquaintance!"

She stood up and bowed shyly.

Izuku looked at her bowing down, and he had to admit that she looked even more cuter when she did that.

They went in after Izuku introduced himself, and attended the orientation speech, before they were then spotted by a glasses wearing fellow.

"You, yes! You!" The fellow pointed to Izuku, before telling him that he had a bad habit of muttering non stop, and that he had to reduce it.

He offered a handshake, and introduced himself as Tenya Iida, which Izuku nervously accepted.

Later on the entrance exam he had troubles having to use his One For All without his costume. He is afraid that if he used it without the cards, he may break a bone.

But then a blonde haired boy stepped in, and destroyed the bot who is supposed to be Izuku's opponent in a flash. He winked at Izuku before leaving.

Izuku then realized that time is running out, and that he had to collect points as soon as possible, but then...


He heard the voice coming from his right, to see Uraraka, the girl from before having to fight several robots all by her own.

However the bots were floating on the air, as if there is no gravity. She shouted "Release!" And the bots fell down, but they still moved.

One got up early and tries to attack Uraraka, who then covered her face with her arms, fearing the impact.

But it never came.

"Are you alright?!"

Izuku stood in front of her, stopping the bot's entire weight only using his index finger.

"M...Midoriya? But why?"


Izuku is struggling to find an answer.

"I couldn't let something like this to permanently wipe out your beautiful smile!"

Uraraka shook, before her face reddens, and so does Izuku as he said that out of nervousness. And then several cards came out. They lightened up, and when the light disappeared, Uraraka's portrait is displayed in each of them.

"Uraraka, allow me to help you on this one!"

Izuku took out the card reader shaped buckle, and put it on the center of his waist. He took his card and inserted it into the reader.



And Izuku transformed into the hero known as Deku, according to the card reader. After transforming he kicked off the bot, and looked at one of the cards that he just got.


"Ochako, this might tickle a bit."


Izuku then tapped on Uraraka's back and she glowed in a bright light. She morphed into a small ball of light that went into Izuku, and after doing so, the other cards lightened up, their powers being unlocked.

"What is this...?"

"T...This is... Our strength!" Izuku didn't know what else should he be answering.

Izuku took one card, and put it in the reader.


And the surrounding bots in the distance begins to float 5 feet intobthe air as if there is no gravity.

Izuku then jumped up, and inserted another card.


And several rows of holographic cards appear, in a trail that connects to all of the bots.

Izuku then went to kick them, and a huge explosion rocks the entire practice grounds.

Izuku landed back on his feet, as the ball of light came out of his body, and morphed back into Uraraka, who then fell down to the ground, unbalanced. Izuku then undid his transformation, turning back into his normal self, in the training uniform.

"Midoriya-Kun... Why did you help me, again?"

"Ah, that's... Well, as a hero isn't it their duty to protect everyone, including other heroes? A... Also, I would like to protect the smiles of the people I... We protect!"

This caused Uraraka to blush again, and look away from Izuku.

Several other students then went towards the blast zone to see debris of the destroyed bots scattered around.

And to Izuku's surprise, Bakugo is there... He just huffed in anger before leaving.

Everyone else praised Izuku for saving Uraraka despite the time limit. The next week, when the exam results were given, Izuku finds out that he didn't score any points, but he indeed gained enough rescue points to enroll.

Now Izuku is formally a student of U.A High, one step ahead towards his dreams.

- To Be Continued