Ch 29: The Redhawk squad.
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We had been walking till the sun was now up in the air, we were getting hungry again after all that walking with basically 0 food, so we decide to stop and try to hunt for some food again, these plains were pretty large but they did contain something close to it, it contained a forest, it looks like staying on human roads means that we won't find any animals or prey at all since they basically avoided all contact with the road, so we decided to move into the forest.

Going into the forest made me get a nostalgic feel, it's really weird but the forest really does feel like home, since we weren't in the forest for a long time we were a bit sloppy in moving and broke several branches immediately when getting in the forest, in this new forest I look for some wildlife to hunt, while I was looking for that I see something amazing.

I see other foxes besides us.

I was amazed at finding more of our own species, I wanted to communicate but these foxes upon spotting us had immediately fled, I was confused, why did they run away?

Don't tell me that they are afraid? Why would they be? A-am I really that scary? No, I think it's because of instincts. After all I am an evolved one that is also foreign.

I feel a little bad for giving a terrible shock for the citizens of this forest but it couldn't be helped, we now turned our attention to hunt and we find the ever familiar smell of horned rabbits, we each hunt them for food as their essence was pitiful and wasn't worth killing them for it, we finish them off instantly and then eat them.

We couldn't use the rabbits burrow as a place to sleep in as we got too big for that so we had just lied on the surface ground, most creatures avoided me Anyways so it would be okay, but damn I feel pretty tired now I look at the sun to see its position and see that it is like 1/4 of the way up, it's probably morning or something.

We seriously better fix our sleeping schedule, maybe next time or something as right now I'm way too tired for this.

And so I drift off to sleep, going before Nozomi as I see her lie close to me.

*POV Aaron*

We continue on following these spirivulpes tracks, we were following them since dawn and they followed strictly to the road, this spirivulpes is adhering to the road severely to a degree that is almost unbelievable, monsters generally avoided paved roads as humans usually used them, so seeing a monster follow a path this much is very strange.

"Do you think the spirivulpes got into a town or was killed by a slayer squad? It may have even been captured by another adventurer squad." Alexander asked in his overly asking manner like always.

"Would you have a positive outlook for once? I'm sure that we're the closest to this thing in Kilometers, and the nearest town is 50 kilometers down this road, and monsters almost always avoid towns since they're basically death traps for them."

"I know that, but this spirivulpes is abnormal, it's following it to a degree that is unbelievable for a monster."

"Just follow the path, nothing to lose in doing it." Lea interjects to end the discussion.

Goddamn, thanks lea for finally shutting him up.

Alexander is a pretty good guy I'd say but his constant negative thoughts and what ifs really gets on my nerve.

As we were walking in the road the Silvercloud forest appears, this forest was famous for having a ton of creatures in it that were proficient in water affinity, some prominent water masters came to this forest to practice their water skills, which used to cause a lot of water vapor to build up making white clouds appear above this forest and so it was called silvercloud forest, I remember my mom used to tell me that story about this forest over and over again, hah she used to tell such tales about this forest, it pains me every time I think about what happened to her, from such a knowledgeable lady to a maddened woman that couldn't recognize her son.

As I was thinking of such nostalgic saddening tales the trail suddenly comes to an end, it looks like the spirivulpes had left the main road, now where did it go?

"Cedric let your fire hawk fly and find where it went."

"Got it." 

He let's his fire hawk fly off from his shoulder after giving it a command with telepathy, and we sit and wait, we wait 15 minutes before the fire hawk comes back.

"He says that he found the spirivulpes in the forest with a golden wind fox too."

"A golden wind fox too? Ha, that'll also sell pretty well but it isn't our top priority, we can also take a golden wind fox in combat."

"Alright, now remember, we will not engage combat with either the spirivulpes or the golden wind fox under absolutely no circumstances, we will try to trick either into coming with us and when we reach the nearby town we'll capture them properly so we can sell them."

"How will we even get it to follow us fool?" Lea tells me coldly.

"These two must be extraordinarily interested in human culture as they followed this road to an extraordinary amount, so we will feed them some human food and tell it we will show it a human town, since they look pretty young they are likely to follow us."

"And if they don't follow us?"

"Then we'll give up and just sell the information about their existence to some noble or tamer, the information would also sell well."

Everyone seemed semi satisfied with the plan, and so we decided to carry it on, before we head off we decide to send the fire hawk to the town to inform the guild to prepare a mythril cage and an anti-energy field for capturing the two.

These two things are prepared by the guild free of charge if you can verify the existence of the monster you want to capture, they're going to read the mind of the hawk to do that, now it was time to approach this spirivulpes.

*POV Rai*

I wake up being especially alarmed, as I feel that something was approaching me, I stare at the bushes poised to attack when something comes out of there, they were humans, and not just any humans, but the same humans that I had seen yesterday, could this be a coincidence or maybe fate? Perhaps they even followed me here? My sister was now more alarmed than ever as their were humans in front of her carrying weapons, this is bad, I really don't wanna battle humans but I'm sure they're gonna start swinging their weapons around.

Easy there, we don't wanna fight.

One of them was using telepathy to talk to me so I reply to the telepathy line.

I also don't wanna battle you humans, and what are you doing here?

We were passing through this forests since we're adventurers, and we are happy that you didn't want to fight us, also can you please tell the other one to stop being so alarmed by us?

"Hey Nozomi, calm down, they don't wanna fight us, they aren't like that man."

"Are you sure Rai?"

"Yes, they just told me."

"Well, they did put down there weapons and they said it so I'll also not attack them."

Thank you spirivulpes for telling it to stop.

My name is Rai.

Rai? Strange name, sounds like it's from the continent in the west, but I didn't know that foxes had names. My name is Cedric.

Only me and her have names as far as I know, since every other fox I know has no name.

It sounds like you're strangely pretty similar to us humans, I did read that spirivulpes were similar to humans in intelligence and could even humanize, although some books' credibility aren't very high.

Really? I indeed can humanize but it's very poor in quality and It doesn't look like a human but more like a bipedal fox monster.

So some of the stories were true, our squad is called the Redhawk by the way and like I said before we are adventurers.

Yeah, that's awesome, what do you do?

We do all sorts of jobs from maintenance to mining to even fighting, although some guilds are more specialized for other things.

Also what is that smell around you?

This? It's meat gotten from some of the cattle in our towns, we preserve it with water techniques. Do you want some?

I nod to him and then he rummages in his bag and pulls out a piece of meat, he throws it to me and I catch and eat it, it was ridiculously delicious way more delicious than anything I've ever eaten before.

I can't give you more as our stock is running low, but if you come with us back to the town then you can get more of that food.

But I'm not human how would I get in the town?

If you go with another human then you'll be recognized as the companion of that person so you'll be able to enter with them.

That seemed like a good deal for us, and we didn't have anywhere to go, and I wanted more of that meat, I discuss it with my sister and she tells me that she is willing to do it if we can get more information on that man.

We accept your offer human, I'll follow you to the town but first I wanna ask you something, do you know any necromancer with dark brown eyes and hair who is also of medium stature and has two evolved foxes and an ogre with him?

Hm? No, I don't know anyone like that, anyways all the necromancers are in the necromancer kingdom of Almot that borders us, with both our kingdoms sharing the forest of Naher.

It looks like we'll find that man in the kingdom of Almot, I expect that place to be a bad one if its filled with necromancers.

Cedric turns to his friends and says something they look relieved and happy.

Who're your friends?

Oh, their names are Aaron, Alexander and Lea. And who is that with you?

Nozomi, my sister.

Alright nice to meet you Rai, now we should go to the town before night time comes.

And so we set off for this town, I'm so excited to see my first town in another world!