Chapter 15: Magazine
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The sound of the bell echoed throughout the school grounds. It signaled the start of lunch break and a few students remained in the classroom to eat their packed meals.

“Oh, is that the new issue?” Toshiro asked while approaching the brown haired boy that was eating in a burger in one hand and flipping the pages on the other.

“You bet.” the brunette answered with enthusiasm. His eyes became wide at the sight of scantily clad girl in erotic poses. “Aren't you going to have lunch with your girlfriend today?”

“I haven't seen her around today. She isn't in the student council office too.” Toshiro lined up a desk in front of the brunette and sat down on the chair. “Ujisato, didn't I ask you about getting me a copy of that too?”

“Huh?” the brunette briefly glanced at him and flipped a page. “Did you?”

“Jeez, why did I even bother asking you about it.”

“I'll get you the new issue next time, don't worry.”

Toshiro shook his head as he placed his bento on top of the desk and opened it. The meal was delicately arranged in a simple manner and was pleasant to the eyes.

“Hey, doesn't this girl look familiar to you?” Ujisato flipped the magazine and slid it forward to Toshiro.

It was a picture of tall tan-skinned girl dressed in a skimpy white school uniform. She had long black hair that went past her shoulders and her slender physique was highlighted from the outfit that she wore.

“Isn't that Hagiwara-san?” Toshiro gazed upon it and there was no doubt in his mind that she is the person on the picture

“Strange, isn't it? Who would've thought she would be in this kind of thing.” Ujisato took a large bite from his burger and turned to look at the girl beside Hagiwara. “What the? That's Tachibana!”

“You're right and there's Ozaki too!” Toshiro pointed at the long haired blonde girl in a nurse uniform.

“My, reading these kinds of material in class?”

Both of them stopped what they were doing and slowly looked into the direction of where it came from.

A tall long haired brunette girl stood in front of them with a disapproving look on her face and had her arms crossed below her chest.

“Momoe-iinchou.” Ujisato said with a deadpan tone of voice. “Don't tell me you're in here too.”

“Hmph, as if.” Momoe scowled and quickly picked up the magazine from the table. “I'll be confiscating this.”

After that, she left without saying a word or anything. Ujisato finished off his burger and crumpled the plastic, tossing it to the trash can beside the door.

Toshiro, on the other hand was bemused at his indifference and asked. “Don't you feel anything?”

“It doesn't matter. I already had a good look on most of the girls in there.”

“Wow, sometimes you really scare me with your attitude.”


Murasaki High, student council office

“We have received a report that there is a magazine being circulated in the school. In that same magazine, multiple pictures of girls clad in scandalous outfits are shown.” Misaki took a sip of her cup and continued “Normally, this wouldn't be an issue if it were professional models or such.”

She then handed multiple folders and distributed it among the group. "According to the committee, the girls that were in the photos were brought in for questioning but they have no knowledge of agreeing to do that job.”

The group opened the folder and began to thoroughly examine its contents before closing it. The meeting came to an end shortly after discussing their action plan on capturing the perpetrator.

Later that same day at the back of the school

“You're blaming me?” Kazuya asked with a puzzled expression. “What makes you say that?”

“The answer here is very simple, Kazu-kun” Misaki planted a smirk on her face after brushing her long silver hair aside. “You're a delinquent.”

“Ehhhh” The look on his face became more confused on what she said. “What part of me being a delinquent have to do with any of this?”

Misaki covered her face with both of her hands and emitted a loud sob. “All this time, I thought you have changed but it looks like you weren't satisfied with me at all.”

She lowered her hand from her face and peeked but the look on his face made her sob more louder.

“I knew it! You prefer those girls over me!”

Amid all of this, Keiji and Toshiro watched the scene in front of them with awe.

“Look at how Kaichou plays Danchou on the palm of her hand.” Keiji took a long gulp of his soda and released a refreshed ahh.

“I know she missed him so much but to do all of this” Toshiro opened the pack of chips that he was holding and picked up a piece to eat. “Still, I wonder where Kaede is. I haven't seen her the whole day.”

“Oh, already missing your girlfriend eh?” Keiji turned to look at him, mischievously. “I heard that she was sick. This could be your chance, lover boy.

“Shut up, you tub of lard.”

“Heh, you're no fun.”


The following day, two black haired students arrived inside the old gymnasium grounds. The place was long abandoned due to its derelict condition and the ceiling of the building had a lot of spider webs and cracks on it.

“Are you sure this is the right place, Hyo?” The black haired boy with a spiky hairstyle asked his friend.

“Yes, I'm sure of it.” Hyo had a cocky smirk on his face as he looked at him. “Don't tell me that you're planning to back out of this, Jin?”

“O-Of course not! I saved up my lunch money to buy this week's issue.”

Loud and heavy footsteps came approaching and a tall hooded figure with a hannya mask appeared before them on the stage.

“I assume you have the payment for the goods already.” the figure spoke with a somewhat distorted voice. “If not then you could leave immediately.”

Hyo took out an envelope from his blazer and placed it on the cold, wooden floor. “Now, give us what we paid for.”

“Impatient, are we?” the figure uttered a laugh and it echoed throughout the building. The laugh itself was ominous and had a chilling nature into it.

“You'll receive them inside your lockers tomorrow. Now, begone from my sight.”

“Alright, Alright.” Hyo turned around and left, dragging Jin along with him.