Chapter number 2 [ Thank you alice]
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[Isaac’s P. O. V]

Me and my new Friend Alice were talking to each other and were having fun until we heard footsteps coming from upstairs to the dungeon but.

When Alice wanted to hide it was too late and her mother found us and I got scared of what would happen to Alice.

“So you were here all along!? “I flinched but Alice seemed brave enough to talk back to her “yeah I’m here with Issac!!“.

She looked confused and disgusted. I knew she wouldn’t let Alice stay here with me “Issac?!?!“ she laughed at my name “what kind of Stupid name is that!?“.

I looked embarrassed and turned away “hey!! Isaac is a beautiful name so don’t make fun of his name!!!“ My eyes widened and I couldn’t help but smile. It’s the first time that someone defended me but the happiness didn’t last for long “so you want to stay here with that.... DEMON!?“ .

My smile faded away and I stayed quiet “well that demon is my friend and I won’t let you hurt him anymore!!“ I blushed“ she thinks of me as her friend!! “I thought and turned around to face them’’ and ‘’you’re my friend too alice“ I smiled at her but I noticed The queen’s face.

She was glaring at me and my body shook but alice seemed not happy about this “mom leave him alone!“

And then I heard a slap and then my heart stopped. everything just stopped and my eyes widened.

I watched alice fall to the ground with her holding her left cheek “ugh you're such an ungrateful brat and it’s mother to you why don’t you listen to what I tell you!?!‘’.

Alice’s eyes watered and I couldn’t stop myself and I put my hand on the metal bars that were locking me inside and watched them turn to black dust then I shot a glare at the queen making her run away.

[Alice’s P. O. V]

I was on the ground, speechless. I didn’t even notice what was going on all I could feel was pain, but then I looked up and saw Issac I was trying to process what was going on.

“I-isaac?‘’ by the second I said that he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around me and I couldn’t hold it
any longer.

I gripped on him and I sobbed my heart.
he joined me in the sobbing but I had to keep telling Issac that it’s not his fault.

He was just telling me he is sorry and that it’s his fault that I got hurt but none of this was his fault he never wanted this To happen which hurt me even more I can’t believe what they did to him he never deserved this.

After a couple of minutes we calmed down and just smiled at each other.

Then he wiped my tears away and I did the same to him and I decided that I’m going to make him stay in my room.

I got up and put my hand out for him to take and he did “let’s go to my room since this place is dark and cold you can stay in my room and sleep in my bed too“.

He hesitated at first but I insisted so he gave in and accepted the offer so we made our way through the stairs and we reached the metal door and we pushed it so we could get out of the dungeon.

After we opened the door we got out and we walked to my room and after Issac got in I closed the door “hey Isaac you should take a shower “I smiled at him but he didn’t seem happy so I got worried “what’s wrong?“ he looked at me with a sad face “am I disgusting?‘’

My eyes widened, and I shook my head ‘’oh no I didn’t mean it like that i swear you're just covered with dirt and blood your cuts might get infected and get you sick“ his face changed and he smiled.

“Sorry for misunderstanding what you meant“ he bowed and I chuckled, ``no need to apologize isaac it’s completely I’ll get you some clothes you go shower “.

He nodded and accidentally got inside my closet and I just watched him get out of it embarrassed and he apologized but I shook my head and giggled “I’m going to go get you some clothes ok?”.

I received a nod and then he got in the bathroom and he asked if he should lock the door. I couldn’t see him but I just stared at the door.

“Of course you should lock the door you dummy“ and then I heard a lock click and I smiled to myself and made my way to my brother's room.

And looked for something that will suit Issac and I found it


But sadly I didn’t have enough time to admire the outfit, so I took it and ran to my room and I put the clothes on my bed and looked for a towel and I sat down on my bed and the lock clicked and I made my way to the door and gave Issac the towel and he wrapped it around him “Hehe you’re clean now“.

He smiled “yeah I don’t remember the last time I took a shower “and that made me question ‘’ who did that to him?‘’.

I sighed and chuckled and pointed at the clothes on my bed “you get changed and I will look for some bandages and medicine for your cuts and wounds and bruises‘’ he nodded is head. I was about to leave when I heard him say.

“Thank you so much alice“ my back was facing him so he couldn’t see how red I was “o-oh you're welcome Issac I’ll let you change“.

I then got out and closed the door and my heart was beating so fast I felt like it’s going to jump out of my chest. I breathe fast just to get rid of the blush that was on my face after I succeeded.

I walked to the hallway and then I found some bandages and medicine and other things.

I took the medicine and bandages and cotton and I found a scissor so I took it too and started heading back to my room then I opened the door “hey Isaac I’m ba-“

I was met with a good looking Issac and my face heated “i-Issac you look really nice In t-the clothes I gave you “I was stuttering and a blushing mess and he smiled at me I felt my heart stop and I asked myself.

“Why is he so good looking? Is it because of his clothes or is it because he just showered or is it because his hair looks so soft and curly or is it him?“.

I thought then I snapped out of my daydreaming about Issac’s beauty “o-oh um I got the medicine and bandages, so can you sit down for me? “after he sat down, I made my Way to him and I put everything down

“This might hurt a little “and I took the cotton and I put some medicine on it and I put some medicine on it and I tapped it on Issac’s wounds and cuts. I felt bad that my brothers did this to him but Issac seemed to not move an inch.

I was done I bandaged up his cuts and wounds. After I was done I laid on the fluffy carpet and Issac joined me and just looked at each other and giggled and we just closed our eyes and we fell asleep .


Author note:

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter and come on issac's fit isn't it so cute see i have fashion sense U3U

Word count : 1288