The Night Whip (Teen!Nemuri x Izuku) Pt.1
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"You won't escape me this time, Izuku."

Said a dark haired teenage girl who kept her hair tied into a ponytail, pinning a certain Cinnamon roll to the wall behind him. Her fist landed on it, causing cracks to be made.

How did this happen, again? And who is this girl?

She is Nemuri Kayama, Niece of the R-18 Hero Midnight who shared the same name as her. However this one prefers to be called Kaya, unlike her aunt.

She was formerly a student at multiple schools around the globe that expelled her for her behavior, until she studied at a hero school that focuses on Archeology somewhere in Japan, known as BOARDS (Board of Archaeological Research Department School) where she was formerly the honor student, the Ace of Spades (Number 1) of the school and the most alluring and seductive of them all.

She moved to UA High, after she was recommended to enroll there by the Chairman. Knowing that her aunt would be there to tutor her, she reluctantly agreed.

In her first day, many souls of the male classmates of 1A and 1B were ensnared in her web. Everybody thought that her quirk is to attract males. But no, they're Dead wrong. She was an ace of spades for a reason, and she had seduced nearly everyone except for one cinnamon roll, and his name is Izuku Midoriya.

"You know you can't just do this! It's illegal!"

"You are in no position to make demands. Once ensnared in my web you can't escape..."

Kaya used her free right hand to reach down onto Small-Zuku bulging through the tight gym uniform.

"I want to sleep with you, I want you to plant your seed in me so that we would have strong children... You are pure yet strong my dear. Your offspring would resemble us in terms of abilities... And strengths" Kaya's breaths became heavy as her face turns red from the lustful heat in her body.

She then enclosed the distance of her lips to Izuku's, tempting to steal his first kiss when suddenly something heavy hits the top of her head.

"Deku-Kun, get out of here!"

It's Ochako Uraraka, who had used her quirk to levitate a bag filled with tools, and deactivated it when it's right above Kaya's head. Kaya is now seeing stars and planets circling around her head after being hit in the head with falling hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches.


"No time to chit-chat, let's go!" She took Izuku's hand and ran away with him.

After they ran away, Kaya regained her posture and stood back up slowly.

"Oh... It's on."

She licked her lips, as she readjusted her glasses before slowly walking out of the gym.

Ochako and Izuku ran as quickly as they can, passing through other students that are just minding their business, and Ochako 'accidentally' kicked Mineta along the way, with him sent flying towards a locker and he crashed on it's steel door head-first.

Kaya still walked slowly, a menacing aura emanates from her soul. The couple continued to run until they crashed into Bakugo who turned a corner.

"Ahh... Watch it will ya!? I'm already sleep deprived from the others chanting about that slut the other night!"

"Bakugo-Kun, do something!"

"About what?" Bakugo asked as he yawns.

"About that!" Izuku pointed to what's behind them before he and Ochako continued to run away.

It's just a quirkless janitor, who happened to be sweeping by.

"Oh hey there young man! It's a nice morning today, ain't it?"

"So you're the one who's causing my morning to become even more tiresome? I'll show you, fucking old man!"

A few explosions were heard as Ochako and Izuku went inside Mei's workshop and locked the door with every lock they can find, and blocked it with some of her 'Babies', one of them being a suit of armor that one would find in Dark Souls, but fitted with Mei's technological innovations.

"Ah, Uraraka and Midori! How can I help!?" Mei appears behind the couple, surprising them before they turned around to face her.

"Hatsume, if Kaya comes in here, don't spill the beans!" Ochako ordered.

"Alright, don't spill the-- wait, what?"

Ochako and Izuku vanished from her sight, and Mei turned around to see that the vault that she had designed has it's door closed by the both of them.

"Some people are in such a hurry..." Mei sighed.

Mei then heard banging coming from the locked and blocked door. The banging became even more stronger and louder. She then quickly removed her 'babies' barricading the door, and unlocked it as fast as she could.

The door opens, revealing a sweat drenched Kaya.

"Where's Midoriya Izuku!?"

Mei then made an "I don't know" look and gesture, only enraging the dark haired girl in front of her.

"Is he in the vault behind you!? If you're hiding him... Then you'll..."

"I'll what?" Mei asked, trying to look tough.

"Then you'll have to spill the beans wether you like it or not!"

Kaya took out an odd square shaped device, and positioned it over her waist. The device then let out a deck of cards that assembled a belt like loop, and it fastened itself around her waist.

A few beeping noises can be heard, before Kaya muttered "Henshin" before she flips the buckle with her right hand, causing the buckle to flip and revealing it's other side, a Spade symbol.


Mei was then blasted a few feet back from where she stood, by a purple holographic Ace of Spades card that depicts an image of a spider. The card then went back to Kaya, and after it phased through her attire changed.

The Night Whip (Kamen Rider Blade!Midnight)

Kaya appears in a suit of silver armor that covers her torso yet exposed her cleavage. She wears a black leather collar on her neck, and this costume had a silver pauldron on the left shoulder, underneath it is a long dark purple which is part of the bodysuit that is worn underneath the armor. However the right arm is not armored, but is decorated with a rather exposed white dress sleeve that didn't cover her shoulder. Her hands are still bare, and she used her right hand to take a whip like instrument from the left hip side of the belt. She also wore a pair of rather dark purple kinky boots, covered with more of the silver armor.

What's the most distinguishable features of this costume is her red visor, between them a black spade shaped crest.

The whip she had armed herself with is adorned with a circle deck of cards above the handle, and the tip of the wip is shaped like a spade.

Kaya cracks the whip once with her superhuman strength, cracking the floor beneath her a little. She licked her lips at Mei's trembling figure.

"Now, let's make you talk and beg~"

- To Be Continued

The idea of a teenage Nemuri being her own hero with her own skills is inspired by another work in Wattpad written by ATypicalBigDiesel. You can find his book here