Chapter 4
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It was finally morning. I did not sleep well, kept waking up about every 10 to 30 minutes for almost every new sound that I heard. I heard wolves mostly, but I also heard roars I could not recognize. 

After waking up, I rubbed my eyes and ate some of my granola bars and checked on my raptor meat. I knew it would go bad today if I did not take care of it. I have found water but I still need a secure location and ways to get food. 

I thought a cave would be best, though I guess I could dig or build something but that will take experimentation and a lot of time since I am not too familiar with it.

As for the food… I suppose hunting and foraging are my only options for now. There is no way I have the opportunity to farm. The problem is that I have not seen many berry bushes and I do not know if they are poisonous. As for hunting…. I have not seen any small animals yet… haha who am I kidding, they are probably hiding and extremely good at it.

The sun was getting brighter and higher as I continued to think about my situation. There were so many options and I was extremely anxious that I would make the wrong decision.  

After some thought I finally organized my priorities 

  1. Find a Safe place: Where I can hide safely and stay there learning how to survive here, hunting, foraging. 
  2. Identify food: Edible plants, berries and easier to hunt targets, hopefully small animals.
  3. Identify the threats: the poisonous things, the predators.
  4. Make a map.

I actually wrote it down in my hand sized notebook. I then wrote down what I already knew, chickens, gryphons, giants, dragons (because it was the closest it looked like that I could think about) and wolves even though I had not seen them.

To accomplish the first two tasks, I decided to explore the area looking for clues of predators or small animals and for a safe place that was natural or that could be easily built. I did not want to stay in the tree because of how much energy it took to climb up and down. It also was not very concealed and I needed to make a fire to cook.

I found a spot and tied my rope to the tree and descended the tree with only my small waist bag, my water bottle, my pistol and my trail cam. 

I set up the trail cam at the foot of the tree to see if any creatures investigate the tree while I am gone. I then set out to explore after doing what I can to cover my smell.

After a few hours of exploring the area, walking a giant non-perfect circle I realized some things.

One I am hungry hahaha….. ok skip that one. One there are small animals in the area, two there are no good natural shelters nearby but I did find a place where the ground is like clay near the stream farther south. I could use that clay and fallen branches to make a shelter between two hills hopefully covering the fire. I could separate the fire from my actual shelter… . yea that might be best. Lastly, I was able to find different bushes and shrubs with fruit-like things but I have no idea if they are edible… sigh.

I knew there were small animals because of some poop, it looked kind of like deer poop but smaller, So I knew it was not a predator and I knew it was small. 

Lastly there are a lot of different tracks that I found strange. I was no expert but I recognized the wolves and the rest I had no idea, though I knew I would recognize the chicken if I saw some tracks of it but I didn't find any so they must not be close by. 

The wolf tracks worry me for sure, is it a pack or a lone wolf? 

It was now afternoon, or that is what I called it when I made it back to my tree. 

I decided to check my trail cam. I took out the SD card and put it into my camera and went through the pictures. I saw a rabbit that made me extremely happy and another fact is I saw it eat a certain berry and certain leaves making it known to me that those were not poisonous.

Unless that particular rabbit is immune to poison…. It does look a bit strange, this rabbit. It is bigger than a jackrabbit and it seems to have a horn on its head….

After my initial happiness I started to think more deeply. Ultimately I decided that I should risk eating what I saw the rabbit eat because I would have to risk it some day and I probably have a higher chance of living if I follow the example of animals around me. 

I kept going through the pictures and I noticed about an hour after the rabbit left a pack of black wolves came. This scared me, I am no expert but wolves in packs are terrifying. They were smaller than the chickens and to be honest would probably be weaker than a chicken in a 1 on 1 fight but I feel like the pack tactics of wolves would be a notch higher than those chickens since the chickens seem to rely on their power. 

I knew I had to leave this area because they not only sniffed where the rabbit was before but also the foot of my tree and even approached my trail cam. For sure, they can smell me. Hiding from them would be near impossible.

I kept going through the picture when I saw something in the background of a picture. It was hard to see what it was exactly but I could tell it was big. 

I decided to check it out. I went over to the spot where it was in the picture and I saw a huge track. When I saw it I thought it was a huge chicken track and this shocked me.

Do those chickens get that big?! Then why were all those other chickens the same size?

I began to look at the picture when I finally recognized it. 

That…. that is a T rex isn’t it?

I was extremely saddened by this.

There are Giants, Big wolves, Chicken Raptors, and now this T rex? Is this place meant to kill humans? Maybe humans or intelligent creatures don’t exist on this planet….

I stood there for a few seconds before returning to look at the pictures. 

I soon finished looking at the pictures and saw nothing else noteworthy.

Well it is time to move. I can’t stay in this area but I need to make a camp at least for 1 night and to cook the chicken meat. I am hungry and only have enough food to last 2-3 days if I don’t include the chicken meat. I need to always have 3 days of food and water so I can run at any time if I need to. 

I went back to my tree. Got all my stuff after some effort and then grabbed anything I saw the rabbit eat. 

After I finished packing I went in the general direction of my next campsite. 

I soon arrived and began to make preparations. I picked a tree between the two hills and dug the ground a bit making an initial low height mound in the form of a circle. I then went to the nearby stream and retrieved clay to build this wall. I basically made two walls as the tree served as a back wall. 

This took a while, but I finally had two walls about as high as my chest. I then gathered bed materials, which were basically some weeds and grass. After making my bed I grabbed some long branches that could cover the top of the shelter. I  could not find a good cover , so I used my tarp.

It was evening when I finally finished my shelter. I then went to the stream to make a fire near it.

By the way, the stream was in sight from the shelter, about 50 meters. 

I am so thankful to have a lighter, because I was not certain if I could make a fire without it. Though I have some knowledge on how, I have no experience or confidence. 

It still took a while to make a reasonable fire. I then finally began to cook my chicken meat. Nothing complicated, just stuck it on a stick and put it by the fire. I knew I would burn it a bit, but I did not care at this moment. 

While the fire was cooking the meat, I decided to take a quick bathroom break. I walked about 100 meters from the camp to the south.

I went up to a tree and started to pee.

I suddenly felt a pull at my leg and I began to fall over. I fell on my back and felt a big impact. Luckily my head hit dirt and not something hard like a rock. I opened my eyes and saw long things like tentacles coming at me and felt something wrapping up my right leg. 

The vines!!! Why are the vines attacking me!??!

I quickly grabbed my pocket knife and cut at an approaching vine. I did cut it, but it simply backed away slightly and then quickly wrapped around my right hand which was holding the knife.

I knew right then I was screwed if I continued to panic. Now both my legs were wrapped by the vines and the right leg was wrapped past the knee. 

I started to reach for my pistol and instead of looking at the vines I started to look for the source. However, I saw no big part, no source, no heart.

Where do I shoot?! Is it underground??

I froze trying to think where I would shoot and quickly came to the conclusion that using my pistol was a stupid idea. 

I felt the right vines wrapping around further and now it started to pull me. 

I felt like there was nothing I could do as I watched the vines drag me and had the feeling of despair come over me.

NO!!!!! I won’t give up and let myself die easily!!

I zipped open my waist bag with my left hand and looked inside and I saw my Trail marking tape, knife, small ropes, toilet paper, monocular, bear spray, and lighter.

FIRE!!! I can use fire!

I quickly grabbed my bear spray first with my left hand. By now I was approaching what looked like a hole in the ground and around it most of the vines came out of the ground. 

I started to spray the vines around my legs and right arm. Something happened that I did not expect. The vines start to freak out. First they tightened their grip then loosened and then tightened again. It hurt like hell.

“GUHH” I grunted.

I then sprayed towards the hole. I could not spray directly into it but I hoped some of it would land inside the hole.

A second after I began to spray towards to hole the vines completely released me, in fact it threw me away. The rest of the vines danced around and bent. It was spasming out.

I quickly backed away until I thought I was out of its range. 

It kept spasming out for a whole 10 minutes as I continued to watch it.

The reason why I stayed was because I wanted my stuff that fell out of my open waist bag. 

It finally calmed down and the vines settled down.

I then carefully began to pick up the stuff that I thought was safe to grab.

I lost my small notebook, lighter, knife and toilet paper. Some I could not find, others were in range of the vine-like tentacles. 

Luckily I have other lighters and knives in my big backpack.

I then began to go back to my camp. my limbs were now bruised because of how tight they were gripped by the vines.