Chapter 19 – Reverse Psychology
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Chapter Author:Agentt






3 July 2021, Saturday

Subject: Regarding the happy ending for the character Lucas.


Done, fam.



Lucas was standing with that girl and that president in front of what seemed like an ancient temple. It was made entirely of gold, solid gold which shined with the most brilliant lustre, making Lucas drool.

"Welp," said the president, "time to open the doors."

"Why?" Asked Lucas, the gold alone is enough to make us rich and set for life.

"Lucas honey," replied the president, "you are missing what is important in life.

Behind those doors is something far more valuable than any amount of gold."

"Something far more valuable?"

"Umu, it is….a waifu.

Behind those doors, exist a cyborg waifie.

A robo maid.

An android.

Can you possibly put a price tag on such things?"

"I am pretty sure the local blacksmith makes some good golems."

"Tch, tch, tch. You underestimate the power of the ancient civilisation. You shall know when you see it. For now, let's try to open these gates."

The gates were also gold, as tall as 45 bananas and as wide as 5 goats.

The president places his hand on the door, and a blue light is lit.

Follow Agentt 

(Qwerty, the link might not work, so that is your work now, put the link to my page.)

(Q/N: bruh) 

"Ala ala, I never thought I would see this ancient magic again"

"What is it, Mr. President?"

"This, young Lucas, is a special spell, which can only be opened by the people."


"Yes, the souls of this world, and all the others need to help us.

We need to request their aid,


However, no answer was received.

It was as silent as midnight.

"Well, it was worth a shot. People no longer raise their hands for the spirit bomb. Sad."

However, a reaction occurred.

Small blue sparks flew in the sky as the air vibrated. Crackling could be heard in ears.

Upon Lucas's hand, were now strange characters, glowing in blue colour like Frodo's sword

(Isolating people who haven't seen Lord Of Rings is fun)

"Th-this...what is this?"

Kore ga requiem da.

Lucas's hand transformed, he could feel power coursing through his veins as his skin hardened and his shadow dragon blood awakened.

He looked at his arm, which was now a half reptile. He closed his fist, and a blue text appears,

Our discord server

As he flexed his arm, the text changed

Heres a book i really like, though the English is kinda bad

It was a fascinating thing to watch, he was curious about all the possibilities.

He fiddled around till he found a special one.

Follow Agentt

It was the same one on the door, and he touched the door with his hands,

The same energies countered each other, destroying the ancient seal placed on the door.

The temple was now opened for business.

Q/N: It's 2 am here and i just edited this shitpost. what am i doing with my life.