Too Much Tsun!
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“Uuuuurrrghhhh...” (Ren)

The sun, though it was still early in the morning, was shining down on my face, somehow perfectly hitting my eyes.

My eyes were still getting used to the glare as I felt a light tapping on my face. The tapping finger was very soft, but the nails seemed to intentionally dig into my cheek from anger.

“A-awawawa! What the... Chika?” (Ren)

Beside me was my wife, Chika, sitting up beside me. Her face had a cute pout on it and she had her legs in a mermaid position. Like when they sit on rocks or something.

Looking at her reminded me of some goddess of love. She was really beautiful, especially in the morning when her face looks very bright and clean.

“Is something wrong?” (Ren)

“No no... I’m perfectly fine!” (Chika)

“Are you really...?” (Ren)

I definitely knew she wasn’t fine. It’s too obvious to ignore. Though, I don’t know why. I wasn’t too late when coming home and I wasn’t even injured, nor did I have a nightmare...

“Yes, I’m fine!” (Chika)

With a wry smile on my face, I just carried her to the couch in our living room and we sat there, watching some TV shows and basically taking the day easy.

I didn’t have any job today for tutoring or for Big boss, so I didn’t leave her side the entire day.

Looking at her displeased expression as she watched her favorite show while glancing at me from time to time left me baffled and annoyed.

Trying different things, she still wouldn’t budge. So, I decided on squishing her inner thighs. This is one of her more sensitive places and as I squeezed, I looked at her with puppy eyes.

“Chika, look at me properly” (Ren)

She glanced her eyes over me and my body, but quickly turned away with a blushing expression. Come on! I already have too many Bellas in my life at this moment!

“Hnnnggghhh, no! Hmph” (Chika)

Somehow, she refused my advanced, something she never usually does. Her face was really red and her hips were shifting so they rubbed against the couch, but she still didn’t budge.

From what I heard one time when I was in high school, there was really one solution you could do to brighten a woman up.

Yes being sweet and caring is nice, but that takes time. I can’t handle too long without talking to Chika. So, there’s only one solution I could think of from the top of my head.

“Fine then, let’s eat out” (Ren)

“Hmm? Where?” (Chika) What a little glutton. It seems that she was really waiting for me to mention that or something. With a baffled expression on my face, I continued with my idea.

“That BBQ place we always go to before. Remember?” (Ren)

“.....really?” (Chika)

“Yeah, of course” (Ren)

Her face showed a mixture of worry and a kind of anxiety that one would have when looking at a sick person.

“ are spending money? Is something wrong? Are you dying?” (Chika)

Wha- this woman! Just because I’m spending some money means I’m dying? The BBQ place isn’t even that expensive, it’s just that I have too much work on my hands.

She seriously overestimates how cheap I am. It’s not that I don’t want to spend some money once in a while, it’s that I don’t have the time to do so.

“That’s a bit rude, but I’m not sick honey. I just wanted to eat out today since I’ve been working a bunch and we don’t spend as much time together anymore” (Ren)

“Then yes! Absolutely! Quickly, let’s take a bath!” (Chika)

Don’t get it twisted. This woman can certainly bathe herself, she’s done it before. Since it’s only the knee to the foot that doesn’t work, she can squirm her thighs a little, meaning she can adjust a bit during a bath.

However, she always insists on showering at the same time whenever we go out somewhere. It was at first to “conserve water” but since we got married, it was “to feel your body”.

I sometimes am truly surprised at how different her attitudes are about things. To make things a bit less tedious, I decided on just carrying her there instead of wheeling her.

Sitting down on a chair, I took off all of her clothes and started setting her body. Back then, I used to madly blush whenever I saw her nape or naked back. By now however, her body has become the norm.

Her on the other hand...

“Eeeekkk! Don’t rub your stomach against my back!” (Chika)

“Huh? Why not?” (Ren)

“Because, it feels weird! Like a massage machine with a bunch of hard humps... and I might not be able to... re-re-resist...” (Chika)

‘Hmmm, I guess this could be considered a compliment, but what did she say after?’

Truly a master of mumbling quietly, it seems that I somehow miss some parts of conversations when talking to women I know. I heard the first bit, but it suddenly got quieter.

“What did you say?” (Ren)

“Nothing... but continue” (Chika)

At this point, I was getting annoyed with her already, so I went against her wishes and didn’t continue. If she wants to be annoyingly tsundere, then I’ll take everything at face value.

“No no, you said you didn’t like it so I won’t. Sorry if I offended you” (Ren)

By this point, I would be sensually rubbing her body everywhere with soap, but I skipped all of that and just used a sponge like she was a car or maybe some furniture that needed cleaning.

Hopefully she could see I wasn’t happy with this. If not, then I’ll continue. War isn’t the answer; it is a question and the answer is yes.

From what I could hear coming from Chika’s tiny mouth, she didn’t like the sponge. Her face was twisted and she regularly made whining puppy noises.

However, that only encouraged me to continue.

Once she was done, I started washing myself. One could visibly see the disappointment and sadness on her face once I was scrubbing myself.

“No! Hey hey, come ‘ere. Let me wash you, please?” (Chika)

“...tsk. Don’t be tsundere. It’s enough to have two...” (Ren)

“Two?! Who are they?!” (Chika)


As I was feeling comfortable in my seat with the warm water rushing over my body, I accidentally let some vital information slip. I slowly turned to her and said with a straight face.

“My tutoring students are quite embarrassed” (Ren)

‘Now, I didn’t lie...’

“I see I see... I’ll believe you, so now can I wash you?” (Chika)

“Well, you can’t since I’m done.....” (Ren)

“...” (Chika)

“well anyways, come ‘ere ya big baby” (Ren)

“N-nooooo!!! This is not right! No, let me down! I can’t reach the floor damn it!” (Chika)

Despite her protests, I continued carrying her until we reached the bedroom where our clothes were. She didn’t carry the argument over and obediently put on her clothes.

Soon, she looked amazing in her long dress and red shirt tucked in. With a big smile, I placed her in her wheelchair and we left the apartment to eat out.

Since Keiko wasn’t there, we could hurry t9 the elevator and eventually, we reached the ground floor where we, or rather I, started walking to our destination while pushing her in front of me.

“Oh man, what a shame...” (???)

“Yeah yeah, she’d be so much prettier... what do you think happened?” (???)

“I don’t know, but she’s lucky to have such a boyfriend...” (???)

The whispers of the surrounding people were deafening for Chika, who kept her head down the entire time. Looking at her made me angry. I felt my blood boiling.

I looked at everyone around us and gave them a sharp glare their way. One that showed my anger, my annoyance and it was a bit of threat to them.

After that, they all backed off a bit and realized that I could hear them. It was really annoying watching them scurry after only looking at them.

They can trash talk disabled people while not being able to back it up. This is a new low.

“Hey, is there something interesting in your lap?” (Ren)

“Hmm? What... do you mean?” (Chika)

“You seem too interested in that lap of yours, so I was wondering” (Ren)

“I-I’m not! I-it’s just that... isn’t it a bit embarrassing for you?” (Chika)

Due to her disability, she is quite discriminated everywhere she goes. It’s like she’s less of a human. They instantly start talking about her legs instead of the body that’s on top of those legs.

The reason we decided on eating at a specific BBQ place most of the was because the restaurant owner has a daughter of his own with some disabilities, making him more understanding.

“The only embarrassing thing about this is how you believe them. Look ahead” (Ren)

With that, I left her to her own devices. If I said more, she might only look to me for comfort when something like this happens. She needs herself if I’m not here anymore.

To be honest, I don’t know if I will be here all the time. My new part-time job proves this.

This brought Chika deep into thought, about why she takes their light heckles seriously. I left her to it since it’s useless to believe others you don’t know.

We soon arrived at the BBQ place and bumped into someone I’d rather not see...

“Oh? If it isn’t Tsuchiya-san” (Big boss)

“Yaaaaaa~ it seems you followed me here? Did you not get enough last time?” (Yanyan)

“Un. Weak man is eating outside” (Ronda)

“.....” (Erina)

The entire crew was here in their outside clothes, seemingly enjoying life. I have no idea if they were meaning to meet me, but I’ll get to the bottom of this.


“Hahaha, honey? What’s that woman talking about?” (Chika)

For some reason unknown to me, Chika’s eyes glowed a weird light. How odd.



a.n | ello! Another chapter for y’all and I hope you are still interested in this series! Thanks so much for the support!


I know that it’s a bit annoying to keep doing this, but if you’d like daily chapters (plus a little extra), go check this series out in the link below. Sorry for the promotion, but hey, my novel!

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