Chapter 45 – Talking to a drunk
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The next day I woke up and saw the alarm clock on my bedhead showing 9:30 am.  I foolishly picked it up and shook it.   Did the alarm clock break down?

At this moment, Jiang Li came in and saw me holding the alarm clock and shaking it.  He casually said.  "Good morning.  Oh yes, your alarm clock sounded and I helped you to turn it off."

I became angry.  "You….."

Jiang Li continued casually.  "And…..your cell phone in the living room.  It just rang and I also helped you to turn it off."

I held my hair with both my hands and told myself that it was not true, not true……but dealing with Jiang Li, the pervert, it must be true.  So, I glared angrily at Jiang Li and said.  "What do you really want?   Do you know that my wages will be deducted?!"

JL:  "Doesn't matter.  It would be better if you are fired."

I picked up a pillow and threw it at him……His mother! ......Early in the morning, he made me mad!

Jiang Li caught the pillow and threw it on the bed and then said blankly.  "Quick, get up!  I bought breakfast…….  Of course, you can choose not to eat."

My goodness, why wouldn’t I eat?

When Jiang Li sent me to work, my mood was very gloomy.  To be honest, it was not that I had never been late before but all of a sudden, I was late for nearly 2 hours, which was sensational.

Jiang Li parked his car in front of my company, turned to me with a solemn face and asked.  "Guan Xiao Yan, is this job so important to you?"

"Nonsense."   This is my rice bowl *(A job).  I ignored him, got off and left.

Jiang Li wound down the window and said from behind me.  "Or is it that, there is someone important here?"

I did not look back and was too lazy to answer him.  This person is simply inexplicable!

As I stood in front of Wang Kai's office door, I could imagine his expression over the deduction of my wages and trembled as I knocked on the door…….no response.

I was about to continue knocking on the door when suddenly it was opened from the inside and someone walked out.  We almost knocked into each other.  I took a few steps back, stood still and looked.  It turned out to be Xue Yun Feng.  His expression did not look good and I dared not provoke him.

Xue Yun Feng nodded at me, swung the door shut and then left with a deadpan expression on his face.  I looked at his back and could not help but heave a sigh.  This beautiful male when he is angry, he really makes others feel fearful.   That aura……*tsk, tsk*……

I was sighing when suddenly the door behind me opened.  I looked back and saw Wang Kai standing at the door with the same deadpan expression staring at me. 

I immediately shuddered and smiled at him.   I opened my mouth to speak but Wang Kai was the first to speak.  He asked.  "Secretary Guan, what did you say to Xue Yun Feng?"

My heart skipped a beat.  Really?  Xue Yun Feng, you have so quickly betrayed me?

When Wang Kai saw that I was not responding, he continued to press further.  "Secretary Guan, I did not trick you, did not offend you, so why did you tell Xue Yun Feng that I seduced his man?!"

Sure enough, Xue Yun Feng, this guy is really unreliable! 

I rolled my eyes and simply spilled everything.  "No.  I just thought that Jiang Li may like you……."

Then Wang Kai suddenly burst into laughter.  I was shocked and looked at him blankly.  He pulled me into the office, closed the door and then leaned against it.  He folded his arms across his chest and grinned at me.

I felt guilty.  "What……..what is it?  I really didn’t say anything else……"

On Wang Kai's face was a beaming smile and one could not imagine his furious expression  just a moment ago.  He stared at me and laughed.  "So it was really you who said that."

All of a sudden, I realized I had been tricked by Wang Kai.  His anger a few moments ago was an old trick and was hard to detect…….Jiang Li had also used the same trick on Xue Yun Feng.

Wang Kai pondered for a moment, suddenly slapped the back of his head and said.  "Just as I have said…...your husband is not normal, so he is actually a gay?   And he is also Xue Yun Feng's boyfriend?"

I was speechless. 

I am finished……and now he knows everything………how can I be so stupid!

At this time, Wang Kai held his chin with one hand, like a detective deep in thought and began to talk to himself.   "But since he is a gay, why did you marry him?   You are short of money?   It seems like it.   But if it is a money problem, it is easily solved.  You are coerced into marriage?   It is possible, as it is difficult for a gay to get a wife……..  Whether you lacked money or coerced by him, I can save you from this situation…..   Right, this should be the case!" 

He suddenly raised his head and put both his hands on my shoulder.   He looked down at me and very sincerely and solemnly said.  "Xiao Yan Yan, I have decided.  I want to save you."

I was stupefied.  I looked at him blankly and was puzzled.  "Save who?"

Wang Kai smiled brilliantly like the sunshine and said.  "I know you don’t want to marry Jiang Li.  Let me know if you have any problem and just look for your superior.   Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

I pushed away his hands and smiled at him.  "I just want you to forget our conversation…....only that."

Wang Kai was shocked.  "Did I hear wrongly?  He is a homosexual!"

Me:  "And then?"

Wang Kai:  "He cannot give you happiness."

Me:   "I don’t need it."

Wang Kai:  "Why did you marry him?"

Me:  "I don’t want to get married…..but I have to… I got married."

Wang Kai looked at me with his wide-open eyes.  "This is also okay with you?  Then why didn’t you look for me?  Maybe I was acquainted with you earlier than him."

Me:   "I think it is better to marry a gay than to marry a big wolf.  It is much safer."

Wang Kai laughed.  "Xiao Yan Yan, why do you say that?   I am true to you with my whole heart and soul."

"Vice-President Wang, save your breath.  If there is nothing else, I will go out first."   I said and made a move to open the door.

Wang Kai refused to budge from the door, withdrew his smile and said seriously.  "You really do not intend to consider me?"

I frowned.  "How many times have you asked the same question?   Are you not tired?"

Wang Kai looked down and after a while, he said.  "This time, I really mean it."

I suddenly remembered the masquerade ball when his expression was more serious than it is now and the result?    Therefore, Wang Kai's words should never be taken seriously, especially when it concerns feelings.   I patted his shoulder and said.  "Okay, I know.  I will go out first and if you need anything, just call me, Vice-President Wang."

As I was walking out of his office, he suddenly called out to me from behind.  "Guan Xiao Yan, in fact, the two of us can try to start a courtship."

I did not look back.  "Forget it.  I would like to live a few more years."

After that morning, Wang Kai was no different from the norm and was still a cynical playboy.  Of course, with the exception when he was working.   He often flirted with me, which I had grown accustomed to and so, I could not be bothered. 

I think people like me with such thick skin is truly a rarity.




Nearing the end of the year, the company's management held a year-end summary meeting attended by the management staff at all levels.  As scheduled, after the meeting, there was a grand dinner at a prestigious restaurant in a hotel.  At first, this meal started off as a formal and grand event but later it became a drinking session and everyone joined in, toasting to one another.   Anyway, no matter what, Chinese people always like to see the true face of a man after he had his fill of wine, this I understood.   But what I did not understand was, why everyone was constantly toasting with me.   Later, I suddenly thought of an old saying, 'when a man gets to the top, all his friends and relatives get there with him'.  I guess as I am Wang Kai's secretary, therefore, the others were kind to me because they all gave him face and looked up to him.

It seems that a leader is always the leader, although this leader did not really make me respect him.

Although I am immune to alcohol, I had to admit the wine was really difficult to drink.  It was a far cry from the usual delectable fruit juices and colas.   If one did not have problems of the heart, it would be difficult to drink this.   Well, even if I am not drunk, I could still pretend.  My performance may be bad but I am good at playing drunk and is even better than Xue Yun Feng.

So after drinking a few glasses of wine, I laid my head down on the table and refused to get up.  When this old woman is drunk, I am always like this!

One who is drunk until unconscious would not be able to make their way home, so I had to lay on the table and pretended to sleep.   Everyone gradually ignored my existence and continued to drink among themselves.   Wang Kai had drunk quite a lot but he still had a conscience.  He picked me up, said farewell to everyone and led me out of the restaurant.  I turned my head, looked back with my 'drunken' eyes and noticed that among those still sober, nine out of ten people were watching us with undue interest.  Alas, nowadays, the minds of people are not so pure………

Wang Kai took out his car keys to get his car.  I did not agree and held on to the pillars at the door of the hotel and refused to let go.  I said.  "No......driving after drinking is illegal."   

Oh my God, even if you don’t want to live, I still want to live!

Wang Kai smiled and stroked my head.  "It doesn’t matter.  In urban areas, people are killed by traffic jams and not killed by cars."

I was the perfect example of a stubborn drunk, hugging the pillars and refusing to let go…. no matter what he said.

Wang Kai was helpless and put away his keys.  Then he supported me and tried to flag down a taxi.  With one hand holding my arm and the other wrapped around my shoulders, he pulled me into his arms.  I was very unhappy with this position but because I am now ‘drunk’, so I had to endure without resistance.

I leaned against Wang Kai in his embrace, staggered along the road and said.  "Send…..send me home……."

Wang Kai's voice sounded above me.  "Okay, Okay, I know.  You are so drunk and still know how to guard against me."

I was afraid he would see through me and had no other choice but to talk nonsense. 

Wang Kai put me into a taxi and told the driver my address, only then did I relaxed.   I could not be sure that Wang Kai is a person who lacks morality but could only say that this person is too broadminded.   Apparently, sleeping with women is normal to him and is not taken seriously.   At the same time, he also thinks that women around him share the same views.  So, today I had to be on guard against him just in case anything happens.

After Wang Kai had put me into the taxi and he also squeezed in.   Then he pulled me into his arms.   I struggled to move away but he held me down and said.  "Don’t move or you will hit your head." 

He was correct and I felt unreasonable.   So, I obediently leaned into his arms with my eyes closed and pretended to sleep.

Wang Kai swept up the hair from my forehead and suddenly whispered.  "Xiao Yan Yan, who do you love the most?"

I replied vaguely.  "Mom."

"*Haha*…….  Such a filial child.  I like it."   He said while stroking my hair.

Wang Kai said.  "Xiao Yan Yan, can I kiss you?"

Me:   "No."

Wang Kai:   "Are you really drunk?"

Me:   "I am not drunk, really not drunk."

Wang Kai:   "Well, you are drunk, really drunk."

Wang Kai:   "Xiao Yan Yan, if I cannot kiss you, then who can?"

Me:   "Mom."

Wang Kai:   "Other than your mother?"

Me:   "Mango."

Wang Kai:   "Who is Mango?  Your boyfriend?"

Me:  "Mango is Orange's boyfriend."

Wang Kai:   "Who is Orange?   Your good friend?"

Me:   "Mm….."

Wang Kai:   "You even snatch your good friend's boyfriend?"

Me:   "Mm…..they don't mind."

Wang Kai:   "What kind of friends are they?"

Me:   "They are all puppies......very cute."


After a while, Wang Kai said.  "Xiao Yan Yan, can Jiang Li kiss you?"

Me:  "No."

Wang Kai:   "What about Yu Zi Fei?"

Me:  "No."

Wang Kai:   "Then Xue Yun Feng?"

Me:  "No."

Wang Kai:   "Do you like Xue Yun Feng?"

Me:  "He is my god-son."

Again silence.

All along the way home, Wang Kai and I engaged in such a non-committal conversation and I answered his questions vaguely to try to make him believe that I was drunk.   All the while I was looking forward to reaching home quickly.

Staying with Jiang Li for such a long time had brought me benefits …….at least my acting had improved tremendously.