Chapter 2: Planet Expedition
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Rousing from his slumber Thirio slowly opened his eyes to look at the white ceiling of his room. It consisted of a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and cultivation room.


‘Pretty good treatment for students just out of school without much weight to most of our names.’ he thought.


Shifting to a sitting position, he looked at the watch on his right wrist for a while before shaking his head.


Having digested the information about his evolution path and the trinity the day before a thoughtful expression covered his face for the briefest of moments before seeming to come to some decision, turning his sight back to the watch-like device on his hand.


‘Show my current funds and resources.’


-7,500,000 rank 1 origin crystal-

-4 rank 2 Astral crystal-


‘Astral energy is quite the high ranking energy and quite versatile,’ with a nod after confirming it with the information in his head he closed his eyes.


His view soon shifted to inside his body to see nine illusory spheres rotating around his heart as they pulsed in tandem.


“Just like we learned in class, so that means I need to fill these spheres with energy to achieve my first evolution; thou the knowledge I assimilated have a few levels above what was thought in class,” opening his eyes a smile came to his lips as everything was as it should be.


Having ascertained everything he needed about his cultivation, Thirio brought a finger to the middle of his forehead “Trinity,” he whispered.


Yellow, blue, and orange flames ignited, floating from his forehead as they shifted about before him assuming a new form before his eyes. The shifting flames soon vanished revealing an orange and blue orb that shimmered in the light, ethereal flames burned around each orb as they orbited a yellow flaming vortex between them.


Thirio watched in fascination as with every orbit and spin of the vortex energy was being extracted from the void and his surroundings. This continued for a few minutes as it seemed to have completed some transformation before shooting back into Thirio forehead in a beam of light.


A refreshing feeling washed over Thirio’s body while new information regarding his trinity was imprinted in his mind.


“Swallow,” as words left his lips Thirio felt the energy in his surroundings rushing into his body, with a thought the feeling was gone as soon as came. Spending the next hour test the ins and outs of his ability Thirio was satisfied with his discoveries.


Raising from the bed, Thirio went to the bathroom where he took a shower heading to the cultivation room after getting dressed.


Ensuring the room was fully secured Thirio flicked his right head with his watch that doubled as a storage device among other things. A light blue cube appeared bathing the room in starlight while giving off gentle energy fluctuations. 


Drawing a small trace of energy into his body Thirio released a pleasurable hum as it flowed around his body.


“To fill each cell, a hundred units of energy are need thou that isn’t the set limit on how much each sphere can hold as there tricks to get around it.”


Seating below the floating cube, Thirio quickly visualized his internal condition slowly planing his route of cultivation.


“Astral energy is five times as dense as origin energy at the same level which gives me a deeper reserve than most but I doubt I’m the only one able to acquire stronger energy so I’m gonna need more.”


Thirio sat in contemplation as he went over all the positives and negatives of astral energy. Time flowed slowly as he created and scrapped ideas as they came to him when his eyes lit up with joy after going over one specific of astral energy again.


“Astral energy is one of the most gentle energies which makes it not all that ideal for fights but what if I tried fusing it with other types of energy.”


Slowly calming his excitement Thirio looked to the watch on his hand “Greed come out.”


A few seconds passed in silence before the watch was covered in a yellow flame that gave of the distinct aura of the being that completed his blessing.


“Quite the interesting trinity you manifested, I assume it was what gave me away,” a sweet voice came from the flame.


“It did but that isn’t the reason I called you out, how much for two ranks 1 dragon essence with just the aspect of physical strength.”


Thirio got straight to the point as he was short on time and he already had a good idea of what the purpose of the flame was.


“Now isn’t that an interesting idea you have brewing in there; with just the physical strength is possible and it won’t cost you too much as it will be quite degraded but, the type of dragon it is from will cause the price to increase. Have a look.”


A screen popped into being before Thirio showing the list of items available to him. After going through the list he made his choice, settling for one five-elemental dragon essence and a beast dragon.


“One rank 1 from the five-elemental dragon and one from the beast dragon, totaling 2.5 million rank 1 origin crystals.”


Having finished his purchase and payment a tear in space appeared beside Greed that spat out two cubes. One shone with five different colors as five dragons were visible within while the rampaging beast could be seen beyond the red light of the other. Both cubes gave off faint but majestic dragon roars as if declaring their presence.


“Same day delivery,” Thirio joked looking at his ticket to greater strength before him with heated eyes.


“Now just a few more purchases.”


-500,000 rank 1 origin crystals-


‘So poor,’ Thirio thought looking at his dwindled funds, a shift of his eyes showed his cultivation room that was bathed in a myriad of lights from the floating cubes all around him. 


A yellow flame vortex appeared on his forehead, “Time to cultivate.”


Thirio stepped outside his shower with steam wafting off his body with refreshed smile on his face from all the gain from his first cultivation session.


“We will be arriving at Agrios in two days,” came a voice from over the comms.


Thirio climbed into bed switching to his inner view to look at the five shining spheres now orbiting his heart along with the four empty ones.




“I’m too poor,” he lamented before going to sleep.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye for the students on board. Now gathered on the bridge they stood observing the planet within view.


The planet was mostly covered in green with small and large empty patches covering its surface; the left side of the planet was what took the students’ breath away as it was entirely covered with clouds that seemed to be constantly moving while never seeming to spill over from the half it covered; white, black, purple, emerald, and clear see-through color, the clouds switched among these colors with seemly no order or meaning.


The strange sight that the planet presented dazzled them, while the urge to venture out and conquer welled up within them.


“We will be sending you to the teleportation points that have been set up across the planet. You have no mission other than to reach your first evolution or increase your strength to a point we deem acceptable in 3 years.


I wish you a good harvest and a quick rise; send them off,” the voice vanished with those final words.


A soldier gave a nod to another officer that was standing before a computer and with a push of a button, the students vanished in flashes of light.


Releasing a burst of ‘Will’ from his body as the teleportation ended, enigmatic energy covered everything 20 meters around Thirio as a virtual image of a house was depicted in his mind.


“A safe house in the forest,” he said retracting the energy back into his body while checking around the house he found himself in.


‘Now I get why all the teachers said to get will essence early and not wait for its development.’


A few minutes later found Thirio sitting on a sofa with a black metallic card and a pile of documents he had just finished reading through that explained his current situation.


‘So this card is the only access to this safe house while it’s the key to activation the teleporter located here.’


“This will do, for now, let’s explore and see if theirs anything to hunt. I’ll make a plan after getting used to my new strength and abilities.”


With a course set, Thirio stored the card before heading out.