Get a Fake Boyfriend
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"Jew, jus don't fool around, I know that you are just joking and also why would you know about him so much, just go to class and call me if anyone bully's you," Nai said. Then he got up to go out out of canteen, but when he was about to take his first step, Jew said "He is from Kanchanaburi, if you don't believe just hack in into university students council and search his name," He froze and gave Jew a cold gaze and said, "Jew, I am calm because you are my sister, just don't fool around with my feeling, you know that whom I miss more and you two Prem and Itti I am going to my Condo, also tell everyone that I am adopted, okay don't fool around with Jew," He said that in a angry and serious voice.
"Okay, go to Condo and do your work, Bye" Jew said. He just waved his hand and never looked back.
Then, Jew turned to Prem and Itti and asked them, "Did he tell whom his more, Prem and Itti," No, even we ask he says if I go back they hates me, So we thought we shouldn't remember him about that," Prem said. "But, I guess I heard him mentioning roon or boon something, I hadn't heard it clearly though, will you tell us Jew, if you do that I will marry you," Itti said. "No, actually I wanted to tell you but you said you will marry me, so I will never tell you guys," Jew said and laughed, and she walked out from there.

What Run Spoke with Jew

"P' Jew, I wanted you to tell your brother that I owe him and wanted to thank him, I actually want to go near him
but the problem is one or the other girl is always bugging your brother, So just tell him I want to Thank him."
"Hey, your name is Run right, wait how do you know that we both are siblings, how did you find it out," Jew said.  
"P' Jew, we are younger that means we are smarter than you, we hacked in into student Council and found it out and then we checked Facebook to make it sure, and we were correct," Tapp said.
"Hey, you are Tapp right the one who is Prem hitting on," Jew said.
"No, no, no P' Jew no one is hitting on me he is just fooling around," Tapp said.
"Okay, you know one secret of mine, So I need to know one of your secret Run, come on tell me the truth, Faster otherwise I have to report you to council remember that," Jew said.
"P' Jew, okay I will tell you only Tapp know about it in the whole university except me and don't tell to anyone actually I am not from Bangkok, I am from Kanchanaburi, I want to keep it low because of some issues, okay P' Jew," Run said.
"Okay, I will never tell anyone but you have to promise me one thing," Jew said.
"What is that P' Jew, I will do anything you say," Runs said.
"It's just that don't sleep in Nia car, if you sleep also make sure that you keep it safe because last time when you slept in it, he made me clean his car, and just be careful, Okay," Jew said.
"Okay, P' Jew it's not a big deal," Run said and went from there.

Present in class

"Tapp, Don't fool around and tell me something," Run said.
"What, Run," Tapp said
"Do you know when that , Gay Phet will stop hitting on me," Run said.
"I don't think it's any near know because even if yo get a girlfriend he don't care because she is a girl," Tapp said.
"Then, what do you want me to do, should I go to a hook up bar or tell something to do, you idiot," Run said.
"Okay, okay I will tell you listen there is only one solution get yourself a powerful boyfriend," Tapp said.
"What," Run shouted, then the professor heard that and sent them out, "This, is all because of you, you made me shout like that inside," Run said.
"WHAT, Then who asked for my advice," Tapp said.
"Also, about your advice you know that I hate gays and you want me to get a boyfriend, it's just impossible," Run said.
"Hey, don't think too seriously, just get yourself a fake boyfriend," Tapp said.

Will Run Get a Fake Boyfriend or Oppose it.