Chapter 3: Murk Wolves
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Athas POV


     It's been a few months now since we set out on our journey to the Freljord, and I must say, it's been hard. Traveling up north from Demacia to Freljord, we've had to overcome many mountains, but worst of all, we were now approaching Murk Wolf territory. The Murk wolves were normal wolves that hunted in packs lead by a Greater Murk Wolf, which somehow mutated, growing a second head and almost tripling in size. They defended their territories with great viciousness, tearing through the flesh of poor merchants and travelers who did not know better.

     And even though me and Big Sis know of the dangers that come with traversing through their territory, to reach the Freljord, we had to travel through there, lest we take a detour and arrive in the enemy territory of Noxus, and since we're Demacian nobles, we would be capture then probably killed or tortured for information about Demacia, a fate that me and Big Sis want to avoid. AT ALL COSTS! Once we reached the outskirts of the Murk Wolf Forest, we could already feel eyes. Lots of eyes. They stared at me and Big Sis, observant and vigilant, waiting to see if the two intruders would make a move. "Be careful Athas, they know we're here." Big Sis said, as she nocked her wrist-mounted crossbow and slowly advanced into their territory. Once in their territory, the wolves immediately started circling us in the cover of darkness.

     And then. The pack leader arrived. It raised it's two monstrous heads up at the sky and let loose a feral howl, signaling that the hunt had begun! I shrieked, and as much as I wanted to move, I couldn't. My body shut down at such a critical moment. Fear took over, and my body trembled. At the critical moment, I couldn't get up. I couldn't save my sister, much like I couldn't save my parents. I felt helpless. Would I ever be able to free myself from this fear? Would I ever be able to do something? Do anything?!! "Athas..." a voice said softly at first then louder "ATHAS!" I snapped out of my trance-like state. "ATHAS! WE'RE SURROUNDED! I'LL BUY YOU TIME, GET OUT OF HERE!" Big Sis shouted, pointing her crossbow at any wolf that got too close, forcing them to back off with a snarl. No, no no! Big sis! I need to do something! I can't lose her too! And then I heard a voice. Something faint, almost illusory "Danger is real, fear is an illusion... Athas, get up! Fight! Fight for what you cherish!"

     My body stopped shaking, my heart seemed to pump loudly, like war drums rousing the soldiers to war! My blood boiled, and it felt like a part of me I never even knew was shackled, became free and unfettered. My vision reddened, BADUMP BADUMP. I could vaguely hear Big Sis shouting at me to get away. BADUMP BADUMP. I charged the wolves bare-handed. I let loose a warcry, and the wolves advanced as well! The first wolf leaped up, trying to bite an artery, but I grabbed it and snapped its neck. The wolves glared at me, obviously enraged that I killed one of their companions, and swarmed me. At that moment, I was consumed. Consumed by pure and vicious bloodlust. If I was clear-minded at that time, I would've been able to notice many things. Such as how could a 13-year old sustain so many injuries and still keep going, or how is he able to procure such strength to be able to snap a wolf's neck, tear their limbs off, or flatten one underfoot, or even why is he surrounded in what appears to be a bloody mist? Or most important of all, and what all the wolves must've been thinking, how is he, how am I not dead? 


Shauna POV


I watched in horror as my brother advanced at the wolves. What an idiot! I told him to run away! And then, it happened. A bloody mist seemed to burst out of him as he let out a guttural warcry and snapped a wolf's neck. I looked on in undisguised disgust and shock as the wolf lay lifeless on the ground. Then, he was swarmed. The wolves ripped into his flesh, furiously biting him. His torso, his legs, his arms... Yet he remained standing, fighting. All I could do was try to help by aiming my crossbow, but even then, my hand was shaking hard and tears blurred my vision, rendering me useless. Athas ripped through one wolf after the other, until they finally retreated, probably thinking they sustained too many losses.

     He collapsed on the ground, unmoving and in a pool of his own blood. I quickly ran up to him thinking what a useless sister I was. How could I, the older sister who was supposed to shield him, become a liability when it mattered most? I sighed, thinking that I was too naive to think that I could become stronger just by going to the Freljord, too naive to think strength was something so easily gained. All I could do was tend to Athas' wounds as I sat there, contemplating my actions...

:P What do you guys think? Well, they were supposed to encounter an ice troll in this chapter, but I think that for character development, implementing the wolves first would be a good idea. In case you don't really know about League of Legends, just search up murk wolves league of legends. I will try to add a glossary later, but idk since I still don't even know if I should continue this series or not. Depends on my ideas for it I guess? Leave a comment on what I could improve on too since I am trying to improve as a writer :D Until next time~