Chapter 101 – Lunch, and the rest of the day.
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I blinked hard a few times.

Ah, man... Did I not get enough sleep last night? Guess that'd make sense, given all the, y'know... Gah. Why am I so winded all of a sudden?

"Whew, the was a good one." Sis said, stretching her arms, for some reason. 

"W... What?" I managed to let out.

"Nothin'." She said. "Man, I would rock at baseball." She added, a little quieter. 

Not really sure what she meant by that, and I didn't really bother asking, either. 

"Anyways, it's about lunch time, isn't it?" Sis said as I re-oriented myself into reality. "You should probably do something about that." 

Looking up towards the sun, (which wasn't a great idea, given my physical state at that particular moment), told me that it was actually probably around 2:00. My stomach also told me that. Actually, my stomach was probably a little more influential than the sun was in coming to that conclusion. Point is, it was late, and I was hungry.

"Yeah. Probably." I said. Alright, what to eat, what to eat... Man, I got no idea. I put my hands together and started flipping through locations like how cartoon characters flip through tv channels. "Uh, what should we get?"

"Don't care. I Don't eat, remember?" 

"Oh, yeah. Forgot." Dangit, man! Picking out what to eat is the most useful part of a travelling companion! Ahhhh, I'm terrible at picking out what to eat. Uuughhhh, we're gonna be here all day.

I kept flipping through locations, one after the other. Would it be awkward to show up at the inn again? Probably... What about Basenholm? Nah, we might run into Michaus or one of them again and that might be awkward. Man, I can NOT wait to have a refrigerator again. It's days like these when I want nothing more than to slam an entire crappy frozen pizza in the stupid oven and eat the whole thing by myself. Heck, I ate one cold once! Was a stupid idea! Not even sure how I finished it! It was dumb! Food is dumb! Everything's dumb! AHHHH-

My stomach grumbled rather loudly.

Ah, screw it, getting fast food. 

The next several minutes sort of happened in a blur. I remember it as follows, but I can't quite speak to the accuracy of my account.

First, I throw us somewhere into the city. Then, I kick the door to 'THE ADJECTIVE WHATEVER' off it's stupid hinges, threw money at a cashier until they gave me food, and shoved an entire packet of fries and a milkshake directly into my stupid gullet until my stomach told me to stop. Then I got thirsty, and I probably went and bought a water thingy from a convenience store, or something. Now I'm down, like, 7 silver and it didn't even taste all that good. 

Oh, and I say 'water thingy' because I don't really have any other idea how to describe this thing. It's not a water bottle, or anything, it's this sort of just, like, weird, grabbable but still liquidy water, suspended, floating in space. You drink it like you would one of those weird tube yogurts. It's really weird. Sort of like a drinkable bubble. 

As I stood there, squeezing water into my mouth, I couldn't help but think about how much easier this all was with S. With him, it was easy. We go somewhere, S knows just what to do, we go in, we go out. Put me in control, and suddenly the process takes 3 times as long and half the time spent eating. 

I began to think about how much easier everything was. I mean, he's strong, he can talk to people like it's nothing, he knows what he wants... He's everything that I'm...

. . . 

I guess, after a moment, I began to think about how much I missed him. 

I never thought a week could last this long.

"Gotta say, watching you eat like that is experience like none other. And I should know." Sis said as we loitered around outside the convenience store as I was finishing up. "Such contempt, yet such cold indifference. Almost like an art piece."

I chuckled, slightly. "Not the first time I've heard that." I said.

Sis returned my chuckle. "You get hangry often?"

"To an extent, I can handle hunger. Just like I can usually handle boredom. Both at once, however..." 

Sis nodded. "Oh, yeah, I get that." She said. 

"Well, no I don't." She admitted, after a quick pause. "It makes sense, though."

We stood there for a little while longer while I finished up my water. 

. . .

"So, what's next?" Sis asked. I feel like we've been through this song and dance a couple times today.

I thought about that, for a moment. 

I couldn't help but think about S, once again. How I should at least do something productive while he's probably out suffering, up there in the mountains. I thought that I should probably at least,  like, do some more light training or something.

And the thought made me sick to my stomach.

I really didn't wanna do that.

I don't have the stomach for prolonged physical activity, and I've sort of hit a wall in terms of magic. Aside from that one thing that happened earlier when greenie was around that we sort of just glossed over but now that I'm thinking about it was probably a bigger deal than I gave it credit for at the time but I don't really know what caused it or how to replicate it so uhhhhhhhh...

Uhm, anyways, I didn't wanna train. I felt kinda bad about it, but, at the end of the day... I'm not S. And that's not gonna change anytime soon.

But all that only tells me what I don't want to do. Which, while helpful, doesn't get me much closer to freedom from boredom.

I thought about S some more.

I thought about Catface.

Eh, yeah, that works.

"I dunno, wanna go watch some plays for a while?" I asked.

Sis shrugged. "Sure." 


And so we did.