Capitulum Secundum: Forte Occurant
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While meandering through the woods, Fionn has seen many things. Most of which are of little import; a deer here and a crow there, however on occasion, he stumbles into things that prove to be a little more noteworthy. Fionn was quite the distance from the academy now, it would be nightfall when he returned, even if he were to go back now. Being so far from home, far from safety, it pays dividends to be especially cautious, and to pay close attention to one's senses. In and amongst the trees, Fionn could hear something.

"So how does it actually work?"

"It's... rather hard to phrase."

"Well, it'd be a lot easier if you tried explaining."

Two voices, a man and a woman, not far from where Fionn stood. There are a number of ways to remain safe in this sort of situation. Backing away slowly comes to mind, or staying hidden and keeping a watchful eye on the unknown. Establishing dominance does not come to mind.

"Hello?" Fionn asked the woods.

Rustling leaves, chirping birds, almost silence. The sound of a hand hitting a back.

"Ow fu- fine. Hello?" The man called out.

Fionn considered his options. These people responded, albeit reluctantly, it was unlikely that they intended to attack him. That said, he still couldn't see them.

"Can you see me?"

"Unless you're a tree, no."

"Keep talking. I will walk to you."

He chose to come to them, that way, he was in charge of the distance between them.

"It's kinda hard to just think of something to say on a whim, you know." The man whined.

"Well, so far you're doing a good job." Fionn walked cautiously to the source of the sounds.

Looking around a tree and into a small clearing, he found the owners of the voices; two people, clad in hooded robes. Most people would have jumped at the sight, but living around hooded mages for the last few years robbed Fionn of that instinctive fear of cults.

"So. Lovely weather we're having?" The man spoke, before being smacked by the woman.

"Really? That's the best you can do?"

"Well, what was I supposed to say?"

"Um, excuse me?"

The hooded people ceased their bickering and snapped to Fionn. Fionn didn't quite know what to make of the two. If they had wanted to attack, they would have already, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"Are you perhaps lost?"



There was a pause. The hooded people exchanged silent stares that could easily kill, before the woman spoke up.

"Yes, we're lost. Do you perhaps know the way to... oh, what was it called, Olve?"

"Gryphon Academy, do you know of it... what was your name?"

"My name is Fionn, and yes, I'm a student there. It's quite a way away," Fionn said, pointing towards where he had come from, "Would you like me to lead-"

"Oh, no no no, that's quite alright, isn't it Auðr?" Olve interrupted.

"Yes, we're good with directions thank you. That way, yes?"

Fionn paused for a moment.

"Then how did you get lost?" He asked.

The woman stood, dumbfounded.

"What my pig-headed sister meant to say, is that I'm good with directions. That'll teach me to take her lead-" Olve's chiding was interrupted by a strike to the back of the head.

"ANYWAY! We'll be leaving now. Thank you for your help, Flann." Auðr gave a quick bow, before grabbing Olve by the shoulder and following Fionn's directions.

Fionn stood for a moment, processing what had just transpired.

(No. No, that's far too odd.) He thought to himself.

It's a common joke that Ísfjall boys learn to hunt before they learn to walk. While Fionn still lived in Ísfjall, he went on many a hunting trip with his family, and so he quickly learned a thing or two about tracking prey. He waited for a moment, putting appropriate distance between him and his mark, had a quick stretch for good measure, and began his hunt.

(Let's see what you're really about, then.)