Chapter 12
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            “Anisha!” Shawn nearly broke the meeting room door as he threw his entire body weight into opening it.

            The finely polished wooden door opened to reveal a lavish sitting room, complete with fireplace, bookshelves, and a large central table where Anisha sat looking alarmed. Unfortunately, she wasn’t alone.

            “What’s the meaning of this?” Colonel Pierce’s face twisted into a scowl as recognition entered his eyes. “What are you doing in here boy?”

            Movement to Shawn’s left drew his eyes slightly. He spotted the lieutenant who had let him go the day before unclip the cover on his side arm as his eyes narrowed in Shawn’s direction. Shawn’s mouth went dry.

            “Sir.” Shawn cleared his throat and decided to go all in. “I believe the city is under attack.”

            All three pairs of eyes widened at his bold statement.

            “Which city? Here? In Central Maston?” The colonel turned to the windows, but they were covered by thick drapes. “Lieutenant Teige.”

            The lieutenant’s eyes lingered on Shawn for a moment longer before he turned and pulled back the drapes. The faint orange glow of the setting sun crested the tops of the estate trees. A few birds drifted by and all that could be heard was the rustling of leaves in a soft breeze.

“I hope you have some type of evidence to support this claim of yours.” The colonel’s eyes hardened as he addressed Shawn. “We’re a long way from the front.”

Shawn’s brain began to heat up as he struggled to find the right way of explaining things to the colonel without coming off as a lunatic.

“I met a fair number of people yesterday on the south side of the river.” Shawn began as he chose his avenue of explaining events. “A lot of them told me about issues or problems that they would like help with. I… created a magical link between myself and these civilians as a form of contract until I accomplished what they asked me to.”

Colonel Pierces’ eyebrows rose higher on his balding head.

“What nonsense is this?” He scoffed and turned to Anisha for clarification. “Does he honestly expect me to believe he’s some sort of magic user?”

Anisha didn’t look at Shawn as she responded.

“Yes sir. What he’s saying is true.” Anisha’s voice was firm and clear. “I can vouch for him meeting civilians yesterday and for the contract he formed with them.”

“So, he’s not only a draft dodger but hiding his magical aptitude from the military as well.” The colonel said with venom.

His eyes now smoldered with utter disgust for Shawn. Anisha placed both hands on the table and pushed herself up to a standing position. Her chair fell over behind her.

“We’ve already discussed that at length. Sir.” She added the last bit with impatient force.

“Oh yes.” The colonel rolled his eyes and stood up as well. “Your mission from the divine.”

Pierce jabbed a finger in Shawn’s direction. “He’s feeding into your delusions in an attempt to avoid serving his empire. He’s a scoundrel that deserves…”


Shawn, Anisha, and Colonel Pierce turned in surprise to the window that was now open. Lieutenant Teige held up one finger to his lips as he leaned out the window and cupped his other hand to his ear. A tense moment passed where no one in the room moved a single muscle. Shawn strained his ears too, and after a moment, could hear a faint series of popping noises in the distance. The lieutenant turned back to the group with a grave face.

“Sir.” He addressed the colonel. “That is forty-five SBC, standard issue round for reservist issued handguns. Someone’s in a firefight.”

As if to solidify his assessment, the popping sound in the distance grew louder and more intense. The colonel turned on a dime and immediately began to walk for the exit.

“Lieutenant, get to the train station.” 

Teige nodded and sprinted after him as Pierce continued to relay instructions.

“If we’re under attack then that is a priority target. Organize what’s there and I’ll send reinforcements once I arrive at reservist HQ. Am I understood?”

The lieutenant gave a brisk salute and bolted from the room. Anisha rushed forward and saluted as well.

“Colonel, sir. Where should I deploy?” She asked at attention.

“Here.” The colonel said firmly and continued to walk out the door.

“Sir!” Anisha couldn’t hide the desperation from her voice. “This is my hometown…”

“And it will be properly defended by the reservists stationed here. We can’t risk losing you Anisha. You are not to leave this house. That’s an order.”

Shawn had to do something.

“Sir, if i may…” Shawn cut off mid-sentence as a chime sounded in his ears.

A text box appeared in his vision, but it was different from anything he had been shown before.

Charisma Opportunity Available.

[1] We’re a stationary target here. We should be on the move around the city in case the enemy is targeting the Goldrin family. [Success Chance: Low]

[2] We can get more done out there than we can in here. [Success Chance: Low]

[3] I just wanted to say that I’m a coward and thank you for letting me hide in here [Auto Failure]

What is this?! Shawn screamed internally. Charisma Opportunity? I didn’t know that was a thing!

Shawn didn’t want to open his stats menu right now as it would look strange in front of the colonel, but he hadn’t bothered putting any additional points into charisma. Shawn had assumed it merely dealt with prices of goods when he sold or bought items.

It won’t do me any good to worry about that now. Shawn sighed as he considered the three options.

The third one was obviously out since it gave him no chance of success. The first option seemed to make the most sense. Shawn reasoned that it gave some semblance of a good reason as to why he and Anisha should be out in the city and not stuck here.

That’s what I’ll try I suppose. Shawn took a deep breath as he prepared to make his decision.

The colonel for some reason had not moved from the doorway and continued to stare at Shawn expectantly. The silence between them had been long enough for Anisha to begin to glance back and forth between them confused and a little alarmed.

“Anisha and I should be out in the city. We’re a stationary target here. Our best chance of surviving an attack is to be moving around the city. Not staying in any one place for too long. That way, if they are looking for any member of the Goldrin family, they won’t know where to find her.” 

Shawn took some liberties with the text he had been given. He hoped that wouldn’t affect the outcome negatively. Shawn held his breath as the colonel considered Shawn’s words. If the roles were switched, Shawn would have rejected the proposal. If the Goldrin family was really being targeted, then the best course of action would be to move Anisha out of the city, not wander around inside the city. It didn’t make a lot of sense. Another chime sounded.

Charisma Opportunity Success! XP awarded.

“You’re right.” The colonel nodded, Shawn’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. “I may still have my reservations about you, but I no longer think you’re a criminal. You gave us time to respond to the threat. Keep her safe.”

The colonel straightened his uniform and strode out of the room. Shawn turned to Anisha, the surprise in her eyes mirroring his own.

“Why did he agree to that?” She asked, thoroughly baffled. “I mean I’m extremely grateful for the permission, but what did you do?”

Shawn shook his head. “I really don’t know. Oh, and about his last statement, I was actually going to ask you to keep me safe and not the other way around.”

Shawn grinned. “All I have is a knife.”

Anisha laughed and patted the blade at her hip. “Well go grab it and meet me at the entrance. I need to put my armor on.”

In less than five minutes, a fully armored Anisha met Shawn at the front gate of the estate. Both of the guards that normally flank either side were absent. Shawn had to assume that the colonel had pulled them away to help with the crisis. The distant sound of gunshots had risen in both volume and consistency.

“You ready?” Anisha asked Shawn as she adjusted her helmet strap.

Before Shawn could respond, another chime sounded in his ears.

You’ve entered a raid level event. Minimum party recommendation: 12

Head to the southern section of New Maston to discover victory conditions.

Well it doesn’t say I’m under leveled this time. Shawn smirked.

He got the feeling it would be a long time before he met any of these quests’ level or party recommendations.

“Is that when you see it?” Anisha’s voice cut through Shawn’s thoughts.

He blinked and closed the notification. “See what?”

“The game stuff you told me about. Your eyes lose focus, and you’ll occasionally move your hands like this.” She waved her hands vaguely in the air. “Is that when you see the game?”

“Oh.” Shawn didn’t expect her to be so observant, then again, he hadn’t exactly been hiding his actions. “Yeah, you could say that.”

Anisha nodded. “I figured as much. You didn’t answer my question before.”

“Sorry.” Shawn chuckled. “Yes, I’m ready to go.”

Shawn took the lead and began to retrace his steps from the day before.

“Any idea what we’re going to find over there?” Anisha asked as she fell into step next to him.

“No.” Shawn grimaced. “Whatever it is, doesn’t sound good.”

The gunfire was almost constant now and seemed much closer than it had been before. The streetlamp lit streets were slowly filling with people as they trickled out of their homes. Small groups were beginning to form as they all looked southward towards the sound of conflict and tried to make sense of what was happening.

Shawn expected people to approach and demand answers from Anisha, since she was clearly dressed for war, but no one did so. Maybe it was how quickly they were running or perhaps it was due to how intimidating Anisha truly was in her dark plated armor. Whatever the reasoning, Shawn was grateful that they arrived at the river uninhibited. The closest crossings were footbridges that, unsurprisingly, were filled with civilians fleeing the southern side of the river. The bridges weren’t completely packed yet, but Shawn knew it would only be a matter of time before movement in the other direction would be impossible.

“Let’s hurry before we’re stuck over here.” Shawn gestured to the closest bridge to their left, and they immediately ran towards it.

Further along the promenade, Shawn could see a large detachment of reservists taking up positions at the end of each bridge. The soldier/peacekeeper personnel began to direct the steady flow of refugees and attempted to calm the panic rapidly spreading through the citizens of Central Maston.

“Follow me across.” Anisha pulled Shawn’s attention away from the deploying reservists.

Shawn grabbed her cold armored shoulder and followed closely behind as Anisha forged through the crowd. The sun’s light was rapidly fading over the horizon and the darkness was doing little to calm Shawn’s already hyperactive senses. Across the river, he was already imagining tall and imposing demons lurking in each alley, unlit street corner, or empty doorway. Anisha was a fierce warrior, he knew that, but Shawn also knew he’d feel a lot better with a gun in his hands.

Just when they reached the far side of the river, the power of the crowd surged. The spaces that once existed between the panicked civilians had vanished and Anisha now had to fight for every inch of ground. Fearful screams became more frequent and the desperation of those trying to push their way past Anisha increased to match.

“Close your eyes.” Anisha grunted as she unsheathed her sword.

Trusting that she wasn’t about to start hacking away at the poor souls around them, Shawn did as she asked and shut his eyes. A white flash burned his eyelids and everyone around them screamed in fright. The second the flash of light vanished; Shawn opened his eyes. Anisha held her blade high above her head, the residual light from her skill fading.

“Now!” Anisha surged forward, taking advantage of the momentary confusion and disorientation of the crowd around them.

Once free of the choke point, Shawn could now move out from behind Anisha. The gunfire had grown sporadic and were now coming from a few different points in front of them. Shawn couldn’t see anyone shooting yet, so it had to be further into the slums. Anisha wasted no time and sprinted towards the nearest shots, Shawn managed to stay a few steps behind her. Her long powerful strides were incredible, especially when Shawn considered how much Anisha’s armor must weigh. Once they reached the second intersection, Anisha slid to a stop.

“Do you hear that?” She asked as Shawn huffed up to where she stood.

Shawn tried to slow his breathing so he could hear something other than his pounding heart and suffering lungs. He felt a prickling sensation on the back of his neck first, then he heard it. A low growl coming from the closest doorway. Shawn and Anisha turned as one, both holding their weapons at the ready, as a pair of blue eyes gazed at them from the darkness.


As always, thanks for reading. I hope to have another chapter out tomorrow or the day after.