Chapter 12 – Poor Bunny
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Up to Chapter 18 available for patrons at the first tier. Listed as Fafnire as the tag.


"We're here, Baris. Base of the mountain homes of the giantkin." Yra said. "These houses are here to house any travelers that seek to do business with the giants, as well as to store goods from the mountain." She set him on his feet.

"Still huge enough for giants to walk around comfortably. So, are there other settlements?" He asked as he followed her.

"Yes. Other mountains, forests, valleys, and places the giants call home." She said.

"Places of nature." He said quietly.

"We like the quiet of nature. The dwarven smiths have made our homes beautiful and comfortable. In return, we protect the depths of their mountains from outside invaders." Yra said. She looked back.

"Nothing to say?" She asked.

"Should I comment on a history I did not forge, nor contribute to? That would be quite presumptuous of me." He said. "No, I just need to learn, and figure out what to do from here."

"That makes sense." Yra said. "Come on. I'll show you inside. Get you a room assigned so you can be comfortable. Even take a bath." Once he walked inside, there was a small delegation of giants already there.


* * *

Cera watched her nearly comatose daughter wake up, and become energetic. Rhana ran over to the small plump human and lifted him up. She heard her daughter's words, and frowned.

"Bunny!" Rhana exclaimed. Cera noted that Baris didn't appear frightened when she lifted him so casually.

"Do I know you?" He asked while he looked into her eyes. "I think I would know an attractive woman...sorry, giant like yourself." Rhana grinned, pulled him right to her large chest, his face level with hers.

"We've met, little bunny." She said softly, and leaned her head to the side. They watched as her horns turned from a half polished bright black gemstone and half dull, into a full polished black, as though she were back in the depths of her heat.

Her mouth landed on his shoulder and she sank her teeth in.

* * *

Rhana went from feeling like she was groggy and exhausted into a warm glow. Her bunny was there in front of her.

"Bunny!" She was really excited and ran over. He wasn't afraid of her when she picked him up, and smiled warmly at him.

"Do we know each other? I do think I would remember an attractive woman...sorry, giant like yourself." Baris said. She felt warmth invade her, and it was just like last night.

"We've met, little bunny." She put her mouth on his shoulder and sank in her fangs. His tender flesh, his rich warm blood, and the scent of him filled her senses.

"Look at her." Cera snorted. "Guide her to the room. This isn't the place to do this to him. Let him have his dignity at least." Cera said as her daughter ripped off his outer robe. "Never thought I would ever see a human in the throes of a giant's heat."


* * *


Baris felt the pain of Rhana's bite, but not much else after that. He was inflamed with lust similar to a powerful aphrodisiac, and lost his mind.

Even when she pressed him to the mattress, folded him up like a woman and thrust her member deep within him, he couldn't understand what happened to him.

The others could see it though. Yra frowned heavily, now feeling that she had treated Baris poorly by offering him up like this.

Cera watched her daughter fuck her bunny, with an eyebrow raised. Her wives were uncomfortable, but realized that their mate's daughter needed this human, although they didn't know why.

After two full hours of fucking him senseless, and turning him over so she could go at him from a more comfortable angle for her own body, Rhana finally dumped a third load deep within their guest.

"Looks like her heat is finished." Cera said. "Call a healer to be sure. We can't have her lose her mind if it isn't burned away." Cera said and walked over to examine Baris. Rhana looked up at her tiredly, and pulled Baris into her belly.

"Don't worry. We're just making sure he's fine, baby." Cera said softly.

"Bunny hurt?" She asked, but in a childish tone that made her mother look at her carefully. "Momma, Rhana tired." She fell into a deep sleep immediately. Her member softened, and retreated back within her body.

"Yra, gently lift him out of the bed, and take him for a wash. I hope he doesn't remember how my daughter used him like a toy to fuck her heat out of her, but it was necessary to save her." Cera said. Her eyes glowed.

"Fyzeekal Maap. No injury, just tired. Large manna core, and thick manna veins." Cera lightly ran her hands through his sweaty hair.

"Poor bunny. Just what have you gone through to survive two seasonal heats in only two days?"


* * *


"How is she?" Meena asked as Cera's wives carried their daughter into the house.

"Exhausted, and spent." Cera said. "But out of danger." Meena fell to her knees.

"How is the bunny?" She asked.

"Uninjured, but asleep as well. She took him to the edge twice." Cera sat down in a chair that her wives pulled out for her. "Meena."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could handle her jealousy, and keep her occupied. You're always so busy, taking care of your other wives that she's all I have." Meena said softly.

"She's a stallion, Meena. She's your daughter, not your wife." Cera said firmly.

"I know, but it is the mare's responsibility to take care of their daughters, and their hungers when necessary." Meena said defensively.

"Do you think I don't know the difference between keeping her sated, and making her too hamstrung to grow up?" Cera said in an unfriendly tone. She growled in her throat. "You are her mother mare, not her mate." she looked around. "Why have none of her mates come out?"

"They don't live with us. Each has their own apartment." Meena said quietly. Cera stood up.

"I've given you too much leeway." She said firmly. "When Rhana wakes up, bring her up the mountain. Both of you will face the elders." Cera was about to turn away, but looked at her lower belly.

"Are the fairies hers, or yours?" Cera asked. Meena paled.

"Hers." She said quietly. Cera growled.

"Damned perverts, sharing your belly with those parasites. I'll never understand your need to fill your womb with a fairy when you could have another colt." Cera snorted. "They are Rhana's responsibility, and a part of giantkin life, but I do not approve." Cera turned away, and walked out. Cala, her wife, stayed until it was only herself and Meena that remained.

"My wife wants to inform you that you have two choices. Stay as you are, and lose your status. You'll have to move to the lowest rung of the mountain. Or return home. Those are your choices. Rhana needs to grow up." Cala left quietly, for which Meena was grateful.

Though her choices were little, she still had her dignity, and didn't have it ripped away. If her stallion wife decided to reveal her private life to the mountain, she wouldn't be able to show her face in public ever again.

It was a kindness given to someone who was once her stallion wife's favorite. Before Meena walked away just to protect the jealous nature of her teenage daughter.