Chapter 18
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When Ryo and Ghis left the Guild Building and were about to go shopping with a smile. They both turned when they heard a rather strange and slightly funny scream filled with hate towards Ryo.

(??)-Stopped, you DIRTY VILLAIN!!!

Ryo laughed and turned away. And Said.

(Ryo)-Who is stupid enough? .... A..aha ... That explains a lot.

Ryo looked at the idote who had the audacity to say that to him. And it was Luckas, the person on whom he tested his "Grades" skill long ago and he was around 250. Ryo hadn't added any new skill points yet, but decided to play the game.

Dressed in new armor that now felt less plate-like or heavy. And more ... half and half. See for yourself.

Only more gold ornaments, and the emblem and green elements are gold. And the sword looks like an artifact and exudes a golden aure.

In short, Ryo is now brainstorming. Strategies on how to defeat Luckas with limited mana in mind and thought. And knowing that his attacks can be fatal, they should be avoided.

(Luckas)-Hohohohoo....Villain. I am Luckas Lionheard, hero and foremost C-rank adventurer

Ryo looked at the stout "Hero" with amusement and said, ignoring the very powerful artifact that was being directed towards him.

(Ryo)-Hehe...So what? .... You'd better go back and read the books or whatever else you have so badly damaged your brain. Because I have shopping to do and try to stop me. And I'll give you life lessons. Understand?

As Ryo said it extended, he quickly fired up the skills menu and created a new skill and added new points.

Name Skill Level
Fire Magic 23(+7)
Regeneration Magic 3
Magic of Fusion 1
Fly Magic
Soul Eyes 2
Alchemist 2
Air Magic 15
Skill Points 0

(Ryo have 38 lvl.  Later have 16lvl....38-16=22 skill points)

(Luckas)-YOU!!YOU!!! How dare you, dog?

He said this when Ryo and Ghis were about to ignore him, though Ryo was preparing to fight. And Ghis could sense changes in his mana and smell. So while waiting, she followed him. But when ryo heard the word "Dog." He was ready and he turned violently to Luckas, but said nothing.

(Luckas)-So even bad guys have honor, Good...Hehe

Ryo looked at him and said with a malevolent laugh.

(Ryo)-Do you want a lesson? ... Get it .... Someone call Sif .... NOW !!

Some random Guild worker who was watching the show ran inside and after a few moments Sif came running and as she stood between Ryo and Luckas she screamed.

(Sif)-What are you two doing?

(Luckas)-Lady Sif....

(Ryo)-Nothing specific .... Some lame thinks he can offend me and wants to teach him lessons. So he wants at least something to gain.

(Sif)-heh ... Of course ... What do you suggest?

(Ryo)-Duel .... 1vs1 .... stake ... fight .... Eee !! ... Golden Boy ... What do you think about the great duel between the Great Blodly Mage and the little Hero?

(Luckas)-Yes...It will be an honor for me to defeat such a wretch .... Wait ... What did you call me?

(Ryo)-Coming back a simple duel, here and now. However, the reward must be there. Little hero ... What noble prize do you want, great Knight with little eggs?

(Luckas)-My reward will be the freedom of this beautiful lady whom you are holding against her will?

Ryo laughed as Ghis is not being held against her will, after the third round of sex, he offered to release her. But she refused. So even if he loses, Ghis will remain his property.

(Ryo)-Sif...All....Did you hear what he said? .... good ... And I want your sword.

(Luckas)-What?...My ...My Sword?

(Ryo)-Yep...The one you have in your hand ... I think it's a little precious one to save a sexy woman who needs no rescue.

(Luckas)-Haha .... I will win anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Hearing this, Ryo leaned closer to Sif and whispered.

(Ryo)-Sif?...This sword is not some kind of family heirloom, is it?

(Sif)-No, it's just a Dungeon artifact. And it's not even legendary. But it's still expensive.

(Ryo)-How much would the Guild pay me for it?

(Sif)-150-250 gold coin.


(Ryo)-So let's start, maybe I'll let you set the rules this time ... Hehe ...

(Luckas)-Good...It's quite honorable of you ... for a villain ... And the rules are simple, we fight until one gives up or is unable to fight. Spells that can surprise a civilian cannot be used. And that's all.

Ryo looked at him stupidly and replied.

(Ryo)-So I can basically kick your ass any way I can think of. Great...

After a while, everyone went to the Gidlia arena and the fight will begin soon.