Chapter 04
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4th chapter buddies! Sorry for the lateness!

Happy new year!

'Heh. Quite fascinating.'

Seren pondered to herself as she inspected her body once again.

It had been three days since her consuming this world's Kurama and Naruto, and her sudden transformation into her own Super Saiyan form. At least, that's what her watch told her when it came to time.

She was currently inside a barren planet where no life existed as far as her senses told her, and in these days, she was testing her new form and seeing how much her body changed thanks to this new development.

The results were surprising to say the least.

She gained Naruto's Uzumaki genes, that was obvious to her.

The big difference was the change Kurama did to her body as a whole.

Kurama was a Bijuu, a being purely made of Chakra taking a physical form and having sentience and sapience.

And while Chakra and ki are different, they are quite similar in some way, helped by the fact that the chakra in the bodies of her meals get turned into ki energy.

And that was what was causing her the biggest change she had so far.

Transforming her into a being made of pure ki energy.

She could still use all her other abilities, as well absorb the power of any being she eats just fine, as she had tested using her Birthing an Egg ability. If she had to make a comparaison to what happened to her body, she could only liken it to that "this is all part of my plan AKA keikaku doori" villain from that transforming swords Anime as he kept "evolving and becoming of higher dimension" or something that was barely elaborated on after he got the magic rock Macguffin, and him still being able to use all his previous abilities as well as gain new ones as the plot demands.

'Completely unexpected, to be honest. I didn't predict this could happen.'

She mused to herself as she willed her ki once again, and she watched as her left arm's fingers transformed into pure and dense ki energy for her to command.

The energy twisted by her will, turning into long and sharp spikes as she moved them across the ground in front of her, and watched as the ki spikes easily pierced the ground.

'Though this might not say much, since I can already destroy this planet with only a fraction of my power.'

She also realized that her transformation into a ki entity was not immediate, but a slow process in fact, unlike how rapidly her body adapted to her victims' DNA or physiology before.

The best explanation she could come up with was that the transformation was changing her cells one by one at a rapid speed, which is why only her left arm's fingers were the only things she is capable of turning into pure ki.

'At this rate, I will fully turn into a ki entity in six or eight months at least. Three days were enough to only turn my fingers. At least, it doesn't seem to hinder my fighting capabilities. I could still sharpen my senses and increase my physical power and speed and use my other techniques.'

With that thought, she willed her ki to retransform into her fingers once more.

Seemingly taking a breath, her ki flared and expanded, and continued moving, saturating everything around it until it reached a 1 kilometer spherical area with Seren as the center as she closed her eyes.

'I can feel it, everything in this one kilometer radius. The movement in the dust and small rocks, the way the air of this planet moves around. All of this is easy for me to feel at this point.'

She doesn't recall Kurama having this power from the memories she had gotten, so this must be her ki sensing ability mixing with the chakra version and strengthened by her new transformation.

Though she can already sense ki on a planetary scale, this was a very nice boost to her sensing skills nonetheless.

'But, what am I supposed to do now?'

She pondered while putting her hands on her hips, looking thoughtful.

'I am going to return to that Naruto planet, that one is obvious, but he's dead now. The real question is: will Naruto return back to life later as some completely different character?'

Seren huffed to herself at that particular idea.

Well, she can't really do much about it-

'Oh wait, yes I can. Killing Orochimaru then using the Edo Tensei to try reviving Naruto. If he gets ressurected, then he's not reincarnated as some random Bleach character or something equally ridiculous. If not, then he was already in a different reality and I can't do anything against that particular problem for now.'

Rethinking for a moment, she decided to return to the planet that lost one Bijuu, permanantly, and she smiled at that.

'At least the Akatsuki's plans are severely derailed with that single action of mine. But, they will die by my hands or someone else anyways. I might need to train in my Super Saiyan transformation sometimes later, but I can safely assume I have time to enjoy at my leisure...'

With that, she floated, leaving the atmosphere of the empty planet, using her sensory powers to get a read on the familiar feel of chakra in the vast empty space.

Time seemed to move slower as Seren felt as if she was stretching her senses for hours, until she picked the feeling of chakra, somewhere around...

Well, she can't really count the damn distance since she literally can't see the sun from her location even with her increasing her sight to the max. So, at least more than one billion kilometers away from the solar system of the "Naruto" Earth. At least, she can deduce its location compared to her current position.

And she isn't sure using her sight will matter since the light from that sun won't be reaching her for minutes. At the very least.

'Cosmic Scale is fucking nonsense. How these Sci-Fi writers can have a bunch of scientists SEE an invasion that is billion light years away is beyond my ability to understand even with their technobabble that is bordering on being literal magic.'

She told herself, letting her body move on its own as fast as it could so she will not have to deal with the possibly long (from her perspective) journey that could probably take a few hours, from what she believed.

Protecting herself with ki while also making sure to not unleash it into the area around her, she then looked around as the empty uncaring silent void surrounded her, the light reflecting from the stars reaching her eyes, before all of it became a blur as she moved towards her destination.

Seren kept her speed for what felt like minutes-

And she found herself almost slammed and blinded by a giant ball of light and heat few seconds later.

There was a lot of scorching flames and flares that seemed to explode in front of her.

Covering her eyes, her senses told her that the planet was 'close'.

As in, 'only' a few more hundred million kilometers away, now that she realized that this is the sun of the Naruto-planet.

'Great. I close my eyes for a few minutes and I find myself just a dozen kilometers away from the sun...Still believing that distance AND velocity are nonsense. And you know what? The heat here is INTENSE! Since I am not inside the damn ball of gas and plasma, it's probably something like 10000 celsius at the minimum.'

Instinctively, she heavily raised her ki to protect herself from the heat while retreating.

Gas that she could breathe -now so close to the star- almost burned her lungs as she literally breathed fire, and her blood felt like boiling for a moment before it calmed down, returning to normal thanks to her ki and rapid regeneration.

"Good to see that the many alien physiologies I had absorbed before are resistant to cancer -thanks Freeza's race and the many others!- or I might probably be dead by now."

Eyes getting used at the light as she flew back, she told herself as she moved towards the Earth of this dimension.

Seconds later, she had reached it, passing though the atmosphere, friction meaning nothing for her, as her body ignored it.

A few more seconds later, the ground was reached as her velocity halted.

Other than a small gust of wind and dust, nothing else happened to reveal her presence as her legs landed on the grass under her, gentle as a feather.

She looked around seeing the flora that surrounded her, as the sensation of the nature was felt in her mind.

"Nice to return here after a few days of separation."

Seren said as she breathed deeply, enjoying the air enriched by the feeling of life surrounding her.

She could feel the energies of living creatures so close once more, and it felt like she was home.

She was used to having living beings relatively close to her for years, that it just felt off not to feel their energy, or to be that far away from them.

"Note to self: Try not to kill all living beings on this planet unless I was planning to leave right after... Or I decide to revive them in some way."

With that little advice told to herself, she decided to check on Konoha.

And who knows, maybe she can find something entertaining while at it.

The walk in Konoha was uneventful and quite normal.

Nothing really happened during the three days she left the planet, and everything seemed to be the same more or less.

Okay, not really.

There was quite the buzz about the Uchiha's first mission outside the village from what she heard of civilians and ninjas alike.

Team 7 hadn't returned yet from the Wave country (she remembered that it would take more than thee days to go back) which was the only reason they were only loudly talking about the Glory of the Uchiha clan and what Sasuke's success will bring to the village.

And why they didn't bring the fireworks and literally declare a holiday and have a konoha-wide celebration about how great Sasuke is.

No, she was not joking. She had already seen the food and gifts prepared for the occasion, with Naruto (or, the 'demon brat' as the villagers called him) dying in the mission being able to make them even happier somehow.

'They sure will have a blast next week, now that I killed this reality's Naruto. Wonder how big the ego of this world's Sasuke will be. Probably bigger than that of J.P.'s from the TWA series. By Megami, maybe I will search for a world where his channel exists. Last video I watched was about killing characters. Wonder what entertaining videos he made up. And of course, I might finally get time and to visit somewhere with English language so I can BUY HIS BOOK!'

With that thought, she walked casually around the village, picking some food here and there.

'Now, I have to wait until Team 7 gets back to see what could happen.'

And thus, wait she did.

It took a few more days for the team to return, and she got to watch them in their glory.

Kakashi was casually reading his porn, Sasuke was grinning while Sakura was gazing at him.

All in all, the usual, with the exception being Naruto's absence, since she killed him.

The villagers then literally groveled in front of him, showering him with praise by their words.

"Sasuke-sama! We are glad for your safe return!"

"Of course, knowing Uchiha-sama, he clearly desroyed all the opposition with no effort!"

"All Hail Uchiha Sasuke-sama!!!"

Sasuke seemed to bask in the never-ending groveling and praise coming from the villagers' mouths, as arrogance practically oozed from his very being, almost becoming a real substance and melting the ground where he was standing. Kinda like what happened to some story she read where a woman got a survey from an eldritch outer god and became able to create black water of Pure Evil. Only, utterly not amazing or cool like that woman's ability.

'Yeah, I will finish that story as well.'

Seren pondered as she kept watching the scene before she left as the women threw themselves in front of Sasuke, and the celebration started.

"Well, that happened."

She mused aloud as she flew away from the village, thinking of what she might do next in this dimension, now with Naruto dead.

"Geez. I have no idea on what to do right now. I killed Naruto, absorbed his and Kurama's genes and physiologies. I killed and ate many bloodline users, and I am now transforming into a ki entity. There has to be something entertaining to do, aside from day-to-day life..."

She spoke to herself.

'I know that this world is a bashfic made manifest, so should I wait for three or nine years to see if Naruto will come back an a character from another franchise? I mean, I can. But man! It will become boring to just wait for him, when he might have died for real, with no second chances or such...'

"... You know what? Maybe I can have some fun by screwing with the Akatsuki. By killing the Jinchuuriki..."

She had decided to do just that.

But, not all at once though.

Maybe one Jinchuuriki and their bijuu every three months.

'Yes. That's much better. Maybe kill Orochimaru while at it? Or let him get on with his invasion, then kill him while he is fighting Hiruzen? Decisions, decisions...'

Her eyes gleamed with a hungry desire as she thought of what she has to decide to do.

"Die! Konoha scum! Wind style: Great Breakthrough!"

"As if! Katon: Grand Fireball!"


The village of konoha was not in a peaceful state right now.

Explosions and dust consumed the village, as the sounds of screams were loud enough to be heard for miles.

The invasion of Oto and Suna started from the moment Sasuke had used Chidori on Gaara, injuring the Bijuu holder.

The konoha ninjas were fighting for their lives, the same way their mortal opponents were at the moment.

But none of it felt as intense as the fight between Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

Hiruzen dodged as a thick tree branch hit where he was just a second ago, before blocking a kunai thrown at him from the Second Hokage.

Orochimaru did nothing but watch as his former teacher fought against the first two hokages, enjoying the sight.

Learning the Edo Tensei was the most entertaining and amazing thing he did in his life, along with his body-switching jutsu, he felt.

'Now, I wonder, how he will keep fighting. Kukuku...'

He thought to himself, as he kept looking at Hiruzen fighting for his life-

"It's truly amazing. What such a jutsu can do, isn't it, Orochimaru?"

A feminine voice right next to him suddenly spoke, so suddenly that his sword was already slicing at where it came from before a single phrase could end.

But there was no one besides him, as the voice finished speaking.

It was only then that he noticed a woman with blue hair, looking at him a few meters away.

'The hell? Who is she? And wait. Her eyes...'

His own eyes narrowed as he saw something strange in the woman's eyes as she looked at him, a strange smile on her face.

Eyes colored a metallic-blue, with small dots spinning around the center.

He almost thought she had a Sharingan, if not for the blue color.

Needless to say, it picked up his interest, even if he had to split his attention lest his former teacher surprises him with an attack.

"And who are you? And how did you enter this barrier seal? Interesting eyes that you have by the way."

Even as he tensed from the sudden intruder, he didn't show it, his face looking as calm and confident as always.

The woman's eyes seemed to intensify as her smile looked like it grew slightly bigger.

"If no one knows me, then I am a nobody. But if you are interested in me though."

Even though he didn't pull away his attention, even though he kept carefully looking at her-

His body found itself thrown into the air, without him noticing until a second later.


Instinctively, he moved his body to manoeuver-

A hand found itself inserted into his chest.

"You brat!"

His hand moved to slice the head of the presence he felt behind him.

That, too, got stopped with a seemingly purple see-through glass.

"Crystal release?"

He could only say, his head making a 180-degree turn to directly face her, before she spoke to him.

"Now, that would be telling~"

The woman's eyes morphed as the metallic blue color changed, turning a golden yellow, the dots transforming into rings.


Orochimaru's eyes widened, realizing the danger but he couldn't escape fast enough, as a simple touch with her hand was enough.

A sensation of a huge gravitational pull imposed itself on his mind, and his soul, a white incorporeal entity, came out of his body, as it stopped moving, like a doll with its strings cut.

Seren didn't break her smile all the while, as she then consumed his soul, alongside his body in one fell swoop.

The rush of pleasure was quite dull at this point, but pleasant nonetheless to the Chaos Eater.

"Ah~! Orochimaru's taste is definitely... different. Still, it was quite as good as Nagato's and Itachi's. Kurama, Chomei and Saiken though are still the best~! The taste of a Bijuu and their Jinchuuriki, has just that much more flavor compared to other beings I ate so far~! The wonders of being a being made of pure energy I guess."

As she took a moment to enjoy herself, she noticed that the barrier started to dispel, and Hiruzen rapidly approaching her.

"Hm? Oh. I must have killed Orochi before Hiruzen summoned the Shinigami... Wonder how it will taste, this world's Shinigami, I wonder..."

In her few moments of pondering and salivating, Hiruzen had reached her, along with a battalion of ANBU, and she could feel as Shukaku was freed, rampaging right outside the village, or at least somewhere close to it.

She wondered if she should go and eat Shukaku while at it, since the invasion gave her so much food already so might as well eat more, but her thoughts stopped as Hiruzen broke the silence, as he wielded his staff in front of her, with the other konoha-nin almost about to swing their weapons at her.

"Now, miss. I'm sorry for this, bad welcome. But can you please tell us, who you are?"

And it was clear from his tone, that it was not a request.

It was an order, both to see her reaction, and to gauge her threat level, and her motives.

It was so easy to just vanish from their sight, but frankly she was feeling quite content right now, and she had already gauged the level of everyone in the village as a non-threat.

'Might as well enjoy it then. If I am going to wait for three years in this world, I guess I can just have fun messing with the people.'

With that, she gave the same pose that a black butler with the name of Sebastian did plenty of times.

"Where are my manner? I am Seren. And for now, I am going to say... Hello."

She looked at him directly in the eyes, the same smile on her face.

"Should we continue talking here or... in a more comfortable place, Third Hokage?"