Chapter 3: Scared upon Arrival
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After what felt like a long trip, the pair were finally closing the distance between themselves and the Star Tree. As they got closer the baby began to notice things nearby. Hundreds if not thousands of humanoid beings were moving around nearby. Little villages, small cabins, the random merchant caravan and group of adventurers moving about and doing random things. They were a blur to the baby as it and its mother flew overhead, however it could still see some of them as they passed. Red, blue and green skinned people wearing dark clothes with small bat like wings above their hips, more then 10 foot tall giants with massive hands and bald shaved heads. Tiny bug sized people with either butterfly or bat wings that were most often then not publicly naked. All sorts of people roamed the place around the roots of the massive tree and despite their looks, they all appeared united. No one was fighting each other over their race or religion, no one was fighting over scrap of food or clothing, just peace with each other. "Alright honey, be a good baby and be quiet while mama talks with papa alright?" she asked it, not realizing that he had not even met his new dad yet.

Soon they arrived at the trunk of the Star Tree. All over the tree's massive trunk were stone courtyards and platforms upon its mighty surface. Each one had an entrance or two leading inside of the massive tree. 'I wonder how this tree is able to survive with all of these people living inside of it?' it wondered, not knowing that there are not many living inside, but instead a few larger then normal people. With a final huff the mother dragon landed on the ground with the grace of a dehydrated goose. "Damn that was tiring. Hopefully I can get some rest now that we are home" she thought, not knowing what was about to happen.

With a thought she shifted back into her humanoid form and started walking up to the door on the platform that they landed on, though calling it a door would be an understatement. This "Door", was actually a massive double door gate that at least doubled the babies mother in her dragon form. Plated in beautiful gleaming silver, the wooden door looked like something out of a fantasy game. At that moment the baby was filled with wonder at the massive thing, wondering how the door could even hold up from its own weight. A groan woke the child from its thoughts and the massive doors began to slowly creak open. Seeing just how thick the doors were, the baby saw that they were at minimum 10 feet thick, making them appear far more intimidating then he thought they were. Soon the doors were open enough to make way to a person. This person stood right at 10 feet tall, he was incredibly lanky to the point of almost appearing anorexic due to his height. Nonetheless the man was stunning, any man on earth would have been boiling with envy at this person. Wearing many pieces of stunning silver jewels on his body, on his hands, wrists, neck, ears, even his ankles were showing with multiple anklets around each foot. His eyes were a glistening gold and his hair took on a shade of green with a slight tint of blue. Out of all of these features the boy only noticed one thing. his ears looked like the man could stab someone with them. Each ear was an even foot long and they curved down at the point, giving it a strange curved dagger look and both ears looked uncomfortably thick.

"Zeldraxia my love!!! Where the FUCK have you been?!!!" he hollered, his face turning a shade of purple with anger. "You were supposed to be back from the spawning cave over an hour ago! What took you so damn long?" he questioned yet again, still not letting her talk. "I have been waiting to see our babies for ages, dealing with the area's documentation and that damn flock of wyverns while waiting for you to get back was fucking annoying you know! *Huff*, Alright before you give me an explanation please get inside the damn tree!" he spoke out of frustration. From what the child could hear, this man had to deal with a lot of stress while his mother was gone apparently. The look the man gave during the whole tantrum only served to nearly scare the piss out of the baby yet again. mostly because the flight was a bit long for the baby to be holding in its pee.

After his tantrum they proceeded to enter the massive doors and walk down a long flight of stairs. Spending at least 30 minutes walking around the halls and through gated archways, they reached a set of normal 'ish' looking doors made of finely carved wood. With a snap the man summoned a pretty looking key into his hand. Made from simple silver with a leaf carving on the back, he pushed the key into a slot in the doors and twisted. With a click the doors swung wide open, giving wide view to a far more stunning room then he had ever seen in his existences! An absolutely titanic foyer opened up before his. stunning jade rugs lined the floors from every room to every door on every floor, a massive crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling at the center of the room. There were at least three floors from where he could see at the entrance of this palace of a place, the only way up to them was a tall center stairway that lead up to the second floor. However instead of exploring the place, the mother simply walked past the staircase where there were two doors opposing each other. One set in the side of the staircase and the other facing it. She opened the door facing the side of the staircase and walked in, revealing a rather cozy study room with a pair of chairs in the center facing a roaring chimney. How they managed to get one of these in here without setting the tree on fire? the child has no clue.

With a thud the mother sat down in one of the chairs and the man sat in the one next to her, giving her a look of frustration and exasperation. "Ok, now please tell me what took you so long." The man said rather then asked, talking with a tone that said 'my patience is wearing thin'. "Oh nothing, I had to let the baby eat its eggshell and we got stopped by the Star Tree Cult. Nothing too important." she said with a voice that said 'Meh, it is what it is." The man then gave her a very puzzled look and turned towards the scaly little thing nestled against her belly while in her arms. "And who is this little thing?" he asked, not knowing whether or not it was male or female so just leaving out gender in its entirety for simplicities sake. "This is our baby. Surely you remember us talking about the early hatching state of one of the eggs? right Hexanon my dear?" She asked with a worried voice, wondering if his frustration might have caused a lapse in memory.

"Oh yes i remember, It was believed to supposed to have been today so we had you leave early this morning to fetch it and any others that might have hatched". he said. "So, what shall its name be? we both should make sure that it is a good name, otherwise Seldora could give give an unfavorable trait" Hexanon said with a slightly exited voice, like he was looking forward to asking this question when his wife got home. "Nothing as of yet, you forget that we dragons have a special ceremony for when we give or offspring names. For us dragons, names are power! because every word we speak has power! Magic is laced in our every breath, even a an angry exhale from one of us can set forests on fire and our full breath can literally melt rock and earth into magma. We do not simply name our children on the spot, for that would cause dire consequences to occur for the surrounding nature. Thus, we created a special ceremony for a children. You will soon in fact be a part of that ceremony since you are his birth father after all!" With that Hedraxanon had a far more puzzled look on his face then earlier, wondering how he had missed this information when he did some digging on dragon culture while they were dating a few hundred years ago.

After some time Hedraxanon gave up and just decided that it was time for a bath and bed. Asking his wife to partake, all three of them headed to the bathroom which proved to simply keep astonishing the poor baby. After a few short minutes of walking up stairs and through corridors they reached the bathroom. Inside is looked relatively basic, a large sink, a weirdly modern looking toilet, a closet or two. Most shocking of all though was the bathtub, at least 15 feet by 15 feet and 3 feet deep the bathtub looked like something out of fantasy yet again. With some time they all got into and out of the bath. Bathing for the first time felt amazing to the baby, all of the water and soap slipping between the spaces between its scales and through its extremely short hair. Its mother soon after letting it soak in the soapy water began to lather the babes body. Cleaning between every scale, every finger and toe, every crease between body parts. Behind ears, between its legs and under its tail. Every last bit was cleaned, even if the baby was not a fan of certain places being cleaned due to its age before it died. Finally after a long while of cleaning they all got out, got dressed and headed for bed. Well all except for the baby got dressed since they did not know how big it would be when it hatched. So in the end the family went to the bedroom and hopped into bed, the baby however had already fallen asleep in its mamas arms by the time that bath time was finished. Thus ended a day of excitement and in a lot of cases scary situations, the baby embracing its new mother as it dreamed of flying through the skies like its mother did.