Chapter 1 – Cold, wet, and afraid.
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A downpour of water came like a flood upon my body. Yanking my conscience awake.

Drops of water splash on to me as I open my eyes to a grey sky. A strange sight considering I've never seen clouds that aren't a burning orange. Pushing myself up, what shocked me was not just the massive amount of greenery and trees, but two curved flaps at the top of my vision. Moving an arm to grab one of them, I was immediately startled.


I felt it.

Whatever was on my head I could feel it as if it was a part of my body. I immediately stood up, but that led to me stepping on a large mass of hair, tripping me right back down on the muddy ground.

"-grhh," I winched in pain as I used my right arm to break my fall, scraping it on tree roots.

It appeared that including the extra parts on my head, I also had an insane amount of hair. Grabbing at the base of my hair and ringing it through my hand proved difficult from it being weighed down from the water soaked into it.

Holding onto my hair, I stood up, gazing at my surroundings, but it was barely helpful as the rain drowned out any sound the forest could make, as well as my ability to see. I could only get a good looked around ten meters forward of me.

Trees littered my view from what I could see, and the grass went all the way to my chest. Walking up to one of the trees, it seemed like they were likely incredibly old oak trees to get to this size.

"But- h-how..?"

Trees of this size have been extinct quickly after the- what? Something was clearly missing from my memory. But I noticed a bigger problem-

I was shivering.

It is not possible to dwell on the matter if I die from hypothermia. I need to find something; shelter, warmth, maybe a passerby.

"But...  where do I even go?"

As I began wandering, I felt as the cold pressed more and more, feeling colder and colder.


It felt like hours of walking.

Trees, trees, and more trees. The rain was too unrelenting for the branches to block. There was no shelter from the downpour. My legs are already giving out, I lean against a tree to remedy the fatigue. I want to lay back down... But I feel that I will never wake up from the cold.

Thinking about it, what happened to me? In someway, my body is not the same as it should be. I can recall traveling much longer without my legs giving out, but the appendages on my head could be considered stranger. But just as I was about to investigate further something popped into my view.

[Boot up complete. Activating navigation module-Location set to highest chance of survival]


A strange window appears before me, along side it what appears to be some sort of digital compass.

[Warning - Hypothermia immanent - Go to location IMMEDIATELY]


First time in a while attempting writing! Hopefully this is at least half decent. Don't worry, other chapters will be much longer(Hopefully)