39: F*ck
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39: Fuck

Maggie’s view

The Fuck Festival is full of people! It’s a great success!

I’m pretty sure they are just treating it as a celebration of a new peace and a new god.

Well, that’s fine. This is about fantastic fuckers fucking for the future!

I’m not convinced this will work. We’re just going to end up with a lot of fatigued fuckers and no champion.

We’ve got practically everyone in the demon lands here!

The vast majority of whom are planning to leave for human lands after this.

Not everyone is leaving.

We’ve got about a dozen people staying to fight the human army.

… Okay, I admit, this war is over and we have lost the demon lands to the humans. Losing an argument with myself sucks.

Maybe you should stop trying to deceive yourself then.

If I stopped doing that, I’d have to face the reality of everything. That hurts too much. All my friends are dead. All my secret crushes are dead. Even the people I only sorta knew are dead.

…You can make new friends.

It’s not the same.

Sadly, when the Fuck Festival ended, my fears came true. There was no grand blessing, no champion to rely upon. Everyone clearly did not want to stay and fight for this forsaken land. Lae had made the human lands safe for us, and not enough people wanted to fight for this land when a much easier and safer place was available. Is this how it ends? Just giving up?

You gave up before. You hid while everyone else fought.

… I never did like it though. I may be a coward, but I’m not happy about it. I’m just alive.

And you’ll continue to live.

Even as everyone else dies. I better take the castle’s crystal core with us. The demon lands will lose the blessing of Lae, but it’s better than risking it being taken by the Light Army. There won’t be anyone left here to protect it after all.

It’s honestly surprising to me that they never found it before.

Well, it was a lot easier to hide it when there was no god connected to it. I don’t know if we should set it up in human lands or not though. Who’s even in charge there? 

Just use the crystal to set up a barrier. Keep those light bastards out of our newly adopted lands and trapped in the now almost empty demon lands. They were never a very nice place to live before anyway, and it’s only fair to do to them what they’d so often done to us after a war.

Hehehe. Yessss. So often when a war ended, the humans would seal our territory off. Turnabout is fair play! Hahahaha!

***Author Note***

Fuck Festival recruitment success: 15
Monster army recruitment success: 2
Is there a Champion? 2 Nope.

… fuck that actually is an ending. It’ll take like a hundred years or more for there to be a new major change. The human lands will need time to deal with the aftermath of the massive upheaval, and the god of light needs time to build a new kingdom. Lae, you were supposed to do more than just fuck people in their sleep. What kind of hedonistic tentacle apocalypse is this?! *sigh*