43: Alpha’s “Romance”
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43: Alpha’s “Romance”

Alpha’s view

As I travel the land, I learn of all sorts of interesting things. Some are weird, like the lady I met who chose to solve hunger by becoming a permanent fixture at the church that provides milk. I’m not entirely convinced she cares about the milk part. It almost seems like that was just the excuse she gives so she can be bound and fucked by tentacles all day every day.

“You know you can just stay in Lae’s dreamland instead of here, right?”

“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t get to hear all the conversations people have here. It’s funny when they forget I’m not just a piece of furniture, and start talking about private things, and it’s so hot when people decided to fuck near enough for me to hear it.”

It’s like every town I visit, I discover new perversions.

Eventually I did decide to try falling asleep and entering the world of dreams due to all the stories I’d heard of how great Lae’s worshippers dreams were. This was a bit more difficult due to how many bodies I’d made. To dream, I needed all of me to be asleep, because I had just one mind, even if I’d managed to get good at splitting my attention thanks to the upgrade path I’d chosen with my powers. 

I don’t think I’ll be able to forget that dream. I was able to see Lae again. Sure, I see her every day, every moment really, as she continues to wear one of my bodies as a dress, but it’s not at all like that dream. In the dream, we were alone together. Her attention was entirely on me. Even if I just wanted to spend time with her, she wasn’t distracted or thinking about other things. Her time was entirely mine in that dream. Thinking back on it, I know it’s impossible. She’s attending to everyone who dreams of her. Yet, in that moment, I had exactly what I wanted… it was painful to wake up and realize that such a thing can only happen in a dream. 

Thinking back, I’m not sure how she does it. Was it all a lie? It didn’t feel like one. Maybe she splits her mind into pieces, or maybe there really are more than one of her somehow? For her to give every dreamer that visits such an intense level of attention shouldn’t be possible, but then, isn’t that what divinity is all about? Doing the impossible?

I do not wish to abandon my life and stay in dreams forever, but after that night, I think I can understand why so many do. If I do die someday, that place is the kind of place I’d consider heaven. I don’t want to give up on trying to build my own little heaven on earth (is this world even called that?), but I know there’s no way I can attain something as amazing as that dream on my own… unless… maybe the key is to get more creative about how I go about it. Hmmm…

After continuing my travels, and expanding my business running sex dungeons and BDSM clubs, I slowly came to realize: I can’t do it. I like being powerful and in charge. So, I keep expanding my work and influence. Yet I want a lover who’s more powerful and important than I am, and is willing to let me dominate them. If I was willing to stop working so hard at being powerful and influential, then perhaps I could achieve my desired relationship. Except, I’m not. Dominating people who are weaker than me just doesn’t have the same appeal. Yet, I can’t resist the desire to always be at the top, thus I won’t allow anyone to surpass me. Thus my ideal relationship is something I cannot get, and it’s my own fault. I guess my love of power is greater than my desire for love.

I did it! It’s not quite as good as fucking Lae, but I got as close as I reasonably can! I seduced the king and queen of the country! Dominating those two in bed is pretty damn great. Now if only I could figure out how to get into their dreams… wait, isn’t it possible to physically enter Lae’s world? Can I send a body through and cheat that way?

It works! Except if I’m not dreaming, I can’t forget reality. I know that the Lae I meet here isn’t really all of her. I won’t be able to recreate that wonderful night I’d dreamt of, but I can get the king and queen of this country to visit me even in their dreams, here in Lae’s little world… it’s not actually little, is it? 

If I understand my senses correctly, this place is huge. It’s all Lae? There’s no way. Something isn’t adding up right. Is Lae even a real person? Lae seems entirely too human for THIS to be her. This place… it’s alien. Alien in a way that I’m not used to seeing. There’s logic here, but it’s not human logic. I think the sky is fake. An imitation of a starry sky made using parts that don’t belong there. Eyes that glow and move in a way that doesn’t quite match how stars should move. Is that what the Lae I’ve come to know is? An imitation? Does Lae know? Maybe I should ask. It’s not hard to find her here, she just kinda shows up when I want to see her.

“Do you know what you are?”

“No. Don’t really care. I’m enjoying my life now, and I feel human enough to not worry about what parts don’t seem quite right. Plus, I have the most wonderful dreams.”

“Humans don’t usually remember their dreams.”

“Yeah, I often wish I could remember them better. I mostly just wake up feeling awesome as the pleasant memories fade. It’s like I somehow know I’m loved and appreciated every day. Vivi says I wake up looking like I’ve just had the most amazing sex ever.” Lae then quietly blushed a little before continuing, “I don’t really remember, but I get the feeling I really do get the most amazing sex in my dreams.”

“You’re probably dreaming right now.”

“Am I? If that’s true, then why aren’t you fucking me already?”

“Maybe I just want to spend some time with a woman I love.”

“You still haven’t given up?”

“I might not be able to monopolize you, but that doesn’t make the love stop.”

“It just hurts, right?”


“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Lae. You warned me at the start. Sometimes we just get unlucky. I can’t really complain, I’ve gotten far more here than I ever did in my previous life.”

“I feel like just being better than your previous life isn’t really praiseworthy. I’m trying to create a paradise!”

“You have, Lae. You have. Some of us are just stubborn fools.”

I know it’s selfish to want Lae all to myself. She’s doing so much good for so many people, yet my unreasonable desire is to keep her all for myself and not share her or her love with anyone. The world would be a worse place if I actually got my wish. Sadly, knowing my desires are unreasonable doesn’t do anything to change them. I’ll just have to settle for taking over the sex lives of the king and queen. I wasn’t really expecting to succeed in seducing both of them, and even getting them to become so obedient in bed. It’s rather lovely.

The prime minister does worry me a little though. They’ve been taking on a lot of work as I distract the royalty. Maybe I should give her some assistance. Now, do I want to help her directly, or find someone else to be their assistant? Hmmm… I think trying to be a seductive assistant might be fun. Just have to be careful not to distract her more than I help her.

***Author Note***

Rolled to see if Alpha could pull off seducing/domming the rulers of the kingdom. 16 seems good enough given all of Alpha’s advantages (like being able to create a body specifically designed for the task).

Prime minister evilness: 2… that’s really low.

… I’m mildly concerned Alpha might just seduce the entire government. Like a harem game, where success results in becoming the defacto ruler. Ruling unofficially through influence over the official rulers? Yeah, that sounds like something Alpha would enjoy.