Chapter 27: The Swamp Of Madness
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Lilian had left Tharhym in charge Clan Dracogusse until she returned.

Normally it would be left to the second in command, but Lilian did not have a second in command she trusted yet, nor did she trust her uncle to do as she wished.

“You can rest assured Warchief. That unlike you, I will not be as nice to any of the nay sayers within the other clans.”

This made Lilian’s eyes widen.

“You are telling me now that I have been going easy on them?!” She asked him in disbelief.

“Hahahaha! Of course! If it was your father, he would have challenged any of the people who spoke against him already to a duel. But I can see how you are wanting the clans to change. How you wish for things to be different. I will be working on these people while you are away. So rest assured. This will be a good opportunity to practice gaining loyalty from those four, while I whip these lay about clans into shape.”

Tharhym assured his Warchief.

Lilian graced Tharhym with a rare smile that she showed little to people other than her mate.

“Thank you my friend… I… I am in your debt then.” She told her Shaman.

He just laughed.

“More than you know! But I will just put it on your accumulative increase.”

She tilted her head in confusion for a moment, but decided to shake her head and let it go. Because she really was indebted to Tharhym for all he has done for her.

“Fair enough old man.” She turned to walk away. “Keep everyone safe!” She shouted in departure as she walked towards her group.

“And keep them safe Warchief!” He shouted to her. He watched as they walked away.

“…And Mother Agra’Yala watch over them…”

“≈…I will…≈” Agra’Yala whispered to Tharhym in assurance.

Tharhym stood there as he felt the presence of Agra’Yala depart and go with the traveling group of Mokra’Torc representatives.


Tharhym heard his son shout from behind him.

“*SIGH* …Yes son… What is it?” Tharhym asked, but he knew exactly why it was that his son was for screaming him.

“My eyes did not deceive me this time! She saw them didn’t she!” His statement was more of an accusation than it was him asking his father.

“We all can sense our—“

“Do not mince words old man!” Voltarian shouted at his father. “How is it that she— a human no less! Saw our ancestors?! I know she saw them!”

Tharhym sighed again.

He looked at his son in the eyes. Voltarian frustration and fury were plain and evident on his face.

“Do you really wish to hear what I have to say my son?” Tharhym asked his son in an almost pleading reluctant manner.


“I JUST WANT THE TRUTH!” Voltarian yelled at his father.


“AND YOU WILL NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Tharhym yelled back at Voltarian. This made Voltarian shrink back at his father’s rage.


“What do you want me to say to you son? What is it that you want me to say to you that will make you happy?”


“I just want to know why?” He told Tharhym. “Why her? Why is it not me? She is human!”

Tharhym sighed as he realized that his son had mostly figured it out.

“Because it was never you son. You are a being whose very existence defies destiny… I was never to be your teacher. Nor were you my successor.” He told his son with tears streaming down his face.

“My son,” He called out to Voltarian as he laid a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Your destiny is your own. Your path is yours to make. I cannot help you discover what it is that you should do or how you are to live your life… I am sorry.”

After that, Tharhym went on to explain everything about Anna to Voltarian.




The Mokra’Torc representative group was marching down the wetlands towards the swamp of madness. It was scheduled that they would take a full day and a half to make it to the edge of the swamp.

So they were moving as fast as Anna would allow them to move at a steady jaunt towards the base of the Mount Maraiya.

Glad we are going to pass familiar territory as we go towards a new place. Anna thought excitedly.

She was actually ecstatic about this trip. She was going seeing more of this world. Traveling with the love of her life. Seeing how humans lived. And going to meet an actual queen.

Eeeeeeeeee! She screamed excitedly inside her own head.

But while she was excited. She could already tell that the mood had been soured quite a bit and she knew she was the one to blame.

The rest of the Mokra’Torcs, Lilian included. Wanted to run and jog towards the destination. But Anna just didn’t have that kind of stamina. So they were forced to move at a more sedated pace.

This made Anna feel a tiny bit bad that she was holding them up.

Lilian assured her that they had plenty of time to get there, even if it meant a week of extra traveling.

But not being one to be deterred by her own failings. Anna pushed herself whenever she felt she could and rushed things a bit. Making the rest of the group catch up to her, rather than have to wait on her.

Which to her disappointment, they easily did.

God! Orcs are built like olympic athletes. They could go for miles!

Anna was realizing very quickly that she was no where near the shape she needed to be in to keep up with them.

Well! This is my trip to learn and connect more with Mokra’Torc people! And become more like them! She thought determined.

But, thankfully to Anna’s persistence to trying to keep a steady pace. They made a decent distance for their first day.

It wasn’t enough to impress the rest of the group besides Lilian, who knew Anna’s limitations well. But their mutterings and hushed complaints died off after seeing Anna try her best. 

…It’s a start I suppose…

They had made in ahead of schedule. Or at the least, ahead of the predictive outcome of how they thought Anna could do.

Again, can’t blame them. I am no where near their level of athleticism.

But for the most part. Anna was proud of herself for being able to come as far as she had.

They were setting up their camp site near a place with a bog spring near them. They all refilled their canteens and fished out some of the lobster things from the bogs.

Then Anna got to work on her part of the groups travels of making dinner. After about thirty minutes, they were sitting down to a meal that Anna had made not to long ago in the kitchen.

“”GUMBO!”” Grak’Horve and Safarti shouted excitedly once they realized what the mate of the Warchief was making for them that night.


“Oh by the ancestors aren’t we lucky to have the famous Warchief’s cooking mate traveling with us!” Grak’Horve announced with glee as he dug into his meal.

“MMMmmm…” Safarti moaned around a mouth full in agreement.

“This is good.” Said Horrik in between bites; the man of few words.

“Hmm… this is acceptable. My wife has made me better.” Commented Harks as ate another spoonful.

“Shut up Harks! No on asked you!” Yelled Lilian from her place beside Anna. She leaned sideways to press her side against Anna’s. “My mate makes the best meals in the world!” She defended.

“Lilian!…” Anna grumbled embarrassed by her partner’s praise. While she was happy about it. If felt weird that Lilian felt the need to stand up to Harks because of his opinion.

Grak’Horve and Safarti snickered as they watched the scene unfold before them.

“Meh! Doesn’t matter. Your wife’s cooking will never surpass mine. She lacks experience.” Harks countered.

Is he trying to piss her off? Anna thought about what Harks was doing. Ever since they left the village. He has made it his business to shadow Lilian and secure himself as some sort of number two in their group.

Which normally Anna wouldn’t care, as it is none of her business on the who was what in the groups positions.

But it seemed to her that Lilian and Harks were determined and set to drag her into their pecking order match.

Lilian trying to set Anna as her only trusted ally.

Harks trying to subtly as possible suggest that Anna belonged at the bottom of the order and had little to no say.

Almost verbatim.

This had produced a number of shouting matches between the two, almost from the onset.

The young three orcs. Well… I think of them as younger. But they are the same age or close to Lilian’s own age. Anna corrected herself. Stayed pretty neutral or choosing to side with Lilian. Either out of their own respect or fear of her, Anna wasn’t sure. But what she did know, that as they traveled. The four young Mokra’Torcs began to form a sort of camaraderie with each other.

From an outside perspective. It looked like Lilian had banned her younger siblings or classmates into rebelling against an authoritative figure; who incidentally was Harks.

Which is also ironic because, technically Lilian IS the leader. But Harks is the wiser, older Mokra’Torc of their group.

Anna scowled at this thought.

But that being said. I don’t like his narrow minded ways or his suggestive ways of how things should be. If he tries to undermined Lilian again I am going to call him out on it. Anna thought resolutely.

Anna felt like she wanted to release a sigh. They hadn’t even left the village yet and they were already having bickering arguments with each other.

As much as I hate to just cowl to someone.

Anna let out a fake giggle.

“You’re right Harks. How could I ever compare to your mates cooking.” Anna agreed.

“Anna?” Lilian called out concerned.

“HA!” Harks barked a guffaw. “At least one of you two backwards heathens has their heads on their shoulders. Nice to see that at least one of the two women on this trip knows when to differ to a man.”

Anna felt every muscle tense inside of Lilian as she tried to stand. But Anna reached up to stealthily hold her by the shoulder.

Lilian once again looked towards her mate incredulously.

“You do make some good points some times Harks.” Anna sat up and leaned towards Lilian’s ear. “Just let him have it. We know who is in the right. Just let him rant about whatever he wants to. We shouldn’t let HIS views bother us.”

But as Anna pulled back to look at her girlfriend’s face. The loving expression she expected wasn’t there; but a disappointed scowl instead.

Okay!… Not the response I was expecting.

Lilian stood up at that then reached a hand down towards Anna.

“Will you please come with me.” She told Anna sternly.




Anna lifted her hand to let Lilian take it. She stood up, letting Lilian help her. Lilian pulled Anna about thirty feet away from the campsite before turning to her with a stern expression.


“…Why what?—“

“Why would you do that?!” Lilian questioned with a raise of her hand towards the group the walked away from.

Anna flinched reflexively at the sudden raised hand.

She isn’t Sheila. She won’t hurt you.

Anna took a deep breath before explaining.

“I was just trying to end the needless argument. If he thinks my cooking is less than his mates. Then let him. That was his opinion, not a fact.” She shrugged. “And I don’t know how well his mate’s cooks she might be better than mine. So it could be true. It could not be.”

“This isn’t just about that! Why did you speak up at all?!”

“Excuse me?!”

“That wasn’t an argument that you needed to jump into! This isn’t even about your cooking or what he thinks! It is about him trying to subvert my authority! And now! My mate! Has just agreed with the man who has been trying to make me look like a fool this entire trip so far!”

Anna was catching onto what had upset Lilian.

“Oh shit… I am sorry… That wasn’t my intentions. I just didn’t want to see you troubled by him. I thought that… Let him just think what he wants because it didn’t matter since we knew what the truth was.”

Lilian shook her head.

“That is not how this works.” Her expression softened to a sad smile. She lifted her hand and cupped Anna’s cheek.

Anna closed her eyes at the contact and enjoying her loves touch.

“This is part of the Mokra’Torc culture. If one thinks that the leader is weak. Then there will always be someone who will challenge the leader in their way of thinking or position. I have to prove my way of thinking is right. This leads to long arguments with elders or with my subordinates to prove my way of thinking is correct. Do you understand now?”

Anna slowly opened her eyes to look up Lilian lovingly.

“Yeah… I understand. I don’t necessarily think this is the best solution. But I just think that you should either ignore him or just knock some sense into him.”

This made Lilian chuckle.

“As do I Anna. It would make this a lot simpler to just smash their faces in. But sadly, this honestly isn’t the Mokra’Torc way of things. Otherwise I will just be seen as a tyrant. Then the challenges I would receive would be endless until I was finally beaten.”

“Okay, I think I get it. And I am sorry for this mess I made…… Is there is a way I can help fix this?”

Lilian shook her head.

“Honestly, just let me handle them. This is my responsibility as Warchief.”

“Okay, no problem. We talked about this before didn’t we? If one of us know what the other one is talking about. You with Mokra’Torc stuff; me with cooking and plants. We let the other handle it? So yeah, I will differ to your decision on this. You obviously know what you’re talking about.”

Lilian smiled wide at her mate.

“Thank you my Ashu’Rágé. That means to world to hear I have your trust.”

Anna mentally flinched at the pet name. But she didn’t let it show.

“No problem Lili, I am just thankful we can talk these things through and not stay mad at each other.”

Lilian tilted her head at Anna’s remark.

“Why would we not talk about troubles we have?”

Anna shrugged.

“Some couple have trouble really having trust in one another. So they fear that they will make their partner mad by telling them the truth and make their love end up hate them by telling them.”

“*SCOFF* That is just stupid. Not telling your mate is the sure fire way to have conflicts happen once the mate finds out.”

Anna also scoffed, but in a sarcastic manner.

“I know, right!” Anna put her arms around Lilian’s neck. “That is why I am thankful you can trust me enough to talk to me about things like just now. When I messed up or if you are upset. I feel good doing the same with you if I need to.”

Lilian gives her a goofy grin.

“I do try my best so that you do not have to be upset with me, my Ashu’Rágé.” She then leaned towards Anna, and the two locked into an embrace, sealing it with a kiss.

After the separated from their passionate reconnection of their hearts.



Came a shout from the camp.

They looked back at the group of four sitting by their campsite. Two of them snickering. One sitting stoically while he ate his food. And the last one where the shout originated from, with a smug look on his face.

“That bastard.” Lilian growled.

Lilian felt Anna tap her arm, which made her look down towards her mate.

“Now that I know what it means for you, I won’t try and stop you or interfere with your role as Warchief. But, if you would allow me too, please let me say something to him first to make up for what I did earlier. I can fix what I did, I think.”

Lilian hesitated at first, but her apprehensive frown turned into a loving smile.

“Very well, I trust you.”

Anna smiled up at her Ashu’Rágé before standing on her tiptoes to kiss Lilian on her cheek.

“Thank babe! You won’t be disappointed!” Then Anna hopped away from Lilian with a skip in her step as she moved back towards camp.

Lilian frowned as she watched her Ashu’Rágé walk away.

“… Ancestors guide my love’s words…” Lilian prayed as Anna walked away and as Lilian followed slowly behind her.


As Harks saw the human approach their campsite once again he gave another dig.

“What’s wrong wife of the Warchief? Get lectured on what your actual place was?”

This got a snicker out of the two that Harks had gotten on the fence with his way of thinking.

His other fellow Mokra’Torc; Horrik. Was a strange quiet individual. But Harks liked him all the same. He was a good Mokra’Torc, through and through.

The human smirked at Harks as she heard his condescending words.

“As a matter of fact Harks, she was instructing me. She told me that I didn’t need to lie to you, just to make you feel better about yourself, just because you’re wrong: so I am not going to try and stop my mate from walking all over you anymore when you act all uppity.”

This got the attention from the other three Mokra’Torc’s sitting down to eat. They all looked at the human with wide eyes, before turning to see what Harks’ reaction might be.

Not bad. He thought begrudgingly.

“BAH! I could tell you were lying through your teeth HUMAN. Any Mokra’Torc off their mother’s teat could tell you were lying through your teeth. I don’t need your help to knock your mate down a peg or two.” He informed her.

Safarti leaned over towards Grak’Horve to ask in a whisper.

“Was she lying that whole time?”

To which Grak’Horve shrugged his shoulders.

The human made and over dramatic gasp and put her hand up to cover her mouth.

“Oh my! Is that so?! My apologies even further than. Because from the looks of things, you looked like you could use any help you could get. Even if it came from a human that could only take down a sickly wolf by accident.”

This got a snicker out of Horrik of all people. Which caused a chain reaction of chortles from the other two.

Harks raised an eyebrow at the human and smirked at her.

Not bad. At least she can hold her own. But she will need a lot more steel and fire if she wants to live as a Mokra’Torc.

Harks wiped his smirk away as fast as it appeared on his face, before making a dismissive gesture with his hand.

“BAH! If that is how it looked to you human, than you are as avarage as the rest of your race. I hope you don’t plan to take up hunting as a profession within the clan. Otherwise we will all starve.”

This once again got a snicker from the two, with a raised eyebrow from Horrik. All three of them were eyeing the human for her response.

She just smirked and tossed back some of her hair.

“Don’t worry Harks, any position I have won’t affect you much. And in all honesty, it doesn’t really matter what it is I choose to do. Because I am already someone that is in bed with the Warchief.”

This got all three of the other Mokra’Torcs laughing at the human’s counter.

Damn, she got me.

Harks could only chuckle morosely as he grunted at her words. He served himself another helping of human’s delicious dish before sitting there quiet.

He glanced over at his Warchief to see the most peculiar expression on her face.

Her face was flushed and dark, bright eyes, with a crooked smile that looked as if she was suckling on something sour, while also clenching her jaw tightly.

Heh! Looks like I wasn’t the only one got with that remark. Harks’ thought amused.




Early morning on their third day. The had camped for the night before venturing further into the Swamp of Madness.

“Okay people listen up.” Lilian addressed the whole group in-front of her, with her mate standing at attention next to everyone as well.

“There are some of you that do not know what awaits us within the Swamp of Madness: Some of you think you do, some of you have even been told what it holds.” She slashed her arm across her body in a dismissive gesture.

“Well I will be the one to inform you that they are wrong and they know jack shit!” Lilian shouts at the group. “I have been through the swamp, personally. And multiple times I might add. But even than, this will not prepare us for what we are going to face.”

“This swamp, for lack of a better was to say it. The swamp itself is a living breathing entity.”

“Umm…” Safarti lifted his hand. “What do you mean Warchief?”

“I mean exactly as I said. Most of you may have heard of the Elemental guardian that roams the swamps that attacks any unfortunate victims that it comes across?” At all the Mokra’Torcs nods she continued. “Well that is just its avatar. Its real form is the entire swamp itself.”

The three young Mokra’Torcs eyes went wide.

“Are you saying we are just walking inside this things very being? That it can show up at anytime?!” Grak’Horve asked with worry.

“In essence? Yes. But fear not. From my experiences and knowledge. This thing only roams around the inner most section of the swamp. Which we will have to travel through. But we will not be engaging with. The biggest danger is being dragged or moved into his territory that he guards.”

“Dragged?!” “Moved?!” Came the questions from both Grak’Horve and Safarti.

“Yes. This whole swamp, is the guardian’s swamp. It is the guardian itself. It will know where we are at all times. He has complete control of every last branch or drop of mud within that swamp.

This caused all three of the younger Mokra’Torcs to gulp in fear.

“So how will we get past it then?” Anna asked her spouse.

“Good question. The answer to that is this.” Lilian held out a little device for everyone to see. It was a circular device that was flat on the top and bottom with a metal base and a clear glass top.

Wait a second!

“This device here is a compass, created by the dwarves from the human world. While we are in the swamp. The area we are in can either shift or move at a moment’s notice. Making us lose our way or sense of direction. Since we know where the inner most section of the swamp is, we will try and cut paths along the edges to get to what is virtually a safe area.”

“And you are sure this thing only comes so far out of the swamp and this area?” Asked Horrik for the first time.

“I do. I am not sure what it is, but my guess is that it is protecting something. Most likely its heart of the swamp.”

“≈Interesting guess, but not quite right. It is guarding the swamp as an ancient pact that it made with the Mokra’Torc ancestors of old. To guard the swamp from invading humans and to guard the prize you seek my child.≈”

Anna was just informed with a whisper from Agra’Yala, making her miss some of Lilian’s speech.

“Any questions?”

Anna sheepishly raised her hand.

“Yes my Ashu’Rágé?”

Anna couldn’t help the flinch at her pet name in this scenario.

“What was that last part you were saying about how we will be traveling through the swamp? It was right after you mentioned the heart of the swamp.” Anna asked for clarification.

The other four orcs groaned at what she said.

But Harks was the only one brave enough to voice his complaints.

“Typical human and woman! Not listening and daydreaming about children or some such none sense.”

Anna couldn’t think of a quick retort fast enough, so she just muttered to herself.

“……You try having an elemental spirit giving you history lessons in the middle of other people talking……”

Lilian rolled her eyes at the situation.

“I will reexplain to you on the way.” She hefted her bag and turned towards the swamp.

“Let us not delay any longer. Everyone stick together and follow my trail. Move out!”