3. Unwanted Changes
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I am changed. I am fundamentally made different. WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE BLACK NAIL POLISH ON?!! Men don't wear nail polish! Oh God No! Nooooo...

I sprint to the nearest mirror. 


My hair which was once lustrous black was now white. Am I turning into Kaneki?

My eyes are still the same. Thank god. I don't want that puppy eyes on me. It would be frickin weird. No fur growth so I am not a yeti yet. My uniform shirt and coat were repaired. My glasses were unbroken even after they were crushed by the blood streams and went into my eyes. Probably a mysterious ghost phenomenon.

Overall I am still the same.


Or am I?



It was night time now. The sun was long gone and instead there was our moon illuminating this dark night. Not that I need it anymore. Apparently I acquired night vision. I don't know if it was from Monster juice or because of my ghost nature. Either way it is convenient.

I went back to the acid mess that was my clubroom. The acid doesn't affect me anymore and I could actually control the acid that was lying around. They started moving towards me when I passed by. Yuck. I don't want to suck in this shit. Seeing everything I am capable of, maybe I could secrete acidic dog pee too. Ugh. I think normal people can't see this ectoplasm because I saw a security earlier walking around drenched in some. Uegh. Maybe a collateral of our fight. 

*Dry heaving sounds*

How come they haven't found our bodies yet. Lousy security.

I wandered around somemore and did somethings I couldn't do in school when I was human.

I learned how to interact with the material world. It is same as before except you need to concentrate and imagine yourself touching things. Broke some pottery in the Crafts club. Those guys were always a douche. Scribbled some nonsense on the boards for tomorrow's class.


Scared the security who was obviously slacking off. Just needed to type a creepy message on his chat. 

'I aM aLwAyS wAtCHinG yOu'

I was just doing some normal ghost things. Nothing more.

What is that look? No. I didn't sniff anything. Eventhough I have enhanced canine senses. I wouldn't stoop so low. I just checked out the staffroom for the next test's question papers. Nothing MORE.


Morning arrived. I was dicking around the whole night. And I don't feel tired or guilty. I guess ghosts don't need sleep.

I am now trying to carve some crop circle diagrams and dick pictures on a tree. But I am still a noob in ghost- physics. So they keep getting unintelligible. Something sharp and pointy would help...


The knife! It was in my hand again! It is repaired and good as new! It still has the same stains but atleast it is not in pieces. I somehow feel that it became stronger than before eventhough it has the same appearance. 

Now this would be good for carving dicks.

*Sad knife noises*


The bodies were finally found at the first break time. I feel bad for the girl who found it. She is emotionally scarred now. 

I roam around the school entrance where they carried the bodies into an ambulance. I don't really want to follow my body to the hospital. It makes me depressed. I don't want to think about it anymore. I think I will just stay at this school and haunt it forever. Maybe one day get consumed by one of those monsters.


It is dusk again. The orange light that was reflecting off and bouncing everywhere was serene. I was sitting under the dick carvings tree and enjoying the sunset.

But I somehow feel weird. Maybe my time has come. I just wish to be as cool as Master Oogway or Thanos. Dispersing into the wind just like the fluttering leaves. Ahh~ Maybe I should write a poem and bury it under this tree. My final residence.

I saw a person! Around the corner! There! He was watching me! HE COULD SEE ME!

wait a minute...

Anything that could see me is most probably one of my kind.

And my kind aren't exactly friendly from what I experienced.

I now could see many figures watching me. Around the corner. Behind the trees. On the trees. From rooftops. Inside the pool. On the bench. Within foliage.

I could even see a couple walking around holding hands. And another couple sitting on a picnic sheet with children playing around. HEY! You aren't fooling anyone. This is a frickin school not a park.

Eventhough they were trying to blend in with the surroundings, they were pretty easy to pick out. They still need to work on that cause they frickin suck at it. I mean they all were wearing masks. Not the medical ones we were supposed to wear now but the ones usually worn by serial killers.

(Readers always wear masks and obey your country's laws.)

The masks were completely white with random indents. The eyeholes were shining in a bright white colour. A black patch was around the eyeholes like a panda. It kinda looked like bags under their eyes. Like they were being overworked. Creepy. Each one of them had no hair and instead was blindingly bald. They each wore different attire according to the roles they were playing. 2X Creepy.

I should exit this area and get away from the monsters instead of describing the monsters huh...

Every weird person in the background stopped doing there apparently normal things and stared at me. FUCK. FLY YOU FOOL.

I aimed at the school gate and launched myself at that direction. Damn If only I had acquired that direwolf legs.