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Porcelain and marble. With these materials as your floor. You’ll hear the most expensive footsteps in this moment.

The orchestra worked their fingers to the bone. Rings on thin fingers clashed with the expensive glass cups.

If not for the fact that she had young nieces and nephews no children would dare be allowed here.

“ Mama! Where’s Auntie? Isn’t this her party?”

Ow. For one they’re loud.

“ Oh, honey. She probably wants to make a grand entrance. Just wait a moment. I'm sure she’ll be here. “

Beatrice and Tobias properly squealed.

As soon as I heard it I winced.

And they immediately sprinted off. A few seconds later a resounding crash made me flinch.

Two they’re destructive.

Two things would typically avoid at such an event.

“He’s not escorting her.”

“ I heard she's being escorted by an illegitimate child of Ellias Empire.”

“ It's what he deserves.”

“ I honestly feel sorry. A bastard is better than walking in with him.”

Enough already! I understand! I’m bad. She's good.

Something different would add some flavor to your bit of drivel.

I covered my mouth out of the mere shock of my thoughts.

I never imagined I could ever think so cattily.

Hopefully, it doesn't spill out.

I wore down my bottom lip with my teeth and decided to sit or at least stand out of the way.

I scanned the floor as the whispers literally became anything but.

Watching for feet and avoiding eye contact was the objective.

I felt small beads hit my back. Light shoves.

I eventually made it towards the large tower of wine. I would’ve stood closer but accidents are prone around my person.

I sunk into the floor but the whispers kept coming.

And coming.

I want to press my back onto the wall and slide down until everything stops going round and round.

Am I upset?



I am annoyed. That is all.

If I could explain this in the best way possible… 

It feels just as uncomfortable as if they were saying all of this to my face.

But at the same time, I don’t exist. I’m not here. I’m basically dead.

A rush of cold air generating from a harsh glance is somewhat of an acknowledgment.

But this–

I don't know why. But it's somehow worse. 

There's always something worse.

I've been ignored countless times.

So, I should be used to it.

But in events like this–  can't help but wonder– do I even exist?

I flexed my fingers to keep them from grabbing and wrinkling my suit.

How much longer do I have to-

“ Announcing the arrival of The Great Lady. Melissa Estelle Diana Cain.”

Entering at the top of the foyer she certainly blinded all of us.

Glimmering against the white background in all of her sky glory.

Painted head to toe in silk colored like a piece of the sky molded into her perfection.

Gems drooled from her neck to her heavy bosom.

Not that it was on display! 

And not that I'm staring! I know I'm a man and -and- but it's rude. I don't like being stared at. So I shouldn't do it to someone else.

A-Ahem! As I was saying.

The Lady and her entire family. Are quite shrewd.

I know more than anyone else about how much others ‘talk’. So do they.

They never allow for one person to even keep their held head high or their gaze low on the family in their presence.

All nobility in this kingdom is passive-aggressive in some manner.

Refer to the message my family sent by having me in the far back.

Or once again. Back to Lady Cain.

The jewels adorning her neck not only shine her gargantuan wealth, her power –as it's a personal item borrowed from the queen for the right price— but it's a personal call to all young ladies coming into their, oh I loathe saying this, their ‘prime’.

She has more money, more connections, and ahem- much larger features.

So gossip about anyone but her. And remember she will always be higher than them.

From her hair to her dress to her earrings.

She dislikes heavily clad clothing and jewels. But she loves seeing all the young women gnaw at their handkerchief in a blind rage.

But... there was one hole they could prod at.


Her? Marrying such explicit trash!?

Who cares if she gets into the Axel family? She was marrying him, by that I mean me.

Or so most of them thought they could say. I felt their stares and their giggles.

Men and women alike. And a cold drop of sweat dripped down my awkward complexion.

Knowing that the man on her arm was here to deal with such blasphemy.

She opened her fan and chuckled innocently.

And my stomach twisted into mere clumps of intestine.

Her eyes narrowed and just behind that fan.

Darkness poured out and pressed against the necks of everyone there.

Never... Never... Ever in your life.

Underestimate a Cain.

It's a death wish. They all value what most nobles do with some added on top. 

And it's terrifying.

One may call me delusional. But... not just anyone has witnessed the extremes as I have.

Lady Cain and her escort made their way slowly down the stairs smiling happily.

I silently drank the fruit juice I had snatched from some servers holding plate.

And again I found eyes towards me.

Just when I had just started to fade away from the attention.

Again, I was the star of the show.

Of course, the topic of our marriage was going to arise.

But that doesn't mean the attention or the gossip would be divided equally.

“ Ugh! That woman still gets all of these gorgeous men despite being engaged!”

“ That's because she's engaged to something other than a man.”

“ Honestly, her father could've picked anyone for her husband yet~”

“ Look at him, he looks another five years away from creating an heir.”

“ What a terrible fiance.”

“ Disgusting.”

“ Driving her to other men.”

Haaah. It used to be so different.

At least with her.

Flower fields and laughter swept across my mind as if some cheap romance novel came into play.

And a dark air around my heart flowed seamlessly.

If only she kept lying to me. Kept that useless charade.

Then it wouldn't hurt my heart as so.

My feelings for her have long since vanished.

But my heart does mourn every now and again.

The loss of something that was never real.

“ AUNTIE!!!!”

Well, there goes that monologue. I suppose I was saved from going down a spiral of sorts.

Thank you Beatrice.

My sister ran forward and pounced on the lady. 

Her reaction timing is perfect as always.

Releasing her escort and holding her arm outward.

Swinging her upwards and plopping the little girl on her hip.

Everyone else in the family approached them with an unfamiliar family atmosphere.

No fire could provide the comforting mood they heavily pumped into the air.


“ Oh.My~”

“ That's the bastard Prince?”

“ He's splendid!”

“ He’s a much better for than him~ hehe~!”


“ He's a much better fit for her don't you think?”

“ Truly! A fairytale and its happy ending!” 

“ Such a warm family air!”

“ He stands out but not as much as~ pfft~ him!”


“ If only he was their son!”

“ True! I wouldn't mind being able to gaze at him on a daily basis.”

“ Maybe they should adopt him. I hear he's awfully mistreated in his own kingdom.”

“ True, they could actually have a high-quality secondborn!”

... I want to go home.

Oh, I forgot to sigh.


I began to finish the last of my fruit juice with gusto.

I'm sleepy.

“ Pardon me.”

Instinctively I moved back without even paying attention to the person speaking to me.

Thinking they were planning to driwn in alcohol like everyone else.

I was so lost in my mind I didn't even mind the fact the person didn't just shove me out of the way.


A hand gripped my wrist gently.

Well, I don't like being touched by strangers, so gentle or not it's still unsuitable.

I finally looked up and saw Lady Cain's escort.

“ Hello.”

He smiled softly and he finally let go of me.

I held my hand close to my body and tried to seem welcoming as well.

“ H-hello. Did you need something from me?”

I might have been rude but... that fact is... he's talking to me.


“ Ah! Yes, I wanted to thank you sehr klein.”

“ Oh, yes. You're welcome. Excuse me.”

You’re blocking my way. Please move.

“ Wie reiten~ Please good sir. I simply want to thank you for allowing me to escort your, bride to be!”

His accent and voice sounded chipper. But frankly, it made me nauseous.

“ Uhm~”

“ In my nation, men would have beaten me senseless. You must be a very calm man!”

“ Uh, I-”

“ And your relationship with the lady is admirable. It must be!”

“ Pfft~ ke hehehe~”

“ Pathetic!”

“ He's misunderstood terribly!”

“ Trash!””Hilarious!””Ha ha ha hahahahaaahahahhahahaaahahaahahahahahhhaaahahahahahahahahhhaaaahahhhaahahahhaahahaahahahgahahaha!”

”Ha ha ha hahahahaaahahahhahahaaahahaahahahahahhhaaahahahahahahahahhhaaaahahhhaahahahhaahahaahahahgahahaha!”

”Ha ha ha hahahahaaahahahhahahaaahahaahahahahahhhaaahahahahahahahahhhaaaahahhhaahahahhaahahaahahahgahahaha!”

Ugh, it's too loud!

Yes, yes, she dislikes me.

Now if only he would move, ah~

I stared up at his expression. Planning to politely plead for him to let me pass.

And it became clear.

His eyes glowed in the shadow cast by his form and they were squinted with glee.

Oh, I looked to Lady Cain.

Her expression was the same. 


I looked to everyone I could see.


My mind speaks the truth even though it makes me appear delusional.

Faces were not what they used to be. They had all become these plain black masks with these smiles. Smiles of pure malice. Gleeful yet just horrifying.


I see.

I'm part of the entertainment whether I like it or not.

I really want to go back to bed.





I don't know why he's doing this. Or why she instigated or supported it.

But he kept on with this fake smiling nonsense for an extended period of time.

I made sure to keep my face dead. Not happy. Or angry. Or sad. Or scared. Because the more I showed the more he would keep up the exhausting charade.

Just hurry already.

Finally! He stepped away after falling niceties and giving the entire room the time of their lives.

I can breathe again thankfully.


I’m exhausted.

My legs nearly betrayed me and my eyelids grew heavy. 

My entire body shook or quivered.

I was about to succumb to depleted energy at any moment.

Maybe I could find a study or someplace to take just a quick nap.

I gradually moved towards an exit. Trying to keep any flames from sprouting on my hair. I was peeved, so much that I felt lightheaded.

...I know I'm not anything of worth. But... can't I still be treated as human?

Can't I just have one good thing?!

Something I can call back to so I can remind myself that good exists?!

No, that's impossible because I'm just not worth anything!

As if I asked for any of this!

I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath. Again, I'm exhausted and was prepared to actually sink into the floor this time.

Just sink.


“ Quinn!”

A piercing yet highly pitched voiced filled the entire hall.

People halted their chatter into a low murmur and looked up.

I surely never heard a voice so boisterous that it filled the ceiling. Let alone one that belongs to a woman.

“ Quuuiiiinnnn!”

I internally expressed my confusion and fear.

I didn't quite catch the large shout the first time.

But by the second I wondered if there was another Quinn here.

By the third call, I turned my wonder into hope as if the person of interest was magically somewhere else, not where I was standing.

Please, I don't what this is but I just want to go to bed.


“ Quinn Cassius Axel!”

Don't look at me! I have nothing to do with this!k

Oh, why does the world despise me?

I didn't do anything– agh 

It's not like they'll believe me anyway.

“ Quinn Cassius Axel!”

My full name was parroted once more. 

I decided to just prepare for the worse.

Waiting for someone to slap me. Stab me. Slander me without pretending I’m not right there while at the same time whispering.

But none of that happened.

Instead, the voice just bellowed cheerfully.



What did she just say?


My confusion overwhelmed to such an extent I no longer felt weary.


Is she mad?

My birthday isn't until a few more cycles.


Wait. It's on the 30th Flora.

And that's... That's... Today is

“ Are you sure that’s all?”

“ My birthday.”

I'm sure I said it quietly.

Yet an enthusiastic squeal of pure glee was my response to my involuntary outburst.

And in the blink of an eye this enormous gust of wind filled the ballroom.

It affected everyone and created a frenzy.

And to think I was concerned about children of all things.

Knights drew their swords.

Ladies shrieked as their hair was tussled and dressed violated.

Men held their female companions.

Screams of anarchy assaulted ears.

Meanwhile, I put my arms in front of my face just as some of the decorations flew upward.

I freeze in a panic. I'm surprised I'm dead because of this.

And things levitated. Glasses. Tables. Chairs. Fixtures. Instruments. Even people.

Is- Is this magic? 

“ Ah!”

I was almost shoved to the floor by a heavy blow of wind.

I shut my eyes as tight as possible, another res ponse to fear, unfortunately. I felt my head throb because of it. But fear paralyzed me to an extreme.

“ Ugh!”

Screaming was repetitive at this point.

However, the commotion around me wasn't what made me open my eyes.

The silence did.

The wind had been blowing long enough to affect my ears but not enough to do any extreme damage.

The wind had dulled to nothing. Not even a breeze.

And besides murmurs of concerns the sheer panic had diminished surprisingly.

I swallowed a bit.

And relaxed from my defensive stance.

And gaining my courage I shot my eyes open.

And there it was.

A large platter covered in a silver dome.

Well, not large.


It towered above me enough to cast a shadow over me entirely.

“ What is–”

A large giggle followed and interrupted me.

And the lid of the platter shot upward revealing what it was covering.

It landed out of sight with a large clang.

At the same time, a large pop and a horn startled me.

And rained down small strips of paper.

Red and white?

Those are my favorite colors.

I looked from strips in my hand to the once towering platter.

This is!

This is!


“ Hic!”

I'm crying.

“ Hic!”


“ Hiccup!”

I tried to not let out any noise but.

“ Hic! Uuuuuu!”

The tears won't stop. Not even when I pressed my hands into my mouth.


“Uuuu~ uuuuuu~ “

I can't stop it! 

“ You! What did you-”

Alastair stomped over to me with rage in his eyes. Eyes glowing. Hand ready to draw his weapon. 

But his eyes were replaced with irritation instead. And though his hand stayed ready to draw. It didn't. And he stared mercilessly.

“ You’re crying?”

I didn't respond to him.

I can't. I can’t speak. 

“ Ha— ha ha.”

I’m so happy.

I'm so happy.

I can't control it. It's just coming out!

“ Hic! Hic! Hic! Ha ha! Ha haha~ Uuuu!”

My legs finally refused to stand.

But due to both exhaustion and elation.

As I crumbled to the ground in a pile of tears. I buried my face even deeper into my palms.

I do.

“ -ist”

“ What?”

I had to gather several hiccuping breaths to say only one word. A word that mattered to me more than I admit.

“ Exist.”

I exist.

finally exist.